Hi everybody! Thought you might enjoy going for a walk with me and Bear through the West Village. Some of these were taken on the way to the dog run (where I play with Asta!) and others were taken on our late night walk before we go to bed.
It's 11:10 p.m. Time to head to the elevators!

This is our doorman Robert. He's very nice, sometimes shares some of his sandwich with me, and is very good at playing tennis ball in the lobby late at night.

Here's Bear, waiting for me outside the door. He's wearing his ASPCA support bandana. I have one too, and when we both wear them, we really look like we're in a gang!

There's a restaurant around the corner from us on West 4th Street called The Place. They serve wonderful food and great cocktails. And the girls who work there are super nice. They always take the time to give us a good back rub!

My very favorite restaurant is at the corner of Bank Street and West 4th Street. It's an Italian restaurant called La Foccacia. Ever since I've been a puppy, I've stopped by their door and they've fed me a piece of foccacia. Here I am, waiting (im)patiently for tonight's treat!

This shot is kind of a blur because I was leaping in the air to catch a bit of foccacia! It's delish! A scene in the movie "Sex & The City" was shot here.

We walked past the Marc Jacobs for Kids store. (There are FIVE Marc Jacobs stores in the neighborhood. Where's the one for dogs? All we've seen is a Barc Jacobs teeshirt for $200) Anyhow, Bear and I really like this car and wish it was ours. What a great time we'd have motoring around to visit all our friends. (And there's already a Bear in it!)

This is an old-fashioned book with wonderful illustrations of New York. It's one of my favorites.

Then we ran into our friend Pasha and his new baby brother who looks exactly like him, only smaller. His Mom kept calling him "Boo Boo" and it stuck. I like to call him "Little Boo." He's very camera shy. He's people-shy too, but very cute.

We went past the famous Magnolia Bakery. On a nice evening, there can be a line of 50 people or more waiting to get CUPCAKES! They even have a doorman to control how many people can go in the bakery at once. It's crazy. Bear's Daddy wants to sell teeshirts that say "They're JUST cupcakes!"

Across the street is Biography Books. This is a great old-fashioned Village bookshop. Open late. Dog-friendly. And they always have dog biscuits on hand. It's an institution in the Village.

Across the street from Magnolia Bakery is a little park where people go to eat their treats. Mommy calls it Cupcake Park because there are hundreds of cupcake wrappers and boxes all over the ground. I'm always trying to gobble them up but she's pretty good at taking them away from me. Just look at the overflowing trash can - you just know there's some tasty icing in there.

Our last stop on our late night walk is the Abingdon Square Market. It's a deli/grocery store but they always have the most beautiful flowers for sale. It's like a lovely garden! Ahhhh!

On our way to the dog run yesterday, we saw this fellow painting "i heart" on a wall in the Meatpacking District. He was playing some groovy music and we just liked the look of this!

What do you heart?
You must had a nice night walk around the neighborhood.
Our maid liked going on a walk through NY with you - she loves the city and sometimes misses it...
Thank you so much for your sweet words on Emil's loss... we wish we could hope for him to show up again but we are afraid he is at the bridge, considering the environment we are living in.... We will always think of him and love him!
Karl and Mrs. OZ
I heart all my DWB friends. We think NYC is so cool, we don't have any place cool to walk to like that. Everything is new and the same and boring!
Your neighbourhood sure looks pawsome Petey. :)
~ Girl girl
I heart you.
I heart frosty paws.
I sometimes heart by brother Riley.
wow. NYC really IS the city that never sleeps!
Your neighborhood is kinda kewl!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a fun and exciting neighborhood you live in, Petey! I enjoyed taking a peek at where you live.
Hi Petey!
Sorry we haven't been around in a while.
That looks like a fun walk!! And OMD! 50 humans in line fur cupcakes? They must be REALLY good!
We've never been inside a book-store! How cool fur you!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Petey!
Thanks so much for taking us on a tour! My mom is very jealous that you get to walk around there every day (or night.) We hope we can visit one day!
Love Clover xo
Oh man, those cupcakes really got me drooling on the keyboard! Mmmmm, they look so delicious!
I Heawt You, and all my fwiendses!!
Those awe some of my favowitest places too, xept they don't give me focaccia, cause I don'tgo by thewe on my evening walk...I guess the day cwew is too busy.
I'm going away eawly tomowwow mowning..I'll miss you...and the neighbowhood
love and smoochie kisses
We heart pizza and ice cream!
What a cool neighborhood, Petey! We just love that car with the Teddy! You would look awesome driving to the run in that to meet Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Petey -
Mama went out and bought bacon so you can have it with your bone. We also have a few tennis balls so you can play with them.
We like your neighborhood. Our neighborhood is pretty boring and where Kaci is really boring.
Have a Happy 4th of July, we hope the fireworks don't scare you.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Loved that tour. What a great walkie Petey with all those eating pit stops!
The 2 leggededs shop round there (without me- so unfair)when they come to New York. Momi loves the Marc Jacobs stores but has never ever bought me anything back from Barc Jacobs either :( She says she is very sorry for you bout the $/£ exchange rate and will try and do something about it but in the meantime intends to shop till she drops!!!! Hope it's all for me.What do you think?
Wiry wags, Eric
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