Golly! Most of the mail that came today had something to do with me! See what happens when you wag your tail at the mailman rather than snarl at him?
Looky here! Official Petey Postage Stamps! How cool are these???

Because when you send something by Peteypost, you KNOW it's going First Class TerrMail! (Psst! Mommy says you can download a kit from the Post Office to make your own photo postage stamps!)

And what's this! Another parcel and it's addressed to me! Let me give it a good sniff - heather, seaside, beagle fur....BEAGLE FUR!!!!

Hooray!!! It's from the old Tennis Ball and Chain! My precious wifey
Rosie Posey! Think I'll sneak off to the other room for a bit of privacy as I open her parcel.

No such luck! Mommy tracked me down. Good thing, too, as I'm going to need her help to open this up...

Ah ha! A Rosie-flavoured tennis ball! Delicious! Almost as good as snogging with my sweetie-pie. Although it does taste a bit of pickles, ice cream and tadpole jelly!

OOoooohhhh! And a marvelous squeaky pink piggy! Talk about bringing home the bacon!

Rosie, you'll be so proud of me! I de-squeaked that Piggy in less than 5 minutes AND snipped off his little curly tail! No bacon inside though.... I did give it a good shake however!
(Do you like my new summer hairdo? Very aerodynamic, I think.)

And look what else was inside the fantastic parcel! The thistle-strewn wrapping paper was from the Wallace Monument. I think the cheeky (get it?) card from Cawdor Castle was for Mommy's benefit.

But this wee sporran from Brodie Castle was for me! (Gee whiz, I hope
Rosie won't be disappointed when she finds out that the only royal sites around here are Burger King, White Castle and Dairy Queen!)

And just look what was in the wee sporran — a token of love from
Rosie. Of course, she already possesses my heart...

I'm going to tuck it under my pillow so I'll be sure to dream of my sweet, blooming
Oh my!
Love is sooo furry fetching!
Hi Petey,
You are so funny. Rosie is a lucky doggy.
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Petey! I love your stamps and your great presents from Rosie. Good job on de-squeaking and de-tailing!
See ya!
What great stamps you on every one. How lucky you are to get nice things sent to, you shame about the pig though.
What cool stamps! I'm going to have to talk to my Mom about getting some Fiona and TaiChi stamps!!! (And nice work on the pig!)
*kissey face*
We loved the postage stamps - what a great idea!
That was a lovely parcel from your wife!
We have a pink pig although it oinks - not squeaks!
Love over the miles - very romantic! We still think you need to get over there and have a word with that Alfie!
love and kisses
Your favourite aunties xxxxx
Love the stamps - our Mom needs to check them out.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Petey...We love the pink piggy and the rest of the pressies. Rosie is a real sweetheart. Particularly generous to share tennis balls.
gussie d
wowzeeee petey... cute little sporin and w/her heart...now isn't that sweet?....as for the piggy he is a cute little guy but most people underestimate the terrier teeeeeth...hehehee.. they slice through things that say they can't slice through. we know -- we've done it (persephone's nick name is sephie.. AKA "sawtooth sephie". more on that someday).
you'll have to send everyone a postcard now w/your face-stamp on it! neat idea (the face stamp)
theBUSTER, Ms.Persehone & Ms. Blue
Oh, how cool to have your own stamps!!! Am so jealous coz I don't live in the same country as you, Petey, so I can't go to the Post Office site to make my own!
Honey the Great Dane
Hi, Petey...
Your own Postage Stamps...You are one important pup...
Great pressies...
Abby xxxooo
Hi Best buddy. What a great start to the day seeing lots of your self,tee hee! Then a present from the trouble and strife.Thats nice. Now is that itty bitty sporran for your wee kiltie- to put on over your panties? I had a piggy like that too- doing a postie about him soon. I'm glad you got to taste my tadpole jelly for afters...
Wiry wags n kissies.Eric xxxx
Loving your Mo hawk. Very Indie.
Ummmm, 'scuse me Square Dude...."Trouble and Strife??" Almost choked on my tapioca reading that, hehe....you Cockneys and your slang!
Hmmm....methinks the wee sporran may be a bit TOO wee :D but glad you've got the heart under your pillow....hopefully it will bring sweet dreams.
And no bacon?? Hmmph, bet that postie of yours snarfed it, or maybe the customs Beagles sniffed it out! (Do they have them at JFK?)
23 days to go.....
Lots of pickly snogs,
Your Tennis Ball and Chain xxxx
We love the stamps( we had some with us on it once and we think the mail got there faster) Petey are you ever going to wear a kilt? Enquiring minds want to know.Love A+A
WOOO Petey, that was so sweet of your dear Rosie to send you presents. I am sure you had fun with that piggy!
Kira the BeaWoootiful
Hi, Petey!
Your own stamps?? Pawesome!
Rosie sent you great presents!
Kisses and hugs
Petey! I got a little bit excited when I heard that pig squealing. I love your new do. You look super sporting and fabulous and mom wishes she could give you a big snuggle.
If you need some legitimate royal site, without crossing the pond, you can always trek up here to Canananananada. We have a few that do quite nicely in a pinch.
Miss you!
oh my - Rosie is certainly sending you some wonderful pressies - I'm taking notes...Did you see my swimming trunks that I'll be wearing to the beach? AND...guess what mom found out that there are no silly beach rules out there on Daufuskie so I can go out whenever I want - course we have no idea whether or not I'll want to go out - but I'm ready to go if I do BOL
Those are great gifts. Rosie is very thoughtful.
Simba and Jazzi xx
What a haul Petey, you are a lucky chap!
We have been admiring you summer hairdo too Petey. I gather that you are 'stripped' or something. I don't think they do that at my grooming place. Is it painful? (no pain no gain, I know..)
Cheers, H.
Oh those pink piggies are very popular. We've got one, it's missing a snout now. We also had an orange one.
Those stamps are a pawesome idea too. We'll have to see if our backward Aussie post office does that.
We love the cheeky card very much, but I'm a huge fan of your video. It's always fun to watch you in motion.
So, did Rosie send this package to celebrate a special occasion or just because she lurves you? Either way, it's pretty sweet!
Goober love,
We saw the hairiest Petey pup we've ever seen at the bark park yesterday. I mean, REALLY hairy!!
We love your haircut and enjoy all those fabulous presents!
Those stamps are quite wonderful. We need to ask Mommy to look into making us stamp-stars too. Your Rosie sure loves you---cool pressies!
Here is something neat that we saw yesterday: a baby cairn at our vets office. One of the nurses adopted him. Guess what his name is?? Peetie!! She says cuz he pees all the time. Isn't that funny?
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie
What awesome stamps, Petey! You'll be making everyone who gets one smile!
What sweet gifts from Rosie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your wife is one special gal! I can't believe how lucky you are!! Your haircut looks great I bet you will need to keep it extra short once all the pups are born!!
Petey! Those stamps are so pawesome!!
I have a new blog now! Please come by when you get a chance, and if you would like to link to me, can you please list me as "Sunshine and Mud Puddles"? Thanks!
Hi Petey
That was so sweet!
lots of woofs
those stamps are just too cool! seriously, those ars neat.Rosie sent you some great presents!
your pal, Morgan
Hi Petey,
We love the Petey stamps!!
Ohhh.. the piggy looks kinda fun too.. I love his tail. (Sorry that it didn't last too long..)
Mom cannot get over the "cheeky monkey" on the card...she keeps insisting on going back to that pic - geesh!
Love, love, love the postage stamps. Did you know that Riley and I were featured on their wedding invites? Riley was on the invitation and I was on the return.
I love those stamps! I would buy it!
Solid Gold "Actress"
oh my Jeannie got the same exciting card from the Beagles, she was kinda over excited about it, we had to cool her down a bit.
They were lovely presents Petey!
btw my post before the last one on my blog has plenty of kilts if your Ma wants to take a look!
Your friend, Marvin xxxxxxxx
pee ess I was not allowed the squeaky pig the Beagles brought me, but I deballed the green ball they gave me in quick time I can tell you! Hence the Dyson Incident later on!
love to your Mama !!!!!
Beautiful gifts to you, Petey! Love the idea of heather-strewn giftwrap! And your stamps are waaay cool! Lucky you and lucky Rosie too! You are quite the match!
Hugs xo
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