Thursday, April 2, 2009

Makes you proud to be a dog!

I'd like to introduce you to one of my newest bloggie friends. This is Clive, he's a four-year old Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever/Poodle) who lives in Dublin, Ireland. Doesn't he have a great, sunny face? You just know he'd be loads of fun to play with!

But unlike most of us lazy pups, Clive has been working for 3 of his 4 years. You see, he is a fully trained assistance dog from Irish Guide Dogs who works with a 10 year old boy with autism—his Little Man.

Here they are at an art show together. Clive has very important work to do, but it also means he gets to go to lots of places with his Little Man. Please be sure to visit his blog!

Today is a very important day for Clive and I know he'd appreciate hearing from all of you. First off, he's undergoing surgery to remove some ingrown eyelashes. (Ouch.) Needless to say, this has his Little Man quite distressed about his pal, so please send him some good wishes.

Secondly, today is also World Autism Awareness Day. You can learn more about the rights of people with autism here

Anyhow, I'm so proud of all of Clive's hard work and efforts to help people understand more about Autism. He really is a very special fellow who makes me proud to be a dog. 

I want to be more like Clive - how about you? What special thing are you going to do today to make someone's life happier? Let me know!


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Here Here! We think Clive's pretty special too....what a dog! Wishing him well for his surgery and we're going to post the button on our site laeter too, good job Petey, you are so thoughtful :D
Slobbers, from Alfie & Co

Oh and's a little preview of my surprise....Sarò la tua dolce metà per sempre.....
Your Rosie-Posie xxx

Princess Patches said...

Yes, Petey, Clive makes us proud to be doggies too! He has a very special job! We are going to go wish him well with his surgery. We have heard of some Airedales who had to have that done!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Martha said...

Hi Petey
We will of course go visit Clive and wish him well.
We have a guide dog puppy we sponsor - well our mum did it as a gift for one of the skinkids! It is a really important job and dogs need to train hard.
They can suddenly decide to chase something - they have to concentrate really hard.
We wouldnt be able to do it - not sure a terrier could either!
Aunties Martha * Bailey xxx
ps our mum says to tell you that we used to have really nice grass - something about bitches peeing on it - do you know what she is talking about?

Mack said...

Yes, Clive does make you proud to be a canine!

Here's hoping his surgery goes smooth as can be!

Martha said...

Having popped over to visit Clive we see now he is an assistance dog and not a guide dog - still busy helping humans - even more important little humans! Still we take your point there are lots of dogs out there doing very important jobs.

Kelly said...

Oh Petey, thanks so much for sharing Clive with us! What an awesome guy!

Clive said...


You are fantastic! Thank you so much for the wonderful post about Clive and the work he does and for helping to spread the word about Autism Awareness Day.

We really appreciate it.

We collected Clive from hospital an hour ago and he is very groggy and not himself at all - can't even wag his tail yet!

Hopefully he'll start feeling a little better soon - it is hard for the little man to understand what is wrong with Clive.

Many thanks again and we're delighted to follow your adventures too!

best regards - the little man's mum

Daisy said...

Clife looks like a wonderful woofie! I will be sure to go and meet him.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I agrees, Clive be's a great dog. I casnot imagine any of us lot working so hard and helping our humans out so much.
~lickies, Ludo

Cassie said...

That Clive makes us proud to be of the canine persuasion. Thanks for the great post. Clive and his little boy are both very handsome!
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie

Cassie said...

Sorry, my pups forgot to log on to their own blog. This is a very good post. It's good to know that Autism can be helped by therapy dogs. Our dogs help to lower our BP and also add such joy to our lives.
Best Wishes,
Cassie (BabyRD & Hootie's mom)

Asta said...

Thanks fow intwodoocing Clive!
What a doggie! Handsome and swwet and so accomplished. You'we wight it makes me pwoud to be a dog whenevew I wead about all the good things soe of us do. What will I do today? Hmmmmm. cuddle Mommi, say hello to as many small hoomans as possible on my walk and make them giggle, and put an owange wibbon on my bloggie fow awaweness against animal cwuelty momf.
Wish I could leawn to do mowe
smoochie kisses

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

Love your blog--it is so kewl! love Clive too! he is so handsome!

AB clan said...

Ah! Petey, you have been everywhere so you know New Orleans....
Yes it was great with Jazz Beignets etc
and yes the new addition, is "red" and girl...We love red here!
ViVi & AB

Hamish Westie said...

Petey, what a fine chap that Clive is. Thank you so much for telling us all about him. You've reminded me that I'm overdue a visit to my neighbour who has MS - she seems to find it entertaining when I go exploring and get stuck under her wheelchair.
Cheers, H.

Faya said...

Waaa Clive is a great dog and such a good friend for little Man....I am very proud of him ....
Kisses, Faya

Jake of Florida said...

Thanks for the note about Clive -- you;re right, he has the sweetest sunshiney face!! Our mom has been reading a lot about autism and how it develops as children grow into adults. Lots of research is needed.


Pee es: I left Gabbi a cbox note. Our Dad has been sick all week and Mom's working on a project deadline in addition to taking care of him -- so I didn't mean to be so neglectful. On the other paw -- I'm not interested in a competition!!! I put my heart on my paw -- and that's it!!

Clover said...

Hi Petey!
Love your new header! Thanks for sharing this with us. What a special day! You sure are a thoughtful guy!
Love Clover xo
P.S. My word verification is "noses", haha!

Bobby said...

How nice to bring this to everones attension. What a nice dog I hope all goes well for him.

Eric said...

Thanks Petey. You are a star**I'll wag over to see Clive and his little man. They sound pawsome. I see you went and saw the two new wiries on the blog. Thank you.

Today I sat on Moms lap, make her happy (and hot). Didn't eat any kittie logs (cos secretly stuffed with deers poop)that made both leggededs happy. Offered Moms help for Myrna's hen party and the wheelie bridesmaid even though grrrr those pesky wheelies drive me nutso. Nowhere near as goodas Clive. Sigh. I'll try and be better.

Wiry wags, Eric xxx

Mason Dixie said...

Yes Clive is a wonderful pup for his little man. Hope his surgery goes well today

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur sharing Clive and his special little man!

Mom saw one of the three new billboards put up in our area to spread the word...

Paws khrossed fur all to go well!


Kelli said...

Hi Petey!
Thanks for letting me know about Clive! He looks like an amazing doggy!
:) Tibby

Duke said...

We've met Clive! He's an awesome doggie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

We will certainly head over to check out his blog, thanks for the heads up!!

Ms. ~K said...

We certainly enjoyed our visit w/ you and will be back...
right now we're headed over to Clive's page to wish he and Little Man well...

Wrooo wrooo,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
Clive is super special!
I am going to visit him right now!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Hi Petey! I just stopped by and said hi to Clive. He sure does a great job! I hope he feels better soon.

See ya!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

My head hurts.

What a bang that was. I am seriously going to fly to New York and come to ur apt. and bite you had me going so badly; I can't believe I am so gullible.

Sheesh...and that horrid mixed up beacargle creature....OMD....pawsitivly frightening.....

That Clive is a totally cool puppers...perhaps I shall become a service dog...ridding the world of dogs who irritate me one paw at a time.

Today it was a 70 plus sized female Dale at the park. I dunno what got into me...I um attacked her...and she attacked back...which led to a free for all fight and we were both on leashes...or I might have killed her.....Mumsie's threatenin' to do the click and snap thingie trainin' to get me to be a tad more respectful...her words not was a pawsome fight....

No pix of it...

So are ya gonna marry Rosie?????

You and Gilbert could have a double weddin'.....


just kiddin' Petey...I wanna go on another date....when I've gotten over yesterday.....

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Clive IS a very special boy, isn't he? And we hope his vet visit went well. We saw a lot of stories on the news yesterday about autism and hope that one day they get it all figured out.

Woos, the OP Packs