Saturday, December 26, 2009
We're packing up!
Friday, December 25, 2009
And to all, a good night!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas time in the City!

Monday, December 14, 2009
The spirit of Christmas

Dear Christian,
Thank you very much for your kind letter.
First of all, I want to tell you that I do owe you an explanation as to why I was unable to answer your Christmas list requests last year. As you might imagine, I receive millions and millions of requests for toys and clothes each year, from children around the world. Some children are wealthy and live in palaces and castles, others do not even have a home to live in at all.
Thanks to your letter, I knew that you and your brother wanted winter coats more than anything. And that is an important thing to ask for, as I know on some days, the streets of New York can be just as chilly and blustery as a day here at the North Pole. And yet I knew that even if I didn’t have a chance to make it to your home, you and your brother would have something that would keep you warm right to the very core.
And that is your mother’s love.
While you may not live in a castle or a palace, you have a richer, more valuable gift than many people who do. And that is a mother who loves you with all of her heart. I know that this is hard to understand when you really want a coat to keep you warm and you see other people getting what they want. But believe me, Christian, you have something rare and precious and valuable in your Mom that you will have for the rest of your life. Even after you’ve grown too big and tall to wear your new coat, and you’ve lost or broken or outgrown the toys I’ve got all lined up to bring you, you will always know that your mother gave you the greatest gift that one person can give another, her love.
When you think about Christmas, it’s easy to get all caught up in the colorful store windows, all the toys on television, and of course, me! Delivering toys and gifts to children around the world. But much more important than the gifts under the tree or tucked into the stockings, is the gift that the world is celebrating — the birth of our Lord. When we celebrate his birthday, we are also celebrating a mother’s love for her son.
You are a fine, fine boy, Christian and I wish I could bring you a sleighful of toys and clothes and treats. I will bring you some nice presents on Christmas Eve, but in the meantime, I want you and your brother to go give your Mom the tightest hug and the biggest kiss you can. I know I do not have to worry about you two being good boys because you have such a wonderful mother.
You may be too young to understand all that I’ve written in this letter right now. So do an old man a favor, won’t you? Keep this letter someplace special. Surely you have a secret hiding place with a little brother around the house, don’t you? And each Christmas, open it up and read it. One day, you’ll be almost as old as I am. And I’ll bet you’ll agree that the gift of your mother’s love was the most wonderful present you ever received. By then, you’ll probably have children of your own – maybe even grandchildren! So be sure to give them your love as well.
You may not believe me now, but you are the richest boy in all of New York City. Have a merry Christmas and the happiest of new years to come!
Santa Claus
North Pole
(Needless to say, "Santa Mommy" sent down jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, toys, books and some bubble bath for their Mom!)
Of all the things that Mommy's ever written, this is the one thing she's kept and rereads every year. We wanted to share this message with each of you, it is our own New York Christmas story. And this year, when we're getting ready for our first Christmas without our Granny, Mommy's Mom, (and we know other friends are also experiencing that same loss as well), we wanted to be reminded that a mother's love lasts a lifetime...and beyond.
Merry Christmas to all....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Mica Update and my Bespoke Saville Row ensemble!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I did it! And Power of the Paw request, please...