So, this was me on my walk this morning...running for miles on flat open beach, finding hapless humans to throw the ball for me endlessly, stopping to cool off my belly in the water....

And this is me this evening...running around on 4,000 sq. ft. of asphalt, finding hapless humans to throw the ball for me endlessly, and stopping to cool off my belly in the water!

I'm happy no matter what island I'm on!
Here are a few more vacation snapshots... Here I am taking a break down at Harbourtown.

I checked out this yacht for me and Rosie...then we could sail back and forth between the US and Scotland...

Maybe I'll climb this tower and send her a message in morse code!

This is my new friend Brownie. He's a Chiuhorkie! A chiuhuahua/Yorkshire Terrier mix. We met on the beach one morning and got to be friends, then we met up three more days. He lives in Atlanta, but his Mom and Dad met on the Island the same time Mommy was living there when she got out of college two hundred years ago. All of us went out for breakfast one morning after our beach walk and our people discovered that they had lots of friends in common.

Okay, after our morning run on the beach, we're off for a bike ride. Wheeeeee! This is an action shot that Mommy snapped in motion!

Hey! Look where we ended up...visiting an old friend (does my bologna tongue look especially long? It was hot! You should have seen Mommy panting!)

Look! It's my pal Harley, the adorable Clydesdale. He trotted right over to the fence when Mommy called him. He's much better behaved than I am (more about that later.)

Harley's so big - even bigger than
Stanley of Gooberstan, if you can believe it — that he leaned over the fence and we gave each other a friendly sniff. Mommy was scrambling to find the camera and missed the moment. Again!

We do have nobel profiles though, don't we?
Now. I have to tell you the big trouble I got into today. Bigger than when Rosie ran away for hours looking for me in Scotland. Since we were flying back to New York today, we went to the beach early, then Mommy let me out on the deck to dry off in the sun. Biggify the photo so you can see me!
She's put a baby gate by the stairs down to the yard so I can't get out. I love it out there - I can bark at anyone going by and keep an eye out for squirrels.

So I've been outside for about 20 minutes when Mommy gets a call from the next door neighbor. She'd just seen me running past their house...headed toward the lagoon. If you look between the trees, you can see how close we are to the lagoon.

Here's a view of our next-door neighbor's house - they are even closer to the lagoon. Mommy tore out of the house without even putting on shoes, calling my name very loudly and urgently...

Because this is who lives in the lagoon!!! And he likes to sunbathe up on the bank, on the same side of the lagoon. Mommy was panicked when she didn't see or hear me. She was afraid that the gator had gobbled me up!!!

Fortunately, she found me hanging out next to the neighbor's house - and no gator in sight. She was VERY mad that I didn't come when she called me and she scooped me up and carried me home. I knew she was very upset and VERY MAD at me. I was a very bad boy. I was planning to come when she called me...just not right away.
I promised that I'd only go see this alligator on the porch from now on.

So now I'm back in New York and the only alligators around are the ones who live in the sewers, so I guess I'll stay out of trouble...for now!