Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Some sad news...

I just found out this evening that my first girlfriend, Gracie, was crossing the Rainbow Bridge today. When I was just a young pup, my dog nanny would walk us together and Gracie taught me how to be a well-behaved, polite young pup. She'd never bite at me or growl, just lift a lip when I'd get out of line. She was a sweet old black and tan shepherd/collie mix. Please say your prayers for her Mommy tonight as I know she will feel as if a part of her heart is missing. And then give your people a snuggle and think that Gracie is now running around like a young pup once again. 

'Til we meet again...say goodnight, Gracie.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hi's us again...

We're sorry to hear bout Gracie...we'll keep her family in our thoughts and's so tough to loose a friend!!!


It's just the best!!!! We feel we know ya already cuz Asta talks bout ya a lot...ur so lucky to get to play with Asta in person so to speak....

You're one handsome you date? Now don't be askin' Asta if I'm just a heartless's a possibility...

We're gonna go watch hockey...our Penguins are playin' in the Stanley Cup finals tonight...lotsa screamin' comin' from the basement!!!!!

Come and play in our bloggie!!!!

Lacie...I'm the cute one...

Scruffy...he's the dumb one who plays ball all the time

Babystan...he's well...a large Dale who likes to torture me....


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Lots of purrs an' purrayers for Gracie's fambly. Sigh. The Bridge is heavily populated ...

Peace to you!

Lizzy said...


Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Gracie... We will be keeping her family in our prayers...


Amber-Mae said...

Hey there Petey! So very sorry to hear about your best friend Gracie. Must be sooo heartbreaking for her owner. Please send her our regards. Will keep Gracie & her owner in our thoughts. Btw, I've linked you to my blog. I hope it's okay with you.

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

i said...

Hi Petey, sorry to hear about Gracie. Our thoughts to you and her family.

Duke said...

We're so sorry to hear about your friend, Gracie, Petey! It's so hard to lose best friends!
Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Daisy said...

I am sorry to learn the sad news about your friend Gracie.

Asta said...

We will be saying a pwayew fow Gwacie's theiw heawts heal...It's saddest fow those left behind..I'm glad you wewe lucky enough to have hew as a fwiend..she sounds gweat...and I'm suwe she is having a gweat time ovew the bwidge with ouw othew fwiends
smoochie kisses

Toffee said...

Petey -

I know in my heart that Gracie is still keeping an eye on you from doggy heaven.

My thoughts are with you and Gracie's parents during this difficult time.


p.s. I liked the "say goodnight Gracie" reference...

Toffee said...

...I hope that Gracie is playing with my friend Shadow who also crossed the bridge...

Stanley said...


I'm so sorry to hear about Gracie Girl. She sounds like she was a special pupgirl in your life and that she will be missed by a lot of folks.

Run like the wind, Miss Gracie!

Goob love,