Saturday, December 6, 2008

I have a great idea! (Just don't tell Mom!)

As you know, Mommy's leaving us next week to go to France (and meet OUR friends!)
So Ruby and I came up with a great idea.
While Mom's away, the terrier will play! Let's charter Air Ruby to fly around the world and see all our friends' decorations for the holidays!

Lorenza's tree in Mexico, Bae-Bae's festivities in Singapore—and you know Amber-Mae won't disappoint us! We can sniff the Buche Noel (it's not THAT kind of tree, Joey!) with Tom and Vivi in France, go on a sleigh ride in New England with Maggie and Mitch, string cranberries with Toffee and Riley! (And let's not forget the mistletoe, ERIC!)

Then once we've made like Santa and circled the globe, we can come back to my house and have a big PARTY! 

"Just take those old records off the shelf...."


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Mica and Petey, sorry we haven't stopped in, in awhile. The beans seem to be busy with all sorts of decorating. I can't believe your Mum is going to Paris without you. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Excellent idea. We promise we won't say anything when she's here. In fact, we'll distract her!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

Noah the Airedale said...

Sounds good Petey. We'll be in that. Crikey we dont have any Christmas decorations but when you come down here you can have a big Aussie breakfast before we head off.

Noah x

Gus said...

That kind of music just soothes the soul
We'll reminisce about those days of old
Gimme some old time Rock and roll

I am SOOOOO in on this


Eric said...

Hey Petey, Fantabulous idea! Can't wait to see everyone's decorations.Crickey we need to get back home quick to get them up. Bet it involves vast quantitities of kissing berries eh Mom? Uh Oh she say's no...retro paperchains.Waaaaaaa.....

No wags, Eric (from Moms handbag)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
Great idea! Count with me!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom likes that old tyme rokhk and roll!

I'll try to get away!


Ruby Bleu said...

Yay!!! I'll post all about it today - W00t! hey, what day are we departing???

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Agatha and Archie said...

WOOHOO!! Great idea!!!!We will bring some Wagatha cookies!!!!!(for the plane of course..) and Archie said he will ger some champagne...Love and kisses A+A

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Helloooooo! Petey, I am sorry to be so late in thanking you for your kind comments on my new blog.

Thank you for visiting, your blog looks great!

I hope we can be friends too, my Editor is rather slow so I shall have to bark more fiercely at her in future.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx

Asta said...

What a fantastic idea..I'm in!!!!
We suwe look good, and I love Ruby's plane being pulled by weindeew..ummmPetey I hope youw Mom doesn't find that pictoowe of you singing, hehehe
( you do look gweat)
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

We are SO IN! This is going to be PAWESOME!!!!!!! I am gathering all my coats as its COLD everywhere but here and Australia these days ;)

Mack said...

As Ruby would say "WoOt!!"

This is gonna be fun!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Petey! My mom is keeping a pretty close eye on me these days, but I'll try to sneak out and join you. Oh boy!

Toffee said...

OMD! My mom is laughing out loud! Something about Petey having legs like Tom Cruise...

We would love to see everyone's decorations; I am just a little nervous about Riley trying to "mark" trees as his own...sheesh...he is such an embarrassment!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

ooooo ooooo ooooo we wanna go too!!!!!!! GREAT idea Petey!!!
and we love that old time rock and roll too!!! yeeehaw!!

Duke said...

This sounds like an awesome pawty! Count is in, Petey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch