Springtime in New York is kind of like Lacie. One moment sunny and warm, shimmering with possibilities, the next day, harsh and cold, ready to bite you in the ....
Anyway, I decided to show you some of the sunnier sides of Spring in the little village in the big city.
We walked over to visit my favorite designer and ardent dog lover , John Bartlett. He's a dog's best friend - continually hosting benefits and adoption events for the North Shore Animal League. Even his logo is a portrait of his three-legged dog Tiny Tim. You can read all about Tim on John's website. You can even buy a Tiny Tim tee-shirt where all the proceeds go to the North Shore Animal League.

Just look at how beautiful the trees are in the neighborhood with their white flowers all in bloom. They look like they're covered in snow.
We liked the window at the Ralph Lauren kids store. The underground view reminded us of when Lacie went exploring under the deck in Da Burgh. Although I don't know if she'd fit into this window display.
A gorgeous cherry blossom tree in Madison Square Park. Okay, it's not in the Village but near Mom's church. Did you know that Madison Square Garden was originally over here by 23rd and Fifth Avenue? (Or that the term "23 Skidoo!" came from police chasing away men who would hang around the corner by the Flat Iron Building to see ladies' skirt fly up in the draft?) When they were putting the Statue of Liberty together, her hand with the torch was displayed here and people could climb up it for a quarter!
Okay, back to the Village. How clever are these sculptures? Puts a whole new spin on "Wire" Fox Terrier, huh? Speaking of which, we're sending lots of love and prayers to our pal Jackson, the wiriest of the WFTs.
Saw this purse and display in Lulu Guiness and it reminded me of someone...oh yes! My wee wifey Rosie! Do you think if I sent her this bag she might forget all about the Facebook thingy and come back to bloggie land? I miss her!
Ahhh, had to spin through the park across the street. This week, the tulips are in bloom and a few of the daffodils are hanging in there. The tulip tree barely bloomed for a week, we couldn't get a photo.
While I was there, I met this little 2-legged pup. He was awfully cute. That's the thing about kids, they're usually sticky with something sweet-tasting and they don't mind if you lick it off of them.
I also ran into my gal pal Pumpkin who I see at the dog run. Mom swears she's made out of pipe cleaners and rubber bands, she's a big happy bouncy girl whose feet rarely touch the ground.
She's a Goldendoodle! Just like my buddy Clive! I guess this is what Clive would look like if he didn't blowout his hair, huh?
In the meantime, check out this video of Mica and then tell me again how old he is! I like how he quits cooperating once Mom says how old he is and then he realizes he's on camera.

Good for sharing crackers and Cheerios too.

I always love going on walks around your neighbourhood with you, Petey!
And wow - look at Mica go! Actually, my human just realised that she'd always said Mica wrong! She thought it was Meek-a - but just realised after she heard your human in the video that it is actually Mike-a!
Honey the Great Dane
I, Jake, have also lost my girlfriend, Gabbi, to that FB thingy. What shall we do????
Love walking through the nrighborhood and thinking that our flat selves and our 3-D peeps will be walking there ere long...
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Thanks fur sharing your spring stroll in The Village!
Great stuff!
I hope woo have a pawesome weekend!
Hey there Petey!
Your neighbourhood looks cheery and cool! Such a lot of fun things around! That cherry tree is pretty awesome!
Hope you are all well and that you still have lots of tennis balls to play with!
Lotsaluv and Lotsalicks
I know Mica is 497 years old. One cool cat.
Your looking hot to trot Petey around your block. I was kind of hoping to see Tiny Tim (Mom knows the feeling well of John Barlett being shut..she was thinking it was personal)but the flowers and trees were pretty. And I love the little history lessons. "3 Skidoo..haaa!! Best of all the wirey dogs who were nearly foxy.That is until I saw Mica playing. Then not. Typical cat. Contrary. But cute.
Happy weekend bestie. Wiry lovees Eric xxxx
You aways make ouw Village look bettew than I weembew..You just know all the best spots. Mica is a wondew..Mommi said when she saw him the othew day, he was spwy as a kitten.
if that lovely gift doesn't entice Wosie, I don't know what will
good luck
smoochie kisses
Definitely send Rosie the purse, Petey! We miss her and her pack too!
Your spring-blooming trees are just beautiful!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
YOOOOHOOOOO here we are..better late than never and we are all caught up with all that has been going on with you(which really has been quite a lot my man) Your raincoat is really the bees knees(Archie has been watching The Great Gatsby a lot lately)Love and a million kisses A+A
Uncle Mica, YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!
Glad you're enjoying the spring weather, Petey.
Tama-Chan, Sei-Chan, Yuu-Chan and Bibi-Chan
I'm always amazed how pretty your neighbourhood is, Petey.
But we have those Lacie-like Springs here too..
I do hope you are not pining too badly for your Rosie, dear boy. Perhaps the flowers will work..
Cheers! Gail.
Oh Petey and parents, how both my Parental Unit and I love ya!
This is a terrific post-like Honey said, we love going on your walks with you!
We're off for our walk right now!
Your buddy,
We loved your trip around the village - the photos are lovely, we always love spring photos!
That doodle - well, what can we say, we like the longer look!! Murray would go crazy if Clive's face was cut!
Hope the fine spring weather continues with you - we've been really lucky for the past two weeks, not a drop of rain, just lots of lovely sunshine!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Mumsie sez they used to say that when they were kids like 146 years ago...when they would run and hide for hide'n seek....that was when kids actually played not under adult snoopervision.
Oh, I just adore that...cuz I'm so NOT!!!!!!!!
You just had to get your mention of my caboose in there didn't ya...and I'll have ya know there is only a few inches under our deck where um I got a bit um stuck...NOT LIKE SIX FEET...as if my butt were that large...
We could make her jealous??? I'm just sayin'???
Our word verrie is catesses...must be for pillow Mica???
Your neighborhood looks amazing with all those pear trees!!! And NO our round pear tree has no resemblance to my butt...none...
Kisses, dear boy...
Flirty ones,
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