Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm one in a million! And so are you!

Have you all seen the million dog mosaic at the Pedigree website? Here's the link: Mosaic/Default.aspx. For every dog that uploads a photo for the mosaic, Pedigree will donate $1 towards their Adoption Drive - up to $100,000 (or about £35 given what the dollar's worth these days!) Still, it's a great cause and great fun!

Look for me! My code is Petey 15!

Hope to see you on the mosaic, too!!!


Dewey Dewster said...

Ya know Petey,

My Gram tried ta upload 2 photos of me and my Mom and they didn't like 'em the way they we aren't there...guess we will try again later....with different pics..

Dewey dewster here....

Asta said...

I'm thewe ,I'm's so cool Thank you
smoochie kisses see you latew

Amber-Mae said...

That's kewl! I will look out for you & will join it too.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

We gotta go take a look! Thanks for telling us, Petey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I wonder if they accept hammie photos too

~ Girl girl

Stanley said...

Hey, Petey!

Stella & I got the link from Asta who got it from you. We have to go back to check that we're up there, but we saw you, buddy!

What a stinkin' cool idea!

Goober love,