Dress code is tuxedo or suit for gentlemen, cocktail attire or evening gown for the ladies. Naturally, we will invite wise-ish Aunties Bailey and Martha (who have been known to cut a rug) to act as chaperones for the younger ladies.
So what do you say Eric and Toffee, Asta and Stanley, Joe and Sophie, Alfie and Mason Dixie, Lacie and whoever is up for it this weekend? Rosie Marie and Harry, this could be your perfect date... Tanner, when's the last time you and Lily tripped the light fantastic? And speaking of tripping, Mango you may not be light on your feet but doesn't MJ deserve an elegant waltz around the floor? And who will win the WireFoxtrot contest???
Grab your tophats and tails, fellas...ladies, strap on those dancing shoes...and let's have a night to howl about!
Can my mom come too?
Petey, please don't forget me, Crystal and Mango, a perfect pair of fluffy cutie pies.
I'll supply Spring rolls and Cosmopolitan cocktail!
See you in the Rainbow room!
Would you like me sending you a picture of us.
Love ya
Petey, ooohhh this is so exciting - I only live a short distance from NYC and LOVE this idea. Count me and Harry in on this one!! We are going to have a ball!!
Me and Miss Snickers will come if she is feeling OK.
Teka and Sweet Willy Um (Swede William) would like to come too.
Oh Petey
We have been waiting for our secretary to log us onto the computer today - and what a surprise. We have never been to New York!!
We will have to ask Asta's advice on what to wear!
This is so exciting - the Rainbow Room overlooking Manhattan.
Our mum is insanely jealous - she thinks we are having a better time than her!
Well she has had her hair done - first time since we both arrived apparently - what more does she want?
Thank goodness we took those ballroom dancing lessons!!
Can hardly wait - we thought we were stuck with a boring wet Scottish weekend.
Aunties Bailey & Martha xxxxxx
What a great idea! I can't waits to see everydoggie there!
Sounds like a pawsome weekend. TD is hoping he can get his gal Kat to join him.
Woos, the OP Pack
Woah! Who's that fine lady? She's got nice legs...
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey, what about us -- the perennial bachelors???
Just Harry has had a crush on Princess Willow of the Zoo Crew ever since she was a young pup -- but she hasn't given him the time of day.
And I, Jake, had a pawtonic date with Ms. Asta Marie of Pittsburgh -- but she's been incommunicado for awhile.
Any interest in two bachelors attending? Or any ladies who might like to step the light fantastic with two fancy steppers???
Oh We'we inn!!1
I love the wainbow woom, and Stanley is a helluva dancew wif those long elegant legs of his..he weminds me of Fwed Astaiw..Smooooth!
do we meet you thewe ow awe you wenting a giant limo fow the occasion?
smoochie kisses
Well this sounds just perfect. Please please please can I come? We all know that there's often a shortage of presentable older men at these dos. And it just so happened that I had a haircut this morning, so am looking my very smartest. The Dughallmor beagles can vouch for my dancing ability.
Cheers, H.
I think I could come with George but Véronique said first I have to find someone for little Dyos....pffff any idea ?
Kisses, Faya
I will be there will bells on!
-Kira the BeaWootiful
me too!
Hehe, can't wait my Sweet, sounds totally pawsome! Alfie has asked Mason Dixie and of course she said yes, it's going to be wonderful :D Jake of Florida....Gabbi is single if you're interested in the Houndy type, she's just sent her credentials off to Scooby the love doctor....and she told him she's partial to a Terrier!
Amber Mae....belly jiggles? You'll have to come!
And yes, we can definitely vouch for Hamish Westie's dancing abilities having witnessed them first paw....maybe we could introduce one of our dear Aunts to him, he's very distinguished....perhaps he could even keep them both entertained while we slip off.....?
Smoochy and most impatient kisses,
Your Rosie-Posie xxx
Ciao bello Petey!!
Ohhh, perfetto, mio amico!!! But, like Martha, I am really hoping for La FashionAsta's advice regarding a dress and pettinatura. Should I pin mie orecchie up, or just leave them loose and natural??
Um, Petey? Will there be dance cards for the dateless among us?
Tanti baci!
I'd love to take a spin around the dance floor with my Macky...Aire Ruby is available this weekend!
lots of Licks, Ruby
What a pawfect idea. I casnot wait to see all the love and romance and dancing. There is quite the celeb couples coming!
I has just send off an application to Scooby, so maybe next time I can bring a date too.
~lickies, Ludo
That looks like fun.
Simba and Jazzi xx
I am so excited about an evening in New York City, my Alfie coming over to America to see me!!! how exciting.
w00f's, can me and my girl friends come too..
b safe,
I would love to come, but momma says she might be keeping me busy with the barn construction (which means she can't help me find a tux). If your mom has time to help me shop, then I can come.
I am worried about Lacie being there. She is acting weird since her exorcism. And did you see the scary Lacie clone on SNicker's web site?
Ciao Petey!
Here I am again! Thanks for letting me know it's ok to go dateless to the Rainbow Room this weekend. What a fun evening you're organizing, mio amico! Mwah!
And also, what a fantastico idea, suggesting that I ask Asta to take me to an Italian store like Poochie for a dress! Hmmm, or maybe Arfmani ...!!
Tanti baci!
Petey!!!! We are IN!!Oooh fabbie idea.Toffee is such a twinkletoes, *****she outshines the stars**** (I hope she reads that, blush)
I can do a bit of crooning too. What do you think? t"Fly me to the moon,let us howl among the stars,we are hot to trot, on either Jupiter or Mars"
Excited wiry wags, Eric Fox Trotter Supremo. xx
I've never heard of the Rainbow Room, but I like rainbows and I like rooms. I'd love it if sweet little Lacie could be my date but I'm too shy to ask her. Maybe she'll be there and I could ask her to dance. But I'd be happy to hang out with Jake and Just Harry.
See ya!
I will totally be there! I might have to step out for Bob T. Bear's party too, but count me in!!
I'm sure Ben and I would be there but he probably has to keep an eye on Millie...
Otherwise she'll eat 'stuff' -
Have fun!
Pawesome idea!
Kisses and hugs
I would come - I could wear my pink bandanna - is that ok?
your pal, Morgan
me again. I think Ludo is HOT! - could you fix me up? Don't tell him I said that though...
Hi, Petey,
great idea but I don't have boyfriend to dance with:-(( Can my daddy come to dance with me?
Hi Petey
As you know I have started my own business fur singles... Would you be interested in hosting a singles night? You and Rosie could maybe give a speech to all my singles?
Hugs from the Stud
Scooby Doo
Petey! Look at what MJ sent me!
YOU HAD ME AT MJ DARLING.....of course I will be your dance partner....there is nothing I like more that a twirl around the dance floor...especially with a magnificent beast like you....see you soon my big hunk...MJ
WOW! I can't wait. You might need to put some sand on the dance floor, though, because between me and MJ, there could be some slopper slipperies.
Ms. Persephone here.. gee...i'd like to go to.. maybe i can con my brother, theBUSTER, into going..count us in petey. i'll work on it.
Ms.Persephone the kerry blue and perhaps if things work out well theBUSTER <----shhhh he doesn't know it yet...;o/
hey Ms.Persephone.. you left a post...i'm trying to entice a little italian aireegurl to go with me --picolo lucia.....heavy sigh...
petey??? you seem worldly..you've arranged all of this. do ya think ms.Lucia would go to the dance with a blue dog?
Hi Petey,
I'm so up for this, I seriously need a break from the fuzzbrat, count me and Khyra in!
Ben xxxx
I'm bringin' a surprise date...you'll like him Petey...
That room looks amazing...Asta picked out my dress...oh I hope I like it...she has such amazin' taste I know it's going to be pawfect...
Gotta run...
Love ya lots..Laciegirlie
Pee ess...Scruffy had diamaria all over the carpet, floor and Mumsie today...hahahahahahahahaaaaa!
Great idea can the Mop and I come + any other foster dog that is here at the time.
We'd love to come! We'll fly out together, but we are NOT a couple!! I would never attend such an event with my brother!
Smooches, Baby Rocket Dog & Hootie
It's sad, isn't it Petey, but my girl said she wants to come too (like Sophie's mama)! I told her she could if she can find her own escort, but that Taffy was already taken!
Thank you for your gracious invitation.
Goobery love & kissies,
Hi Petey
I'm not sure if we have met but my cousin Suzuki is a friend of yours. I was wondering if I could attend with Martha? (Martha & Bailey). We are supposed to be going out on a date next weekend and I thought this might be the perfect opportunity. I have emailed her and told her that I would like to escort her to this event.
Gruffs from the Scruff
I would loooove to come, but I've got nothing to wear teehee! Oh I'm in stitches! Have a wonderful time!
Hugs xo,
Hi petey.. ms.lucia and i, theBUSTER, are on our way....
oh and Ms.Persephone will attend your
Spring Fling also...she does like spring she'll be helping to chaperone and maybe she will meet a tall dark handsome dude there!!!
see you all in N.Y.C
theBUSTER, MS.Persephone...& Ms. Blue is holding down the fort.
I can't wait to dance the night away with that lovely lady Ruby. Thank dog I was born in a tuxedo!
i am soooooooooooooooooo excited...i cant wait until mango and i are together again..you are such a dog of good ideas petey...see you soon....hmmm I wonder what my ball gown will look like....i am going to have to watch dancing with the stars to learn some new moves
My mom wants to come too!!!
She has always wanted to dine at the Rainbow room - for a special dessert that she saw on a travel cooking show once (of course she cannot remember what it was but no doubt it involved chocolate!)
Thanks for the invite!!
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