Oops, excuse me.
Ladies and Gentlemen, lads and lassies, studs and b...lady dogs. Without further ado, it is with great pride that Relentlessy Huge Productions in cooperation with Canine Scope brings to you Beagadoon with Petey as director, writer and lead actor, Rosie as the lovely singing and dancing love interest and supporting roles by Eric Square Dog, Toffee, Joseph Stains and the international screen sensation...Sophie Brador.
Please turn off your iBones and electric shock collars...
....(cough, cough).......
...."Ouch, somebody stepped on my tail!".....
I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, it seems as if Tan Torkelson has switched films on us. While visiting his older brother Joe Stains on the set, he spent an exorbinant amount of time in Hair and Makeup with Lacie (assistant to the wardrobe mistress Lorenza) and a certain Scottish gentleman named Johnnie Walker. Apparently, you can put it into a blender — where Lacie found an international converter we can only guess. Anyhow, this is the result....

It may take us a few minutes to find the correct film cannisters and reload the projectors. Please feel free to partake of the complimentary kibble in the lobby or the wee-wee pads in the far corners. The actual film will commence shortly.
Thank you again for your patience...
Toooooo ffffffuuuuuunnnnnnnyyyyyy!
Hmmm...maybe it should be a double feature??? F R E E D O M!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
BOL! Now this should be entertaining!
Licks and Wags,
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
HEHehehehehCan't we see bof??????
I would like some Lowna doon kookies..whewe is the candy giwl??ummmpleez stop shoving..I weally think Mango needs a biggew seat..I'm going to step outside to get some,,ummm, fwesh aiw..call me when it stawts
smoochie kisses
Let's get the show on the ROAD! Can't wait! Can't wait! (Though I must say that I'm going to go rent Tannerheart! It's a comedy, right?)
Goober love,
BOL Tannerheart :)
Big licks to you
Well the suspense in killing us over here in Bonny Scotland!
Tannerheart indeed - Cry Freedom!
martha & bailey xx
Tannerheart might be good but we want Beagadoon!!!!!!
Bring it on !
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Too bad Tanner is married. I think he and Lacie belong together. Couple of doofuses.
Sorry for meditating a little during the screening. Hope I didn't miss anything important.
I dye of laughing here, Petey.
You're one cool gentledog, you're witty, humorous and soooo creative. Your blog is always a pleasant place to visit, to laugh and love.
Bravo, buddy Petey!
Hi, Petey...
OMdoG...That is soooo funny...
Abby xxxooo
How about that double feature, Tannerheart!!!!!! wooooooo!
-Kira and Scampi
We were a bit surprised to see Beagadoon starting so soon. After all, we hadn't even been fitted for our kilts!!
Too too funny!!!
We'll wait as long as you keep the popcorn flowing. We love popcorn.
Jake and Just Harry
more popcorn please, it nourishes the creative beastie
too funny, I was like what is going on I am so confused? ha ha so funny. looking forward to the real showing=)
Ciao m.... Gahhhhhh! Someone dropped Good and Plenty all over the floor and my paws are skidding around everywhere!! Ok, that's better, and look, here's a whole row of empty seats so I'll just grab ...WHATTTT?? But Dennis, the whole row?? What gophers? Mio amico, I don't see one single, solitary gopher anywhere ... ah, va bene, va bene, I'll just take this seat next to the Sporty Labradork. (Giggle! But you're very shiny and clean, amico!) Ooooh! Here comes the movie.... TANNERHEART!?!?!?! Huhhhh!?!?!
Tanti baci!
Thanks for the nifty Lacie date survivor bracelet, Petey! It's great! I can't wait to see the movie. Did you say there's complimentary kibble in the lobby? I'm there!
See ya!
Ugh! The agony of having to wait longer!
Tannerheart.. too funny... you are not right!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
That Mango...even putting Tanner's name with mine in the same sentence...after that pic he posted of me as a bagpipe...
He was constantly in the closet of Fur and Makeup...at least I know where my spare Euro blender went....
Can I change seats? Sitting behind Mango hugest gaseous explosions is ruinin' my appetite for my popcorn.
RING RING...(Lacie grabs her cell...rufusin' to EVER turn it off....)
Sorry...where was I?
Oh...we're waitin' for the films to be switched?
Think I'll run up and use the peepads...I've been rather irregular since my illness...
XXOO La...
Lacie takes off like Tanner himself is behind her...it wouldn't pay to get in her way.
Well we didn't see that one coming lol. What a great film.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
omdog I can apologize a thousand times, but I can't seem to control that little doofus. He always has to do what I am doing and he always MESSES STUFF UP!!! argh.
I hope you get things fixed up over there and I am sorry to all the other dogs.
Also, I don't even want to think about he and Lacie pairing up on ANYTHING.
Funneeeeee!! Explains why the Doofus when he was in make up wanted a blue face instead of a blue bracelet.
Yeah lucky Lacie and Tannerheart were sippin' from their sporrans all afternoon. Overheard Lacie says you can get more than a wee dram in them as she was eyeing up Jake and Just Harry....or was she referring to their kilts???
Wiry wags pal.Eric xx
Complimentary kibble in the lobby?! We're there!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, Mango got THAT right. Bring on the show (feet stamping in anticipation).
Tail thumps, the OP Pack
Taffy just cannot eat kibble, he gets terrible bottom burps. Popcorn sounds good.
Petey, these are great, sooooooo funny.
please join the Pet Community. Finally a social network for animals.
What a doofus....but he is rocking that plaited wig! So, how big is HIS sword then??
Great trailer, v.funny but we want Beagadoon!
Slobbers from Alfie, Snoop & Gabbi xx
Ummm....Petey? I thought we were meeting in the back row? Have you been mobbed by adoring girl fans?
Ok, well i'll see you there soon....hurry though before your hot dog goes cold.....
Yours in anticipation of a back row snogathon :o) Rosie-Posie xxxx
Petey dear boy,
We have just returned from our daily walk up the fields and far away. The sun is shining here and the coats were off. People we met were smiling and chatting!! Imagine sunshine does that to people!
Anyway thought we would have another look at the film and noticed ourselves in the seats yesterday at Tannerheart!
You are so clever! Such a lot of thought you have put into the whole production.
We have enjoyed it so much.
Your favourite aunties xxxx
Very, very Funny. Love the pics. A Shock Collar is a safe, effective and humane way to train your dog.
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