Monday, July 21, 2008


"Psst! Mom! Wake up."  (Walks over inert body in the bed.)

"I mean it. Mom! Wake up! Now!!! (Examines sleeping head closely. Prods nose for reaction.)

"Ahh, there you are. Good morning. It's me, Mica. No, I don't know where Petey is - it's so darn hot in here he's probably on the couch, trying to catch a breeze from our rotten air conditioner.

"Anyhow, remember how you were thinking that maybe Mondays could be all mine? Mica Mondays, like the wheelies have Wheelie Wednesday. Well, I thought it was a splendid idea. 

"It's Monday, now, right? So I can start blogging right?"

"Nah, you don't have to look at the clock. But it does show that it's now Monday, right? And while you don't have to get up early because you work from home, you don't mind opening a new fresh can of Fancy Feast while you're up, do you you Mom? 

"Because you are up now, right? Even though you have to use those dumb sticks to hobble around and get my food, right?

And while you're up, could you turn on the computer for me and log on to Petey's blog page so I can get started?" 

"I mean, really Mom, is that asking too much? At least I waited for awhile, I've up since 5:00, playing hockey puck with the things on your dresser."

"Shhh, now that you're up, could you try not to crash into anything with those sticks? Petey's complaining that his head hurts. Something about 'too many of Lacie's smoothies' and how he never knew what a 'party animal' was until he went to Snicker's Birthday Bash! Thank heavens his pals Jackson and Eric got him on the last flight out of Iowa on Air Ruby. He doesn't remember a thing after Asta suggested everyone go for a midnight skinny dip. 

"I've given him two Muttrin and he's just going to sleep it off. He said something about asking Lacie for some 'hair of the dog,' and from what we've seen on her blog, she's got plenty to go around!"

"Ahh, now that my first post is complete, Petey's been taken care of and Mommy's FINALLY awake, I think I'll take a nice 15-hour nap until supper time rolls around."


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Mica, I don't usually bark at cats but if you're a pal of Petey's I guess you're OK. I like to wake J1 up at that time EVERY SINGLE DAY, hehehe! Tell Petey that hair of the dog is the very best thing to cure what ails him. Chin chin! J x

Amber-Mae said...

I bet your Mom doesn't have very good sleep everyday huh Mica?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said...

Excellent post!!.I should have wawned Petey to pace himself..I fowgot that this was his fiwst Flight and pawty..between the Wubytinis, and Lacie's slushes..welll it's suwpwising he made it home...take cawe of youw Mom Mica..I'll go look fow the ice pack
smoochie kisses
pee ess.You wewe so nice to me when I came weally awe the nicest Kitty

Clover said...

Hi Mica! Good work on your first post!
And Petey - thanks so much for the award. I can't wait to post it!! :)
Love Clover xo

AB clan said...

Great post Mica, our girls encourage you to tell new stories!
It's time for AB to blog!
ViVi & AB

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Mica! I was delighted to see your post. I totally approved of Mica Mondays and look forward to lots of great writing and photos!

Hi Petey! It's really nice of you to give Mica a day in the week! You're obviously a great brother.


Eric said...

I's whispering this Petey so not to hurt your head...Mica you are one cute Kittie. You look a bit like my bro' but browner...and strange this ,but he too bashes things around on the 2 leggededs bedroom dresser at 5 in the morning then sleeps for countless hours once he's got every one up. You two must surely be related??? Though my Otis will not be blogging. Not even Otis on a 'orrible Monday Morning.... though I think Mica Mondays are a splendid idea.. see you next week.
Wags, Eric x x x x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my Mica...did Petey not invite you to the pawty? Um...all kitties are welcome, of might have been there, but for some reason my recollection of the nights events are a tad hazy.

OK...Petey does NOT need any dog dawgness, NO. He needs lotsa and lotsa fluids...NO ADDITIVES. Give him a big bowl of water and later some chicken soup if he wants it. I suggest he takes the Muttrin as directed and take several long nappies today. I tried to get him to use moderation, but he is a rather tenacious terrier. Those peaches he brought made the best smoothies!

So glad ur gonna be postin' on Mondays, sweet Mica...ur a very attractive kitty!!!

Barkin' at ya...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mica!
Now Petey knows how is to party with the DWB!
I am not so sure your Mom appreciates you wake her up at that time in the morning!
How is her foot?
I hope you and Petey are taking good care of her!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hi Mica, you sure wake up very early. You're a cute and nice cat. I hope to see more of you. :)

~ Girl girl

i said...

Oh boy, Petey did look as if he's having a hangover hehe...

15 hours nap? That's really long, Mica.

Duke said...

You're kinda cute, Mica! We hope to see more of you next Monday! Tell Petey we said hi!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

Hi Petey
Yes, the sunflower field is really neato....mum wishes we could run through it really fast and play in the field....hehe

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Mica...

Good post fer yer first yer takin' over Mondays are ya???? I think ya just wanted to have a bit ta say before ya ate and then went back ta sleep......what a life.....

Dewey Dewtser here

Daisy said...

Mica Monday... I like the sound of that! It's never too early in the morning to get started!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Mica, it's very nice to meet you. We are cats BTW, we meet Petey through our friend Asta. Feel free to teleport over and visit with us while your Mom is laid up. We hope she gets better soon. Crutches are no fun, youngest boy bean was on them for awhile after dislocating his knee. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Joe Stains said...

omdog a CAT gets a whole DAY!? I dunno about all that!

Blogger said...

I just got a check for $500.

Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can get by taking paid surveys online...

So I show them a video of myself actually getting paid over $500 for doing paid surveys.