Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Uh oh.

The dogs (cats and hamsters) have spoken. 
They have voted for Lacie to be my girlfriend. 

Now I don't know what to do...

It's not like Lacie isn't a pretty girlie...graceful...

...with a quiet modesty... apparently she even flosses daily....

And let's not forget the warm welcome she gave Toby and Dewey Dewster....

It's just that, well, she already HAS a boyfriend.
And he's my good pal Archie!

And when I asked her about this, she went crying to Dewey Dewster that 
I was mean to her...and then asked him out on a date!

Of course, this was right after she giggled her way across the ocean on Aire Rudy with Noah!

I have no idea what went on when they locked themselves in the bathroom, I only heard Lacie saying that "To Aire is Divine!" later to Asta.

Since Abby was sooooo close in the voting, maybe we throw out the high and low scores, divide by 5, multiple by .007 and ask the Australian judge who should be my girlfriend.

Shall we sort through the ballots looking for dimpled chads* and demand a recount?

Instead, I'll do the honorable thing...Lacie, will you be my girlfriend?
...but only if Archie, Dewey and Noah are okay with it!
A fella's gotta look after his mates, right?

*Chads were made famous in the highly contentious 2000 presidential election in the United States, where a majority in the U.S. Electoral College was determined in Florida by the counting of punch card ballots. Voters leaving incompletely-punched holes resulted in partially-punched chads, where one or more corners were still attached, or dimpled chads (also known as pregnant chads) where all corners were still attached, but an indentation appeared to have been made.


Asta said...

Lacie just asked me if she should mawwy you soon???hheheheheheh..and you thought she didn't like you???
I think you got a gweat giwl..look, so she's alittle feisty , andstubbown, and opinionated, and tewwibly populaw wif the boys..well you wouldn't want to be wif a wallflowew would you???
happy dating!
youw pal wif smoochie kisses

Dewey Dewster said...

Oh Petey...

Ya better be prepared ta wear that suit of armour fer the rest of yer days pal...ya got a live wire there.....Is lockjaw a disease terriers can get?

Dewey Dewster here.....

Noah the Airedale said...

It's ok by me matie. I've already got a girlfriend, Ellie the dale from Melbourne but Lacie and I are just good mates wink wink.....ahem...


Eric said...

Petey. What a lucky chap you are to have won the fair maiden's paw. Does this mean I can't flirt with lovely Lacie anymore? Oh, and she just asked me when I'm taking her out.... she's only being friendly Petey (I think) please don't worry....

Wags, Eric x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Just dropping by to say hello and catch up on all the news.

Simba x

Snowy and Crystal said...

well, she sure is a pretty girl;)

Maltese Paws

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We didn't realize Lacie had so many boyfriends when we voted. Sorry pal.

But from what Asta said Lacie really likes you and she sounds terribly interesting, we shall have to get to know her better. ~S, S & C

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Ooo, Petey! you've got a real livewire there! Hope she doesn't make mincemeat of you! J x

AB clan said...

I'm not on the list...
No podium, Not qualified...Still too fat?

ViVi Sharpeï

Stanislaw said...

Don't do it man. The Australian judge is likely to pick someone out of your species. I mean WAY out of town. Like a zebra.

I wouldn't go there...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Good Morning, Petey...

Hmm...you were thinkin' of throwin' out my score??? Or dimpling my chad?? HEH HEH HEH HEH!

OH...and ya got that quote wrong...ya know...that "To Aire is Divine"..ACTUALLY, what I SAID was his "HAIR IS DIVINE"...but, not to worry!!

Ahh...Petey...I'm honored to be your new GRRRRRFRIEND!!! The roses are bootiful...thank you ever sooooo much!!! I love the way you got the ones with extra thorns! They smell FABULOUS!!! And the thoughtful bouquet of SNAPDRAGONS arrived at our house early this morning. You do know how to charm a girl!!! I am correct in assuming that they were from you??? The chewed up tennis ball was a dead giveaway!

So where are we going on our next date???? Perhaps something womantic like sumo wrestling??? Oh MY!!!

Of course, I didn't ask Eric out...I had COMPLETELY forgotten that we had gone out last week. He said there is some kinda unripe pear virus going around that wipes out ur memory of things. Must be it.

What are you going to do about Abby? You don't want her feelings to be hurt, Petey?? Thoughts???

Well...I need to prepare for my next shift with Jackson....

Love and kisses to my newest conque....BOYFRIEND!!!


Gucci said...

Tsktsktsk Petey...

Shoulda gone with my girlio Gaia. :[


Ruby Bleu said...

You should have seen the mess in the bathroom of AireRuby...I don't know WHAT they are doing!

I think Lacie is a great pupgirl! She's one of my bestest pals...you've got a good girl and hey, I have 2 boyfriends too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Abby said...

Oh, Petey...

It was a close one, I had my paws crossed that I could rally in the end, but I guess it was not meant to be...

I'll be fine, don't worry about me...

I wish you & Lacie all the best...

Abby xxxooo

Biggie-Z said...

Petey, Petey, you need to be a playa! Don't go breaking those other grrrlz hearts by only picking ONE girlfriend? There is plenty of Petey-love to go around!

P.S. I have lots of grrrlfriends and I'm perfectly willing to share.

Chef said...

Well, congratulations Petey. Keep your eyes open, though - and travel with Lacie at all times. Do not leave her on a plane to fend off the sniffs of other dogs. She seems too irresistible to be travelling without you.


Duke said...

You're such a gentleman, Petey! Lacie is one lucky girlie! We hope you can keep up with the little spitfire!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gaia the Airedale said...

Aww Im glad that you and Lacie are now offcial Petey! I had a great time but I do think I am still pretty young hehe. Congrats you two!

puppy breath,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
I hope you will be # 1 in her heart!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh... Lacie is a cutie. I hope you 2 end up together..

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

oh dear. Well, ya know, I have a girlfriend but my 1 girlfriend has a lot of boyfriends. BUT I am her #1 boyfriend, so that counts for something. So maybe you can be her #1 boyfriend?

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh dear, affairs of the heart are complicated matters indeed. I am glad I am outta this now that I am married.
It's no wonder that you have so many competitors cos Lacie is one pretty pup!
May the best pup win...

Agatha and Archie said...

My dear boy,YOU HAVE MY BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!! I have written you a formal response in you recent post...Your pal Arch

Deefor said...

This dating stuff is really hard. I hope you end up happy with one of those lovely girls. And I hope none of the boyfriends are mad.
