If you're not already a loyal follower of
The Poupounette's blog, go there immediately. It is an utterly charming blog featuring a loveable English Springer Spaniel named
Tom and an ever-growing population of Abysinnian cats,
The Chan Clan, living in a gorgeous region of France known as Le Perche.
Mom even went and visited Tom and the cats and their awesome #1 (and Oncle U, aussi!) in December of 2008. As a Francophile with a dog and an Aby, it was an instant connection.
We've always been astonished at how well Tom and the Chans get along. The Chans always seem to be dozing in between his paws or cuddled under his chin.
This never happens with me and Mica.
Oh sure, we'll occasionally sleep butt-to-butt on the bed, but it's accidental.
But then today, when Mom was working on her laptop, she looked over and spied this.

She knew if she got up to get her camera, she'd disturb us, so she took these with the camera on her computer. I am totally using Mica for a pillow here! He's a little bony for such an old fellow, but cozy nonetheless.
Uh oh. Looks like our cuddling session might be short-lived after all...

Ahhh, back to dreams of running through fields in deepest France, chasing tennis balls with Tommy, the scent of lilacs in the air.

Just look at my little bologna tongue sticking out...I'm tasting the Camenbert in my dreams!