Hello my friends. It's been a while since I've had a Mica Monday, so I thought I'd take advantage of Petey's being busy packing for his trip to Hilton Head to catch up with you all.
Me, I've never been to Hilton Head, although my two dearly departed cat sisters, Moki and Maui, were both born there and adopted from a wonderful no-kill
shelter there. (They've even rescued alligators there! Some of the pets there were abandoned by their owners when they were on vacation. How awful is that?

Anyhow, I have some very exciting news to share with you!

I'd like to wish our good friend Vivi at the
AbClan a very Happy Mother's Day! Or since she's in France, une Bonne Jour de la Maman, peut-etre?
She just had three puppies -- all boys! Are they the cutest bunch of wrinkles you ever did see? Please go over and wish her congratulations. (Mommy is a bit jealous because she thinks these new puppies probably understand French better than she does.)
And since you've seen SO many photos of Petey chasing after a ball, I thought I'd show you me in action! Not bad for a cat that's 17 1/2 years young!

Mommy got ME a new toy. It's a long stick with a mouse at the end of the string. When she shakes it, the mouse makes "genuine mouse sounds." Believe me, I caught a mouse once and that's not what he was saying!

The Shadow knows....

Sorry for the blurry photos but when I pounce, it's like lightning striking! Pow! Of course, Petey thinks this toy (like the 200 other toys here) is for him. Maybe his ratter heritage is there after all!
Here's a nice shot of the two of us relaxing. We're going to have a professional photographer come over tomorrow to take some photos of ME for an advertisement. Then at the last minute, she said she's going to take "a few with Petey, too." He's always crowding me!

Oh well, soon I'll have the place to myself for almost 5 whole days. Better start grooming for my big shoot tomorrow.
Congratulations again, Vivi! I'm going to play with my catnip cigar in your honor!
So Mica...who's gonna hang with you while Petey and the family are gone??? I sure hope you won't be lonely. Also, I was um, wondering if you'd um, be my NOMSSF? Everypup has one and I thought it is high time for me to get one too? Pretty please?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey Mica,purrfect to see you again after a long time.Wow you frightened me with your lightning strikes there on the mousie, nice mover for a young kittie like you.And ooooh- I think those wriklies are cute but can't say the same about Momi's oes - he,heheheh!!!
And what's all this bout you being left home alone...while the family ABANDON you to go away and enjoy themselves. Want to come and stay with me n Otis? Let me know.
Wags, Eric
So you're gonna be a movie star? How exciting!
Hi Mica. We always love your posts so today was a treat! It is so great to see you pouncing around! I (Sen-Chan) want to be just like you always!
Nice of you to write about ViVi's boys. They are so cute and she is so nice about it all. #1 was able to cuddle them and she didn't mind at all!
We hope to see the results of the photo shoot!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
Hi, Mica!
Congratulations to Vivi!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Mica,
It's hard to take pictures of cats in action we are so fast. Mommy doesn't have any really good actions photo's of us cause she is so poky taking the picture. ~S,S & C
joey said because it is MY birthday I can do the comments today!
I saw you in action wif that mousie toy, and boy awe you fast!!!
Congwatulations to that cutie Vivi and hew babie pupsies!
ummm sowwy about steling youw toys the othew day
I can't wait to see you pawtwaits
smoochie kisses
Hello Mica, are you going to be home alone when Petey's not home?
~ Girl girl
Hi Mica, you are going to do a photoshoot with Petey? How exciting!
Congrats to Vivi!
Vivi's pups are gorgeous!!
So Mica, are you throwing a pawty when they are gone? Don't forget to invite me!
Those puppies are so cute. I think a party is in order.
Simba x
Thank you so much Petey and Mica.
Nice to cross the Atlantic via the blog. In fact we have the "Princesse"
living there who came "direct" from Long Island !! But other don't travel so much....
ViVi & AB
Congratulations to Vivi! Her pups are just adorable!
Pawty? Who's having a pawty?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a great tribute to les mamans!
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