Sorry for the delay in what I find to be the most stimulating post of the week: Mica Monday!
Petey has been kind of a computer hog, lately, what with all his dates on The Bow-chelor. But more about that later...

First I want to thank my handsome, suave, sophisticated Aby brother in France —
Sen-Chan—and his loyal dog champion Tom for this, my very FIRST award! Sure, we've received some very nice awards for the blog, but this one is just for me and it is very special indeed. I love it!
I would like to pass it along to my newest cat friend
MoMo. I'd also like to give this award to
Jackson. Now I know he's a wire fox terrier, but anyone who knows Jackson knows he is one COOL CAT!
Now, I'd like to introduce you all to someone very special. After Betty went to the bridge, her Mom was so sad not to hear the clicky-clatter of little terrier toes on the parquet that she went and found herself this 4-month old short-legged Jack Russell puppy...

Now that licorice nose and those melting brown eyes can warm even the heart of this old tomcat. Isn't she the cutest thing? And look at the color brown around her eye and ear - I think she may have some Abysinnian in her....
Here's what her Mom had to say about her:
"She is currently studying basic Mandarin and Urdu and should gain proficiency by December. She twirls batons in her spare time, makes a mean Jello and spends her free hours under cover for the CIA investigating the break up of Patch and Kayla on
Days of Our Lives."
That's one busy pup!
Now, I was nosing around the bed last night, looking for a cool corner to sleep, and I found this dog-earred volume under Petey's blanket.

More investigation revealed this... He'd actually made notes in the margins!

Of course, I think this is the book he should really be spending the most time studying!

The poor little fella was kind of distraught. "Mica," he said, "I've been on three great dates now and had a wonderful time with each of these beautiful ladies, but how do I know if they like me?"
"Well," I said, polishing my whiskers, "Have they dropped off any bacon brownies because 'they just happened to be in the neighborhood and remembered how much you like bacon?'"
"No," he replied a bit wistfully.
"Has the phone rung, then when you pick it up, you hear just a hint of distant giggling before it's disconnected?"
"No, not once."
"Have you seen them walking past our house 'accidentally on purpose?' Notice any pee-mails on your walks?"
"Nope, not a one." The poor little guy let out a huge sigh and flopped over on his side.

"Buck up, old boy," I said, "these are modern girls you're dating. They've all been to Obedience School, read
The Rules, watched
The View...
"Wait just a minute!" I thought, "I know exactly who can coach Petey! Why, in no time, he'll have these ladies eating out of his paw!!!" And with that, I placed a very important phone call to:

He still has a few more dates to go on before the Final Rose Ceremony. We'll see if his luck doesn't improve now!