Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Don't be scared!

It's October 1st!!! And you know what that means...just 30 days until the scariest night of the year. (And also one of the most fun if you're a little doggie in New York.)

So that means it's time to find the perfect costume for the big Halloween party at the dog run. We also have a party across the street at the park AND a kids' parade to the playground. So my costume gets a whole lot of mileage!

For my first Halloween, I was Petey the Pirate. I was just 8 months old here! You can't see it, but Mommy had a hoop earring stuck in the bandana. ARRRR!

I wore the same sweater the next year with a big rhinestone necklace of Mommy's. Can you guess what I was?

A gangsta rapper!

Then we joined the dog run and started going to the big Halloween Party there. For two years in a row, I was a Devil Dog! 
Whenever I'd try to shake off my devil horns, Mommy would tell me I looked like Little Red Riding Hood and remind me "Nobody is scared of Little Red Riding Hood!"

Some German tourists stopped us on the street—they'd never seen a doggie in a costume before and took my photo to share with their friends back home!

This was my prize-winning costume from the Halloween party last year. Can you guess what I am? It's not what you think at first glance....

I was STING and Mommy wore a hat and badge and was THE POLICE! hehehehe!

I won a prize because I kept my costume on for the WHOLE party. Even the hat! In fact, I kept my costume on for nearly 7 hours.  I posed for lots of photos with other bumblebees, like this adorable little girl.
Then on our way home, later that night, there were lots of adults out in costume, some rather skimpy (and not appropriate for our PG-rated blog!). We were nearly home when we got stopped by two rather scantily clad ladies—one was a ladybug and the guessed it...was a very buxom bee. She insisted on having her photo taken with me. 

Mommy later told people I had my photo taken "with three Bees and one Double D!"

So what's in store for this year? You'll just have to wait and see! Only Asta's seen me in my costume and she's sworn to secrecy (aren't you, Asta?!!?!).

I'll give you one hint....if I was an actor, I'd get paid scale.

What are YOU going to be for Halloween???


AB clan said...

Hi Petey!
Very nice costume.
Promises of great success
ViVi & AB

Agatha and Archie said...

Ha ha you have had some GREAT costumes!!!!!!! We only keep ours on for a nano second or we eat them......ah well......Love and kisses A+A

Gus said...

Yo ho ho, you made a great pirate Petey my boy. And also a great bumblebee. We can hardly wait to see you this year.


Joe Stains said...

Oh dear, who knows what I am going to be for halloween. I hope Mom doesn't have any dumb costumes stashed away, like a ghost or something. I want to be a cool dude like you!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Ah Petey, love to see you again, high5.
I had met you before then I lost you for a while. I admire your dating skill, man, you make us boys so proud.
You and the little girl were as cute as two buttons.
I just came to my mom 7 months ago, I didn't have any toys or costumes of my own in the first 17 months.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
Those costures are great!
I can't wait to see the next!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

I can't wait...and of couwse my lips awe sealed..paid scale, heheheheheh...excellent Petey

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You have a great costume history, Petey, so this year's is bound to be stunning too!

We don't do much for Halloween as it's not much of an event in France (despite the retailers...), but #1 always carves a fabulous pumpkin!

Sen-Chan and Tom

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You have such pawsome costumes Petey, can't wait to see what's your costume this year

~ Girl girl

Abby said...

Hi, Petey...

Just wanted to stop by with an update on AutoBiography Week...

As you know, it's gonna be Oct 20 - 27th, but you can start putting your post together now...

When you have it ready, please email it to one of us: or

Let's try to keep our posts to your 2 favorite pictures & under 500 words...

Our Mom's will get your post published on the "Littlest Memories" Blog during that week of Oct 20th thru 27th...

Thanks, & we hope you enjoy it...

Chef & Abby

Daisy said...

Petey, you have some awesome costumes! But my favorite thing is how happy you look wearing them, especially the cute little bee suit.

Stanislaw said...

I'm a skunk and Pupi is a skeleton/bada$$ gangster. I can't wait to see what you are!

Ruby Bleu said...

Those were some great costumes Petey!!! Mom is working on my costume now...I'm NOT amused!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Howloween isn't such a big deal over here as it is in the US. I'll probably just be me. I can be scary without the aid of a costume, hehehe! J x

Eric said...

Nice duds dude. I'll be Eric Nekked on Howl o ween. Scales for this year for you? Mmmm .... sounds creepy.

Wiry wags, Eric x

Duke said...

Your costumes are so cute! We can't wait to see what you'll be this year! Mom doesn't make us do costumes, thank doG!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Petey...

I love your costumes...I can't wait to see what you are gonna be this year...

Thanks for the song on the "Littlest Memories Blog"...I'm blushing...

Abby xxxooo

Noah the Airedale said...

All your costumes have been excellent Petey. Can't wait to see the latest. We don't really celebrate Halloween here in Oz so I guess we're going to look like airedales hee hee.


Anonymous said...

Really a great Halloween experiences..! Love your dog's costumes.

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hadn't thought about a costume yet. You look so cute in all of yours.
Simba x

Stanley said...


I think that your modeling experience has prepared for the wearing of clothes. My girl WISHED I was a costme-wearer, but if we ever do costumes around here, they HAVE to be minimal. I salute you for your commitment to the costume.

Can't wait to see your costume for this year.

Goob love,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Petey..what fab costumes you've had in ur short life!! far I've only been a cow...

We need to organize a Halloween pawty...last year we had a giant one, but so far there's been no word bout a pawty..sniff...


I Heard that there is a very beguiling young petite French speaking Wire Foxy at the Wun whom you may love????


I heard she rips off faces??

You are a glutton for punishment aren't ya Petey??

I'd like to meet this young woman er girlie...heh heh heh heh heh...

(Lacie smiles rather vicously...)

What does she weigh anyway?

Jellied barks...Laciegirl

And don't believe those dark spots...Foxy Clairol can achieve the same results....

Dexter said...

I can't wait to see what you are this year! Your costumes are all so convincing. But I know what a good actor you are.


Deefor said...

There's no party here and I don't want my mom getting any ideas. But you look great in all your costumes. Especially the bee! Scales? Are you going to be a fish? Or maybe the world's fattest doggie?
I can't wait to see.


Snowy and Crystal said...

Hey pal, we missed ya

you look pawsome in the customes ;)

Maltese Paws

Toffee said...

Great costumes!
I was a ladybug last year and Riley was a lobstah (lobster) although we all know that he is a devil dog every day of the year!

Did you know that Riley is responsible for INTRODUCING my mom and was ON halloween! (Riley, of course, was dressed as a devil).

Our guess for your outfit this year is a Rock Lobstah (a la B52s) or something musical

P. said...

Bzzz....Hey'a Petey!
You look pretty great in those costumes. Thanks for stopping by my blog, you're going on my fur friends list, if that's alright!

I'll be back!

Chef said...

I'm going to get dressed up as Lassie and see if any kids with big bags of candy need any help.

Petey, how's your head after Gucci's party? Go see my blog and you'll know why I'm asking.
You might need Asta to put a little ice on it. I almost called her to get rid of my sick tummy but then my Mama would know I'd been drinking beer.

Wasn't it fun? I'm just getting over my overhang... hangover.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Petey,
Please don't remind me... over the weekend my mom saw a Tinkerbelle costume (complete with wings of course) at a shop and almost got it for me.. I mean WTF??! Which handsome/ tough/ charismatic/ macho BOY dog dresses up as Tinkerbelle??!
Do me a favour, can you bark some sense into my mom please?

erin said...

Those were all very cool costumes, Petey! I don't know what my girl is going to do to me this year yet.