Well, relief is indeed at hand! Sighs of relief that damages in New York seem to be quite minor. And relief for Petey in terms of FINALLY getting outside for a nice long walk. And with plenty of limbs on the street, he had loads of places to leave pee-mails.
This car was swamped down near Asta's home. We were walking with a bunch of our dog run friends and ran into George taking Asta out for some relief of her own. There was some flooding on their street, but it's all receded.

While we were looking at it, I was interviewed by CNN! (Note to self: Never go outside following a national disaster without full makeup, hair and wardrobe...) Told them that the dogs were the real victims, as they'd been housebound for hours and unable to get outdoors to relieve themselves. Yes, hard-hitting news! But the camera man did pan Petey and my friends across the street, so keep your eyes peeled for us!
Again, we're feeling very blessed that we made it through an earthquake and a hurricane without much harm here in New York. Our prayers go out to those not so fortunate.