Wow! I can hardly believe I've had my bloggie going for over a year now. I started on June 1, 2008, with some gentle persuasion from my pal
Asta. And here I am today, composing my 200th post!

It's been quite a year. In some ways, I can't believe a whole year has flown by. And in other ways, it's hard to remember life when I didn't know you, my friends.

As a single fella, I went on some crazy dates with some craz—err—lovely ladies. I'll never forget my first date with
Lacie at Coney Island last summer.
At least the bite marks have healed up nicely.

And there was my big birthday celebration. I wonder why our two-leggeds don't want to celebrate their birthdays with a big parade?

I brought you along on some fun trips...

from the ocean....

to the mountains!

I rediscovered my inner Scots doggieness.

Travelled the world with my pals, especially my bestest mate,
Eric Square Dog, over in old Blighty.

We joined our friends for all sorts of adventures - like the night we took over the Rainbowwow Room for an elegant evening of dining and dancing...and romancing!

I even met some of my blogging pals in person, like
Sophie Brador and
Stanley of Gooberstan. I met a lot of their human servants as well, like
Toffee's Mommy and Daddy and
Eric's 2-leggeds. And Mommy travelled all the way to France to meet
Tommy, Tama-Chan and the dearly departed
Sen-Chan, plus
Vivi's Oncle U.
Lacie, Scruffy and
Baby Stan's Mumsie came to visit.And the
Taylor Catssss Sloane even spent a weekend with Mica!

I received some wonderful presents (international tennis balls!) from around the world!

I even made my own movie with all of you as my co-stars which won the prestigious DWB Post of the Month and Blog of the Month.
(The only Oscar I want to receive has "Mayer" for its last name!)

And of course, the highlight has got to be my whirlwind romance with my darling
Rosie Posie.
From our first date in Bermuda (well-chaperoned by Auntie Bailey, and accompanied by Lacie and Butchy and Wimsey).

Just look at that gorgeous girl! How could I help but fall head over paws?

I introduced you to some of my local friends as well... like my neighbor

Asta and I had plenty of adventures and even a few platonic sleepovers!

You came along for a walk around the neighborhood with me, stopping for treats...

and meeting some strange characters along the way!

I snuck you into the fantastic Halloween Party at the West Village Dog Run...

...and we chased balls in the snow with

I even introduced you to some real celebrities, like Elvis from The Greatest American Dog.

Together we campaigned for some very worthy causes....

...and celebrated some historic victories!

Thanks to your generosity, I won a very prestigious award at the first
MangoMinster International Dog Show...

An honor that I wear with pride (so much for humility!)

You were by my side during some very sad times.... when we lost Klaus...

...and my dearest Granny. Thank you. I'll never forget your kind words.

And soon, we'll have new lives to celebrate. The circle of life continues....

But as the song goes, "It's the laughter....

"That we will remember, whenever we remember....

"The Way We Fur...."

Looking forward to whatever the next year brings — here's to our next 100 posts!
Your pals,
Petey and Mica
Has it really been a year already, Petey?! So many fun times and sad times too! You have a fabulous blog! Happy 200th post! And here's to many, many more posts and blogiversaries!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Petey...
Wow...A year & 200 Posts...That's alot of important stuff you have shared with us...
I can still remember the first time Asta said we should all come visit her friend, Petey at his new Blog...
Little did we know, how much fun it was gonna be to get to know you...
We love you & your Blog...You are so clever & unique...It's such a joy to be your friend...
You have made us laugh & cry & think...And, you even took m3 to Yankee Stadium - That was a dream come true...
Here's to many more years & posts...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
Outstanding Year Petey - I am looking forward to reading many more of your adventures - congratulations on you 200th post!!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Awww Petey that post made me a little emotional! We really do enjoy being a part of your world, and the friends out here in DWB are as good as they come. Happy belated Blogiversary!!!!! Here's to another year of friendship!
great post petey - Congratulations on 200 posts and 1 year of blogging!
Congratulations Petey, we are so proud of you and your blog!
You have managed to capture the laughter and the tears in your many brilliant posts.
You have such a wonderful outlook on life.
You have a huge personality - gosh you could even be a St Bernard!!!
You have make us smile and that is such a precious gift to have.
All our love
Aunties Bailey & Martha xxxxx
Hi pals,
Congrats on your 200th post and happy blogiversary! I am so glad to have shared a lot of your adventures with you!
Looking forward to many more posts and years together. :)
Petey, one year and 200 posts - huge congratulations to you and your Mom and Mica for a wonderful blog. That was a superb 200th post - we got quite overcome reading it and we loved that you shared so much of your memories with us.
Truly excellent! We love reading your blog and we look forward to another year and getting to know you even more and following your antics Petey!
With lots of congratulations and very best wishes from us all -
Clive, the little man and all the gang in Dublin!
- that dolphin key ring is just the best thing ever - it hangs on the little man's school bag and gets talked about daily!
Hi Petey,
Congratulations on your first 200 posts!
I haven't know you for long, so a lot of those adventures were before my time. So I look forward to being around for your next 100 posts.
Wags & wiggles,
Gosh Petey the past year has passed so quickly. We must congratulate you on your blogoversary and your 200th post.
We look forward to your next year of blogging.
MOlly and Taffy
It has been a year of wonder and a year of sadness. Thank you for sharing it with
gussie d and teka t
Happy blogiversary, Petey! It has been loads of fun getting to know you and see all your fun adventures.
Congratulations on a year and 200 posts! What a great way to celebrate your year!
*kissey face*
Youw Post made me laugh and shed a teaw ow two..What a yeaw it's been. I'm so vewy happy that you decided to stawt blogging..Ihope the coming yeaws have lots mowe laughs than teaws.
You and wosie awe cewtainly stawting it wif the happiest awwivals.
smoochie kisses
Congratulations on #200!!!! Awesome job! We haven't known you for the whole time but we have so enjoyed all of your posts. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane.
woos, the OP Pack
Oh my...Lacie grabs her lacie hankie and dabs a tear from her eye...oh see the events over the past
For once Lacie is overcome with emotion....can ya believe that a year ago none of that crazy stuff had ever happened????
Blogging is just the best, Petey, isn't it??? It's like a hooge circle of love that goes all the way around the world....
Congrats to you on being here for your fist year and happy 200th postie!!!
Love ya lots, sweet Petey...
Pee ess...
Where exactly were the bitemarks that healed so nicely???????
It certainly has been quite a year, Petey! We are also coming up to our 1st blogaversary and #1 says she cannot think what she did with her time before blogging! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS! It's fun to count you among our friends!
PS: Might you really come and visit us?
Khongrats Petey!
Woo've pawed some inkhredibly khool stuff!
I'm sure the best is yet to khome...
Wow what a year you have had!! so much adventure and excitement. I am so glad that I was able to witness a lot of your adventures and your love with Rosie. =)
Congrats on the 1st bloggaversary and the 200th post!
Your life is fun filled with excitement and stardom.
I reached my 1st bloggaversary on June 7 and guess what, only 36 pitiful posts and can't even keep my girlfriend, she has left me, Petey!
Love ya lot!
What a great synopsis!! Congrats on your 200th post!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Congratulations, Petey!
This has been a pawesome year. Sharing good and sad times!
I am so happy to be your friend!
Kisses and hugs
It's only been a few months for us, but your 200th post and blogiversary post brought us right up to date. We feel like we've already met you, Petey, and we know we are privileged doggies to have friends like you and Asta and Stanley and all the rest....
We're looking forward to you next year of posts. And to your fatherhood. And your friendship.
Thanks for taking time amidst all your adventures, to get to know us. You make us smile and think. Learn and grow. And have fun.
Jake and Fergs
Happy Blogoversarry Petey to you all!! Your postie made me all emotional. A tear or two (you know us metro boys in touch with our feminine side)and a lot of laughs too. Thank you sooo much for taking us along for the ride.
Know what though? I'm so wagging proud to be your bestest buddy,can't think of anything that could be better. Thank you my bestest pal. We all woof you, Mommy and Mica lots and lots in Square Dog House.
Wiry love and kissies, Eric xxxx
Congratulations Petey! Your absolutely brilliant, entertaining and creative blog makes me proud to be a fellow Scottish terrier!
It's been quite a year for you, and the dogblogosphere is waiting with baited dogbreath for the next developments..
Cheers, H.
G'day Petey mate,
Crikey 200 posts and one whole year of blogging. It truly feels like we've know you forever.
We've enjoyed sharing the past year with you buddy.
Here's to many more!!!!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Wow - that was just the best post ever!! I'm so glad you went through all your adventures again coz I missed some of the earlier ones, when I hadn't had the pleasure of knowing you yet, Petey!!
And am so impressed - wow - 200 posts!!! I started my blog only 2 months after you but I haven't even reached my 100th post - hee! hee! But of course, you know us giant breeds do everything in sloooooow motion...!:-)
Honey the Great Dane
HERE HERE HERE...we can not believe that it had been a year already!!!! We can't wait to see what happens this next year!!!! Love and kisses A+A
Congrats on your 200th post! Wow, you are quite a prolific blogger. We sure do enjoy reading you!
XXOO-BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Happy blogoversary Petey!
Congrats on your first blogiversary dear Petey!
What a wonderful post Petey. We have loved being your friend and posts like this remind Mom of why she spends so much time in front of the computer. It is about the laughs and the smiles and all that we do for each other as friends.
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