And just look who got on board today! It's Marvin, my wise Scottish sage! He's been feeling a bit under the weather, but we decided the clean Highland air would be like a restorative tonic for him.
We presented him this antique print we found in Edinburgh to give to his gal Jeannie. I wonder if the Rocky Creek Scotties know these guys?

Our next diversion on the way? The famous Malt Whisky Trail. I don't know anything about Whisky, but I know a Malted is a lot like a Milkshake and that's made with ice cream, and I love ice cream. So this sounds like the trail for me!
"Here's mud in your eye!" says Jakie, our earth dog.
"Bottoms up!" says Marvin, our kilt flipping pal.
"To our sweethearts and wives!!!" says Eric, "may they never meet!"

And where was Hamish the Westie, you might ask?
"Och aye! These wee bairns can barely hold their milk much less fine Scots whisky," he muttered, "I'm tucking into a nice haggis sandwich and then a nap."
"Wake me up for high tea with those saucy Aunties."

Reddish blonde hair? Check.
Stubbornly bull-headed? Check.
Tune in tomorrow when we're joined by mysterious castaways!
Oh my - you've outdone youself yet again on this pawsome post! And my forbears are supposedly from Scotland, but I (shying away) know nothing of spirits but of those that go "bump" into that goode nicht. I must to revisit my homeland.
With huggies and haggis dreams,
xo Sammie
WOOO! What a trip, I am so looking forward to the rest of the story....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Can't wait to see more! (And Mom says that if you've got a chance to go back to that whisky trail, she wouldn't mind a little pressie!) Looks like a very fun trip!!! I can definitely see that I've got to get Air Fiona up and running so I can go visit some of these cool places!
*kissey face*
Ah yes, for a wee timourous beastie, ye are doin' a truly fine job of it.
LOL - that last pic is hysterical.
Oh, you're always so creative and original, Petey!
And I just wanted to say that your last comment about a "Great Derriere" had my humans roaring with laughter...I didn't realise that Cairn Terriers were so witty!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
looks like you are having a grand time petey -
Oh Petey, we just knew we should have packed our headscarves.
Eric has already recommended the ones the Queen herself wears - they should be suitable.
It was great looking our of the train window but oh how our ears are aching!
This is just the best trip!!
love and kisses
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxx
What a brillant trip! We're really enjoying following it!
When we were 'Up North' in April - we visited the Bushmills Whiskey Factory - it tasted really great (well, so I was told!!)
lots of woofs
Hi, Petey...
You sure know how to have a good time...
Can't wait to hear more...
Abby xxxooo
We wait with baited haggis breath.....well, Rosie and Gabbi are busy gabbing about whose man is the handsomest and chasing their tails with boys are looking forward to sharing a dram or ten (there is a distillery less than a mile from us, Benroma, we can see the big chimney from our house....perfect!)
See you gentlemen soon.....and our elegant Aunts of course (we do hope they're behaving, Martha has a tendency to "misplace" her bloomers when plied with alcohol!)
Expectant slobbers xx
What a wonderful post - so nice to see snippets of our homeland. And a wonderful print of our relatives.
AHH to walk along the moors and smell the heather...........
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I was glad to hear you kept yourself in check from going total cracker dog on that big guy you met. Us full sized doggies do not take kindly to little bouncy guys all jumping on us.
I am at a loss regarding your most recent adventure. You sure know how to have a good time. Yowsa!
Duuuh....the distillery is called Benromach....our friends beagles are called Benroma, silly Mum!
Hi Petey,
You and your doggie pals are sure having a high old time huh?
Can't wait to see what you all get into tomorrow!
Wags & wiggles,
That malt whisky (hic) is sure tasty (hic). Pour me some (hic) more, please -- or wait, I think I'll (hic) just take a little (hic) snooze while you guys get ready to move out...
Jake once of Florida and now of (hic) Scotland........
Good to see Marvin join us today Petey. Did he bring his brothers? Could of sworn I saw four of him soon after our famous toasts.Och ay, thank dog for Hamish.
It was a great trip, a laugh a minute!!! Until the arrival of the Lacie Highlnd coo...she's after me Petey and not in a nice way...
Wiry love and kissies Eric xxx
Our mommy said she'll have a Chivas Regal scotch and toast your pawsome trip!!
XXOO-BabyRocketDog and Hootie
I think I've had too much nip!
my Dad is drooling uncontrollably over that table full of fine malts. he does love that stuff. Marvin's humans have helped him to discover several tasty new bottles to try. Looks like you are having a heck of a time, but boy does that lacie beast look scary.
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