Why spanning the globe on Aire Ruby's anniversary flight of course! Wow, is my pal
Asta one amazing photographer, or what?
Here's the news...

Mommy's been working like a crazy person...

Which has really cut into my blogging time and dog run visits.
Mommy's 17 year old niece and her best friend are visiting from Boston.

They say they're here to see the U.S. Open Tennis tournament. But Mommy and I know better. This is what they're really hoping to see...

Do they take sad, "home alone," latchkey dog Petey with them to this mythical land of Flushing where tennis balls live by the thousands? No.
Do they sneak one of these wonders back on the subway with them? No.

All I got was this stinking tee-shirt. It didn't even SMELL like a tennis ball.

But speaking of tee-shirts, I've been proudly sporting this one all week. Don't know if you can read it very well but it says "Bark Obama." Some lady in the corner deli even took a picture of me wearing it the other night when I was out with Bear.
If you want one (or one that says McCanine) go to www.petsvote.com

Isn't dogmocracy a great thing? Pow to the Paw!!!
I miss you!
I can't believe they awen't at least bwinging you bucketloads of tennis balls..sooo unfaiw..I'm just glad you got to come on the quick wound the wowld twip wif all of us
sleep tight..this too shall end..Youw Mom will wowk fwom home again..and the visitows will come to thewi senses and bwing you something useful! LOOOOVe you Tshiwt..go BAWK!
smoochie kisses
Love your T-Shirt! It sounds like life has been very busy at your end, Petey! Over here, we are keeping all paws crossed that Tom will be home today!
Nice Tee dude! We sure do miss you Petey...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Love the T shirt.
Simba x
That is one pawsome shirt! I love it!
Pow to the paw, man.
Pow to the paw!
...I hope you get some tennis balls soon...
Hi, Petey...
I can't believe they didn't take you to the place where all the tennis balls live...
I hate it when my Mom is too busy for me...It's just not right...
Abby xxxooo
Cool shirt dude!!! and not one tennis ball(but the shirt is realy cool) At least you are not having windows installed in your house and have to bark for 9 hours straight..Love A+A
hi Petey, that's a totally cute shirt. we like it.
those tennis balls make us get all excited - our favorite toy and it usually means 'dog park' playing. oh yeah, we love those tennis balls. let's play!
What's up with niece and Mom's friend not bringing you tennis balls? I pawfur your BARk t-shirt pawsonally to the tennis one. Perhaps you can give it to that bare chested fellow on your blog? And does both niece and Mom's friend dress up with the cap and aprony thingy every day? Must be very difficult going round with all those arrows pointing at your clothing,ha,ha
Barks for Bark on this side of the pond too. Wags, Eric x
Hi Petey...where are ya...I miss hearing ur left pawed compliments...ur sooooooooo sarcastic wit...receiving some type of barbed plant in the mail...
So...to make myself feel better...I ASKED RODNEY OUT!
Rodney who, you ask...
Rodney...Gussie's very close friend from whom he was recently separated. I just can't decide where we should go...
He doesn't seem to have many interests....
Love, Lacie
That's a great shirt. Maybe my mom get me one. Here in Denver it's Obama Country. Too bad you didn't get any tennis balls. Terrible way for guest to treat their host.
Hi Petey,
Oh wow.. you got your own bag with your name stitched on it?? Cooooool! Love your T-shirt!
Hm no giant tennis ball machine huh? There is always Christmas, maybe you will get one then!! We miss you dude!
That's a really nice tee!
They didn't bring you there? Or bring you back a ball.. No fair.
~ Girl girl
Petey Man!
LOVE your t-shirt. I'm not one for clothes (I prefer to go au naturale), but if I were going to wear a t-shirt, that would be it! (Leave it to you to be on the cutting edge of doggie design and pawlitics.)
I know that Asta is missing you, and we heard about the nasty girl visitors you were having. Hopefully they'll eventually grow up.
Goober love,
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