Once we got there, Scout was on guard duty, protecting us from things that go bump in the night!

Here I am the next morning, relaxing after a long play session. This is the site of the wedding in August! The field behind me will be filled with daisies (the flower, not the cat! "But how great would it be to have a field full of Daisy the Cats!" mused Mica.)

Me and Harlan, taking a break between playing ball, gardening, and splashing in the creek!

On Sunday, I told Scout about Daisy's Sunday Comics, so here he is reading her blog. He loved it!

Afterwards, he took a refreshing run through the creekbed...

Though I had to remind him not to EAT the daisies, just smell them. ("And that especially goes for Daisy the Cat," says Mica.)

These photos are all out of order, but I don't think you'll mind! I decided to plant a ball in this nice hole that Harlan dug for me. Maybe next week there will be a BALL TREE!!! How great would that be? Imagine - a whole orchard of tennis balls...

This guy misunderstood - it was a DOGS weekend, not a frog's weekend!

Scout did an excellent job surveying the property for dangerous coyotes and wolves...and frogs...

While Harlan concentrated on some gardening. His specialty was digging holes.

We took a nice long walk down this dirt road with all sorts of interesting things to smell on either side. Please note that I carried my blue ball the entire 2 miles! Then Harlan and I came up with a great game. First you throw the ball, then we both race after it, he runs past it and I dodge in for the catch!

It's really a great game. I won almost every time!

Too soon, it was time to head back to the city. We sure had a fun time in the mountains!

Harlan fell asleep on top of the overnight bags. He likes a nice pillow, whether or not it's soft!

But he woke up in time to get one last deep breath of that clean fresh mountain air! (I'm not in the photo because I was driving once again.) What a great time!!!
Welcome back...I have a pwessie fow you fwom Stan and Stella!
I'm sooo jelly of that weekend you had..meantime Iwas hewe all epwessed and lonely and Inevew get to wun off leash..something about not coming when called...sheeesh
love and smoochie kisses
pee ess you singing on the telethon might be the pawfect thing...go ask youw giwlfwiend Lacie, hehehe
w00f's Petey, me thinks me comed to c u b4, me not memember..looks like u and ur friends had fun...y not u take ms asta and let her run offleash wiff u sumtime..
b safe,
What a fun weekend you had! I love the pics! Very entertaining. I am so glad that you are back safe and sound.
My mom was a little jealous when she saw what a beautiful backdrop your friends have for their wedding...but then I reminded her that she was getting married by the ocean at a lighthouse in LESS THAN ONE MONTH and that I am the ringbearer!!
What an awesome vacation! We still can't believe you carried your blue ball for two whole miles!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Petey! These are great pictures!!!!!
You are right I should have collected the petals for my mom and dad2b's wedding...although between now and then I may be tempted to eat them!! tee hee!
The wedding is a pretty casual affair. It is by a lighthouse in Marblehead, MA (probably not the typical New England lighthouse that one thinks of, however). The reception will be poolside at a yacht club that is a very short walk down the road from the ceremony site.
btw...mom and dad2b are meeting up with Asta, and her mommi & daddi in November (likely the 14th). They would love to meet up with you as well if you are around and have the time. Asta said that she'd mention it to you.
take care,
You always have soooooo much FUN! I am so happy Scout enjoyed my comics. Sometimes I worry that nobody will like them.
ps: Daisies are my favorite flowers. I would love to see a picture of a field of daisies when it is wedding time!
We just heard that your mom used to live in the NOrth End! That is where we live (on Commercial Street). Tell your mom that things have changed so much in the last few years since they have done the Big Dig. There is a huge outdoor walkway/gardens - the transformation has been amazing (I cannot fully appreciate it because we did not live in MA before the big dig). The reception is at the Corinthian in Marblehead if your mom has heard of that. We love the fireworks in Marblehead too! A couple of years back mom & dad2b kayaked on the harbour and watched the fireworks from the water right by the barge where they fire them!
Mom says she looks forward to meeting you and your human in November with Asta and her family = )
Hi Petey,
Well, it's taken our Mom way too long to let us come visit; but she finally agreed. Pawsonally, we think it's because she is so very envious of you and Asta and your families all living in the West Village, since that was her "stomping ground" when she was in college (a very very very loooong time ago).
But then she let us read your blog and she decided we could all live vicariously (whatever that means) through your adventures.
Do you still have modeling gigs? You looked very elegant in the photos we saw.
So thanks for stopping by!! Stay cool in the hot New York summer.
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Hi Petey, my name is Pearl and I am a good friend of Asta's. I read all about your stay with her the two of you sure had fun. I also had Nanny read all of your posts from the beginning she is such a sucker for all dogs, especially little ones. Maybe next time Nanny goes to visit Asta, her Mommi & Daddi I will get to meet you. Stop by my blog sometimes. Opal & Harley blog on Wednesday's, Opal and Myrna are good friends. Welcome to DWB!
Hugs, bellyrubs & smoochies
Looks like a great weekend, you guys really had fun, even if Harlan got a little injury! I say that is a GREAT place for a wedding, it is very pretty!
Oh.. I'm afrid of things that go bump. Good thing you doggies can guard against that. It sure looks very fun there.
~ Girl girl
Ahhhh nothing like being outside in the countryside. You look like you had a great time with Scout and Harlan.
BTW thanks for the tip about Lucy's ear/leg. I'll ask pinky to rub her ear and we'll let you know how she gets on.
Hugs and tail wags
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