Our friend Beth's cat Luz died yesterday.
She was just three months short of her 22nd birthday. She lived a long fine life. She was with Beth when she first moved from California to Boston and kept her company as she found her way around the city. Years later, she moved with Beth to New York, where a little black cat who loves a warm lap can provide a lot of comfort in the big city.
As Beth so eloquently put it:
" She had an amazing life and I will miss her big green eyes, her 3 pack-a-day, "Ertha Kitty" meow, her gumball fetching skills, her willingness to be my bug stalker and her incredible heat-seeking abilities (she never met a radiator that she didn't love and immediately stick her head under). Many of you have spent time with Luz and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed your company, especially those of you who shared your meal with her.
I've attached my favorite photo of Luz in our East Cambridge apartment (circa 1991). And another photo of Luz and me around 1987 when miss kitty was about a year old.

In loving memory of all the fabulous animals in our lives..."

In loving memory of all the fabulous animals in our lives..."
A long happy life like Luz's is to be celebrated, not mourned. Send some purrs and tailwags to Beth today, will you? Hopefully, another little black kitty will find its way into her life before too long to help fill the hole in her heart. And Luz, we know you've found a radiator just to your liking...