Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is Harlan from the planet Remulak?

He likes to consume mass quantities of just about anything. We've never seen his "parental units" as he claims to be from France. Oh yeah...


He must have read our posts about his pink bandage because he decided to take it off himself. Not a good idea. Then he started worrying about his stitches. So back to the vet he went.

The good news was, he didn't do any harm to his stitches. However, he's being punished by having to wear a ginormous cone!

Here's Scout teasing him about it in the yard. 

Of course it does cut down on wind-resistance in the car...and now his parents can get Sirius radio if he's facing the right direction...

However, it does make things a big crowded when he decides he wants to be co-pilot.

As his Dad said, "Let's just hope there are no more Harlan updates!"
Better behave yourself, Knucklehead!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh Harlan sure helps to get better reception with that cone

~ Girl girl

i said...

Poor Harlan, hope the cone is off soon.

Joe Stains said...

sheesh, harlan is certainly of the mentality "go big or go home"! he has done a number on his family!

Ramses said...

Oh boy your conehead is bigger than the one I had to have last year when I had a horrid eye infection! It's just so undignified having a conehead, so I shall purr that you heal fast!


Toffee said...

OMD! Hilarious! Lol.

Looks like he's feeling better...

Loved the SNL reference!

Duke said...

Poor Harlan! I guess the pink bandage wasn't so bad! You look so uncomfy with the cone!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Woah, that is a huge cone! Poor dude...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Daisy said...

Oh Harlan! I have never seen such a big cone head before! I hope you will leave your stitches alone until you are all healed up.

Eric said...

Ha ha Harlan!! Are you receiving me? Over and out. Eric

Stanislaw said...

Those cones are no fun. Especially when you're trying to run full speed and you misjudge a doorway. I had one after my eye surgery and I certainly did not enjoy it! I hope your buddy minds his stitches and feels better soon!

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow that is one big antenna there Harlan.....maybe ya better behave yerself a bit 'n then ya will get free of that thing....

Dewey Dewster here....

Asta said...

I hope Hawlan listensto you..they don't need mowe VET visits fow suwe..he looks kind of cool wif his cone head though...He doesn't look Fwench
smoochie kisses
pee ess...Eawmuffins? do they taste good?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
Harlan is wearing the biggest cone I've ever seen!
Kisses and hugs

José Tan said...

Hey Petey,

Thanks for visiting my blog. My Mom says she used to study in upstate NY, and she used to go to NYC all the time. She loved looking at all your pics, and the post on looking out for lions was really cool!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

"Remulak" he says? There is a place called "Remalard" not far from here (as you know, we ARE in France here!). Do you think that's it?

I hyper-ventilated the one time I got one of those cone things and #1 had to take it off, so I do feel for Harlan.

Tom (Sen-Chan says HI to Mica)

George the Pup said...

I sure hope Harlan gets better soon!

Hey Petey, I tagged you for a meme, come and see!