Well, bloggies, I have a tale of danger and violence to share with you today. Late Saturday afternoon, I started feeling poorly. Mom thought I might be dehydrated because I'd been playing on the beach and out on the patio. Then I got real clingy and it looked like a thunderstorm might be brewing. I was trembling and couldn't get close enough to Mom.
Unfortunately, Mom was having a dinner party and instead of smiling at the guests and showing them how I can now "high-five" for a treat, I hid under the dining room table and looked sad.
I was feeling a little better on Sunday, but I'd still cower when Mom touched my sides, even gently. So today she took me to the vet to see what was wrong. She was terrified I might have been bitten by a tick and had Lyme Disease or worse. She was so scared she hadn't slept for two nights!
Of course, I became Mister Personality when I got to the vet, wagging my tail, saying hello to all the dogs and cats and people and generally, being my adorable self.

And while Mom had checked me over carefully, she now noticed this cut on my side. You see, I'd been running on the beach on Saturday, playing with all the kids, when I met a 40+ pound girl puppy. Her owners said she was friendly and could she play with me. We both ran after the ball and when I got there first, she attacked me! We were about 50 yards away from our 2-leggeds and our skirmish didn't last long but apparently, she beat up on me! See the gash from her paw?

The vet took my temperature (how embarrassing!), listened to my heart and lungs and felt me all over for any broken bones. She said everything was normal (hooray!!!!) but I had a contusion from where she'd beaten up on me.
I put on a brave face for Mom. (Also, I was getting lots of cookies and pats and cooing from the 2-leggeds!)

I was told to take it easy - no Terrier Time or beach walks for a week — and walks on the leash rather than running free as the doctor said "those little terriers can be twisty!" She gave me an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxer (which made a little woosy - time for another nap under the dining room table!).

The vet also gave me a shave—and discovered another gash under my scruffy fur. At least I don't have to wear a cone,
Scruffy... And no anti-biotics either - the wounds don't look infected, probably because I played with a little girl in the saltwater after my battle with that bitch, errr, girl dog!

By evening I was back out on the deck, looking for my collection of tennis balls and wondering why Mom wouldn't bounce them for me to catch. Rolling a ball back and forth just isn't much fun.

Speaking of fun, before my big attack, Mom and I made a stop at Tailwaggers to pick up my food and I almost fell over! Is this Auntie Martha...or is it Auntie Bailey??? She kinda looks like a combination of both. But then she wagged her tail and barked with a Southern accent and I realized that she was a Dixieland dog!

She was pretty fast moving - hard to get her to stay in place to get a good photo! Plus her back half was always going the opposite direction of her front half.

She was a very good saleslady though, checking out Mom's purse before she handed over the dog food...

She even offered to taste-test my purchase but I said that wouldn't be necessary...

She also recommended this fine line of spa products. I was looking for Square Muddy Dog for my Bestie Eric, but no such luck.

...however, I did find this product for Lacie. Maybe if she soaks in it then sits under a hot dryer, her extra-large body parts will shrink! Think I'll get a case for her and another case for that nasty pup on the beach.

So at the end of this long and scary day, ice cream once again is the best medicine! My side hurts a lot less when my tummy is full of a nice cold Dogster treat!

No more adventures with short-tempered girls who are more than twice my size, I promise!