Instead, it means "a good surprise birthday!!!!" Today my friend Tom is celebrating his very first birthday. (And so is his #1!) So since Asta and Lacie are just across the Channel in England, taking care of Jackson who seems to be recuperating nicely, I thought they might want to join me.
First I rang up Jackson: "Jax, old boy, just wondering if I could borrow the girls for a few hours today. Would that be alright with you?"
Jackson thought for a moment about his soggy mattress after Asta had tried to administer a bubble bath in his bed and the absolutely dreadful stuff that Lacie had been referring to as "tea" and didn't hesitate a moment before saying, "Yes, take them! I could use the rest!"
I wasn't sure I'd heard him right, what with the international connection and all, "What's that, Jax?"
"Yes, take them...and give Tom my best!" And with that, I popped over on Aire Ruby (for some reason, one of the lavatories was out of service) and picked up the girls! Off to the Eurostar station in Waterloo.

Finally, we were in deepest France! Sen-Chan, Tom's gorgeous Aby chat-frere, had alerted me that Tom likes to spend his afternoons guarding the front entry so we snuck around the back way...
Lacie and Asta started giggling as they tiptoed through the tall grass with all our birthday, errr. anniversaire, supplies.

We could hear Tom start barking "Hey, who's there? Who's there?" And he came bounding out of the field...

"SURPRISE TOM!!!!" we all shouted!

Then we tucked into a delicious cake and drank lots of champagne. Tom took us up to the house and we had a grand time chasing balls down the long marble hallways—excellent for bouncing the ball extra high and sliding to get it.
And I've gotta tell ya, even though she giggled a lot and took her time letting Tom show her the grand ballroom, Lacie didn't really flirt with Tom all that much. And as you can see, Tom is one handsome fellow, and a LOT taller than me! PLUS he lives in deepest France AND he sounds exactly like Clive Owen. She really surprised me (at least, I don't think she slipped him her telephone number...).
The day was growing late, there was a train to catch back to England, and the girls had to get back to their nursing duties. Tom walked us back to the gate and waved goodbye until we were out of sight. All in all, I think he had un tres bon anniversaire! I know we sure had a great time celebrating it with him!

"Nos meilleurs voeux, Tom!"
THANKS PETEY! That was the best surprise!!!!
HA! YOU SEE!!!! I am afraid dear boy that she is a bit of a flirt and can not be tied down so it is (although regrettfully) that I give you my blessings . I think I shall have to wait for her to ,ahem as they say ,get it out of her system,and shall be content with the dates that we have( even though I do seem to fainting a lot during them....) your pal, Arch
Wow Petey, you are such a renaissance pup!
Gee Petey...
Nice surprise...parties are always fun...'n that one looked pawsome....keep those girls away from Jax fer awhile...he needs a good rest.....'n a dry one....
Dewey Dewster here....
What a fun adventure and super nice surprise for Tom! And good to give Jax a bit of a rest ;)
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh Petey...first the double thorns...then the snapdragons and NOW A VENUS FLY TRAP!!! This is too much...and soooooo womantic! And the whole trip to Tom's chateau in was magnificent...tres!!!!! Of course I didn't slip him my phone already had it from before.
I see you have a new poll on ur bloggie...Scruffy already voted, but he won't tell me what he put.
Did you see Archie is considering going to a convent?
Mon pauvre don't speak French, do ya Petey??
Wonder why Jackson looked so relieved that we left for the day...I hope he just didn't lie there and's very important at this stage in his recovery that he be up ambulating in the halls at least three times a day and taking some fresh air in a lounge chair if necessary.
Need to run, Petey...I hear Asta Oz callin' me...this CANNOT BE GOOD!
GiRRRRRRRRIE Barks....Lacie girl
Tom is such a cute dog. Mommy wants to pet him. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Thanks fow that glowious idea..wowI want to move into that many place to wun and play, and theiw wine cellaw OHmy..I love the Euwostaw too..gweat food...I found a lot of things on that you think stanley will buy me some of those outfits???
I hope Jax was OK wifout us
smoochie kisses
That was a bon suprise for Tom Petey, tres kind. It was a suprise for me too bumping into you at Waterloo. No wonder Lacie was a little shy around me - she tell you how I got the burns, huh? All I can say is nurses shouldn't flirt down the mobile to a dog in Boston,whimper down the dog and bone land line to a certain manly dog in Oz plus paint their nails and pour out scalding hot cups of tea for house guests all at the same time.
The chateaux and the gardens look tres chic, and the cake! Mai oui.Plus a vintage bottle of best bubbly Bolly I dare say.I certainly did chant along with you ,wishing Tom a bon anniversaire.
Please ask the girls when they have finished with the fall issue of Dogue if they can pass onto me? I'm still worried in case fur really is out for this season. You know us metrosexual dogs need to be on the ball. But of course, you are always on the ball Petey, hehe!!!
Wags, you pal, Eric x
Hey Petey, hope Tom had a splendid barkday! I had a lovely rest without the nurse dream team. I don't think Lacie will ever master the art of making a nice cup of tea! J x
Hi, Petey...
Sounds like you had a great time...
I'm gonna pop over & say Happy Barkday to your friend, Tom...
Abby xxxooo
Alright Petey!
I've been catching up on your life, man, and I've come to the conclusion that Lacie might just be the girl for you... for now at least.
If you've wanted to get back into the dating scene, she'll definitely get you out there, and if it really IS love, and she's ready to commit, then she will. If not you will have a very adventurous time at the very least.
Personally, I think the anniversAire surprise for Tom was magnifique! Sounds like Lacie & Asta had a blast, and that Lacie's being good on your behalf. Who knows, man? Sounds like she wants to try.
I see Arch gave his blessing... kind of. So, enjoy yourself for now, bud!
Goober love & smooches,
Pee Ess
Stella wants to know how old you are and I told her to check for herself. (Just warning you.)
Hi, Petey!
You are a great friend!
Sure Tom was happy to see you all there!
Kisses and hugs
How FUN! I am very impressed with Lacie, maybe she really is changing. maybe? I am glad the gals got a day off from nursing, and I am glad Jackson got some peace!
That's such a nice surprise for Tom. And I think the girls love the trip
~ Girl girl
What an adventure! Mommy got to meet Asta and her parents! She heard a lot about you! Come and visit us at our blog sometime!
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