Well, Mommy went off to a fancy birthday party this weekend at her friend Trey's place in Pennsylvania. If you can believe it, Mommy and Trey went to kindergarten together! And now he's her dentist in Manhattan. How weird is that? It would be like Asta growing up and becoming my vet! Usually I get to go along too, when we go spend the weekend with Trey, but there was going to be too much going on. Oh well. I may not get to run around chasing balls on 6 acres of countryside but I can sure run alot in that nice long hallway at ASTA'S!!!

Yes, that's exactly who I got to stay with! How much fun is that? She's got the best toys, we get to go to the dog run together, and her Mommi always slips us treats (something Mommy doesn't do at home!) It's just the best ever.
Last night, I was dreaming about who may become my GIRLFRIEND! The voting comes to an end very soon so PLEASE be sure to VOTE NOW. Some pups have thought I was big chicken for letting everyone decide for me. But I thought that would be the nicest way to go, so no one's feelings would get hurt.
So despite that fact that Lacie seems to be dating every hound with a blog and Asta Marie seems to have found a potential husband #4 in Jake, your votes still count! No dimpled chads on DWBs!!!
Asta's Mommi got up in the night for a drink of water so I nicely moved to her place in the bed to keep the spot warm for her. See what a considerate doggie I am?

Maybe I'm dreaming about YOU, my future GIRLFRIEND!!!
Thanks again Asta for a super-duper weekend!
Well Petey...
Are ya still lookin' fer a girlfriend ???? Haven't found the right one yet? Well, ya will have ta tell me what ya decided cause I can't believe ya can't make up yer own mind...there were Cairn terriers galore at the earthdog meet 'n none of 'em had any trouble decidin' anythin'....aw but I'm sure ya will find the right girl...Lacie....make sure ya have that armour handy at all times.....'n have yer lockjaw shots up ta date......
Dewey Dewster here.....
The house is vewy empty since you went home..We all miss you..it was so fun to have you hewe..me being youw VET????hehehehenow that would be fun
smoochie kisses
So you still want one of those girlfriend things huh? I guess that would be fun...you would always have someone to play bitey face with...and a butt to sniff!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi Petey,
Not sure if you already know but now I finally have a real sister to introduce to you. (She may be a bit too young for your liking though.. and she is still going through her teething phase, so if you do go on a date with her, please watch those teefies)!
Hey Petey, the Js have a pal who's a dentist but they would NEVER let him tamper with their teeth, no way jose!!! They're both wimps about going to the dentist.
Hope your mum had a great weekend. I'm sure YOU did with Asta! J x
PS what's a dimpled chad? J x
Hey Petey,
Good luck in the search for a girlfriend matie. Hope you find what your looking for. My only tip is stay away from my sissie Lucy...she's nuts.
Hi Petey, we can't wait to find out who the lucky girl is. ~S, S & C
I like to pick a new girlfriend each time I'm at the bark park. I usually base my decision on whoever is better at chase. I hope you find a nice lady friend!
Petey looks like a pawfect weekend for you at Asta's.Did you play Dog and Vetties? Hope your Mom had a good time too. Did she play Dentist and patient?
See youv'e got the doggie hot water bottle thing down to a fine art, how kind and thoughtful of you,the pawfect house guest. Who did you dream of ... which girl ..gone on you can tell...
Wagging in anticipation...Eric x
Oh me n Jackson want to know what dimpled chads are...
Petey! I saw you on Asta's blog playing with a tennis ball! That looked very fun.
Hello Petey ! I have seen on Asta's Blog that you had a lot of fun with this little ball ! I wonder who will be your Girlfriend, realy .....Wait and see...
Kisses, Faya
Oh Petey it looks like you two had the bestest time ever! I can't believe either of you got any sleep - hee hee hee!
Good luck on the girlfriend, vote...I voted!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
We can only imagine how much fun you had staying with Asta! We bet you ate pretty good too! Asta's mom is a great cook!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
good luck on your search and decision on finding the right GF ;)
Maltese Paws,
Snowy & Crystal
Hi, Petey!
I hope you mom had a great weekend!
I know you and Asta had a great time too!
I voted! Lets see the results!
Kisses and hugs
omdog the suspense is killing me. I hope its not some long drawn out affair like they do on the TV shows where they make you wait forever and a day while they play music and the suspense KILLS you. Can't wait!!
How many blog entries do you think it's gonna take you to 'splain a dimpled chad to the UK boyz?? Funny how that became common knowledge for everydog here in a very short time!!!
Oh Petey...I'm tryin' and tryin' NOT TO FLIRT. For at least 5 seconds...it's just sooooooo hard. Do you think I should join a program to help me to stop? I know it's addictive behavior..
Tomorrow I'm gonna go for 6 seconds...oh I hope they don't show that pic of Mango this week where he looks just like a tree stump. I love that one!
Sounds like you had the bestest time with Asta...!
Flir...er Non Flir.er...
Happy Barks,
i hope u will get ur dream girl
Hi, Petey...
Looks like you had a fun time at Asta's house...
I can't wait to hear which one of us will get the Final Rose...
Abby xxxooo
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