Welcome to beautiful Bermuda! I met Rosie at the airport with some tropical flowers that she tucked behind her ear. She couldn't have been lovelier.
Accompanying Rosie was her Scottish Auntie Bailey, who had taken it upon herself to act as Rosie's chaperone. I welcomed her to the Island with a local tradition—a potent Dark 'N Stormy (ginger beer and a liberal dose of Bermuda Black Rum!)

Soon everyone was relaxed and we headed to our gorgeous accommodations, right over the clear blue water! The walls of these cottages are made out of a weatherproof sailcloth so inside, it's almost like being in a tent. Auntie Bailey didn't leave us out of her sight for a moment.

Inside our cottage, there was a glass panel in the floor where you could watch tropical fish swim by. Imagine our surprise when we saw Auntie Bailey dog-paddling past and waving up at us!

Finally, her fourth Dark & Stormy kicked in while we were at the beach and Rosie and I were able to enjoy a good romp in the squeaky pale pink sand.

We left Auntie Bailey snoring gently under a palm tree and tried our paws at scuba diving. It was amazing...and not a catfish in sight!

After drying off, we decided to do some sight-seeing, as Bermuda is filled with interesting, historic spots. We were wandering through the quaint streets of St. George and who should we run into but Butchy! Apparently, Lacie was in a store, picking out some Bermuda shorts for Scruffy and Baby Stan.
Butchy and I stopped to pose for a photo together at Duke of Cumberland Lane...

...Then Lacie decided she wanted her photograph taken as well. Who knew this little street had two different names?

We left Lacie and Butchy having a grand time in St. Georges. I do hope one of them had the key.

Rosie and I hopped on our scooters and headed towards the old Bermuda Railway trail. Don't worry about Auntie Bailey, she was all recovered from her long nap and quite safe on her scooter. She just kept yelping at Rosie and I to "slow down!"

Auntie Bailey was nervous on the scooters - she was used to driving on the left side of the road, but I certainly wasn't - and she claimed I was giving her "palpitations." So I suggested we take a romantic carriage ride to the famous Bermuda Perfumery. I filled the carriage with flowers, but what could compare to my stunning Rosie?

As evening was approaching and Auntie Bailey was getting more and more animated, suggesting an early supper and a rousing game of Canasta before tucking in for the night. Instead, I had the carriage take us to the famous Swizzle Inn, the oldest pub on Bermuda...

...and the home of the delicious... and VERY potent...Bermuda Rum Swizzle! Rosie and I slowly sipped our drinks, staring wistfully into each others' big brown eyes.

But it wasn't the sound of the waves roaring behind us...it was Auntie Bailey, out like a light after her 6th Rum Swizzle. She didn't even get to finish the last two she'd ordered.
We tucked her into her bed, turned out the lights, and LOCKED THE DOOR. Then Rosie and I headed out for our wildly romantic evening in Bermuda...