You've all heard about the G20 summit, right? Well, here in New York, we recently hosted the K9 summit with a host of international DWB representatives.
In the foreground you'll spot that international ballerina, Miss Sophie Brador, just back from the European press tour for Beagadoon, representing our friends to the north in Canada. Sophie and I represented issues of sports and recreation. Stanley of Gooberstan was in from Kansas, on behalf of all dogs rights to be goobs. And Asta, of course, carried on about issues concerning fashion, social events and hospitality.

Sophie showed me some fascinating new tricks from The Great White North—like how to carry two tennis balls at once. She can also bounce the ball herself, thus eliminating the need for a person at the dog run. Now, please remember that I am a happily married dog and a recently expectant father-to-be, but that Sophie is one gorgeous girl. Just look at those dimples!

And those golden amber eyes —Rosie my darling, you own my heart — but Sophie is something very special.
Joe Stains (and countless other swains) is one lucky fella.

Sophie's thinking really hard about what crucial points she wants to bring up at the summit, so
Asta and I took advantage of the break in the discussion to hit the bar.

Back to the summit - here Sophie and I are determining the best place to stand when waiting for a tennis ball to be thrown.

I had a discussion with one of the many photographers of this historic event, as we wanted to get a formal portrait of all the delegates.

Okay, everyone look at the camera and smile.....wait a minute....Stanley!......

...Okay, let's try this again...Asta, got your ear up?.....Petey, smile with your eyes... hold on...STANLEY!!!!!


What can I say? He is the ruler of Gooberstan for good reason. Isn't he a handsome devil?
(He's also part giant.)
Stan and Asta tried to slip away from the pupparazzi butt no luck.

I was up late telling Mica all the details about the K9 Summit—the strides we'd made in international relations, the breed barriers we'd torn down. I was exhausted!

So we fell asleep holding paws—a true symbol of housepet solidarity.