We took a ride in this big tricycle! Naturally, I let Asta do the driving. Hilton Head is shaped like a tennis shoe and the beach runs along the sole. It was high tide, so there wasn't much room, but that's okay - less space to get lost in!
Naturally, I found a stray ball. Can you believe someone would leave a perfectly good tennis ball just lying on the beach!?! The packed sand is so hard that the ball just bounces and rolls for miles and miles. (Or at least, that what it seems like.) We met a young man and told him to throw the ball as far as he could. It was great! I exhausted him!
Asta and I took a surfing lesson on the beach. It's not easy "hanging 40" but it sure was fun trying.

After a little nap, I got right back to doing what I do best -- turning a perfectly good tennis ball into an awful mess!
After all her belly-aching about her costumes for the movie, Asta insisted on wearing next to nothing. Guess she didn't want her Brazilian stripping to go unnoticed. I had to explain to her that this was family resort, not a nude beach, so she had to keep her harness on at least.
Phew! That surfing was hard work. Bowabunga, dudes!
Plus, you know what an X rating does to a movie's box office.

Well, I was hoping to include a clip from the movie but Blogger isn't cooperating tonight. Hope they don't go on strike! That would really throw a wrench into our production schedule. Maybe they'll be better behaved tomorrow.

Ahhh, in between filming, I was one happy salty doggie.
Now, I know on Asta's blog, there's a big fuss over me saying she reminded me of an alligator and has all these doggies saying what a terrible brute I am. Geez. There's a reason why you never hear anything about "Drama KINGS." First she makes waves about her costume, then goes naked. Now this. So let me clarify.
Asta does indeed have a long elegant nose. And a lovely smile.
And like the alligators on Hilton Head, she's a good swimmer, likes to take naps in the sun and poses for photos hundreds of times a day. Do the tourists go looking for dogs to take photos of on Hilton Head? No! They're looking for alligators and are thrilled to pieces to find one.
Asta can even dance on two feet, like this blonde beauty! Now I ask you, does that sound like a bad thing? No! Not at all. These female dogs are just so sensitive. Is it any wonder I leave them alone for a good tennis ball? They never complain about a thing, even when I rip off their fuzzy coats, dunk them in a water bowl or crack'em in half. Ahhh, tennis balls. Truly dog's best friends.

Woh sounds like a pawsome trip you doggies had at Hilton head. :)
Asta will be a pawsome actress.
~ Girl girl
hehehehe..I did have a Bwazillian stwipping didn't I?
I miss ouw beach aweady..I think I'll be dweaming of it fow a long long time...yeah yeah, youw tennis ball is gweat, but has it evew given you a kiss i ask you??ow kept you wawm while sneeping?
I think NOT.
You do look good in beach light
love and smoochie kisses
Hi Petey! We're glad you had such a good time in Hilton Head but we missed you! Life just wasn't the same with you gone!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
That beach looks like great fun.
Simba x
Oh Petey.. I am not sure if Asta (or any of your other dates) will like it if they find out that you prefer a tennis ball over them.. :P
The beach looks like great fun!! And I bet having Asta for company made it even better!
"Bowabunga" hahahahaarooo.
That's a good one Petey! :]
Petey, ya know we love ya man, but you gotta learn to watch out how you talk about the b*&^hes (dog show term for ladies!)
My best advice would be to take lessons from Mr. Butcho, or from Archie. They have maintained successful relationships for years.
Or, enter a long term relationship like mine with Miss Snickers. Couple thousand miles makes a big difference
the wise old bear
Hey Petey...
Sounds like you had fun, fun, fun!!!
Hey, when is the premiere...I need to prep aire ruby. Oh and how is my sweet NOMSSF Mica...I missed him!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You both had a pawsome time together for sure!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Petey, you and Asta are such sillies! And what fun adventures you have!
Hi Petey,
Sounds like you and Asta had lots of fun in South Carolina.
Sorry the doggies on Asta's blog are being mean to you. We will ignore the fact that you accused women of being drama queens. We are not drama queens ~Scylla & Charybdis
(Shh Petey) I got to live with them so don't you dare let them know I said this, but I know exactly what you mean about girls being drama queens. You should hear Charybdis if her fur gets wet you would think the world was coming to an end. And Scylla if Mommy is late getting back from the store you would think she is NEVER coming home. REALLY!!!! Girls are nothing but Drama. I love them anyway ~Socks
I'm with you on the tennis ball thing, Petey! They NEVER let you down, hehehe! Looks like you had a pawsome trip. J x
Too bad there are no surfing pictures! You guys are pretty brave to try that. Glad to see that Asta kept the movie PG-13. Can't wait for the grand opening.
Petey Boy!
If I'm not mistaken, your hair looks very sun-kissed and salty. I like what I'm seeing here, and I'm STINKIN' glad ASta has a buddy like you to travel and bang around the beach with.
I can't wait for the premiere of your film! I've been wondering what kind of director you are and just how that will influence your story telling. I'm all a-wiggle just thinking about it.
Hey, just so you know, I KNOW that you love sweet Asta and would never ever intentionally try to hurt her feelings, but for all of her sassiness, she is a little self-conscious about how she looks. We all have our weaknesses.
By the way, is the squeaky ball still alive & kickin' or are you ready for another package of squeaky love from G-Stan?
Goober love & smooches,
Hi Petey,
I'm sorry for saying you might be jealous of Asta's nose. I meant it in fun. Both of you have lovely noses.
Hi Petey! We had to come and see the pictures of you and Asta on vacation! You are such an adorable woofie! Mommy wants to meet you sometime when she is in NYC. We know you were just teasing Asta! We are just glad the alligator didn't get near either one of you!!!
Come and visit our blog sometime. We love woofies!!!
Petey: I want to 'pologize for my remarks about calling Astarooni an alley gator. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and I will be much more careful in the future.
you and asta have a lovely friendship, and I don't want to hurt that.
Thank you so much Petey....love travels and it made it here into my heart...thank you for being there for us
Deetz and Family
Petey, we are so sorry about hurting your feelings on Asta's bloggie. We misunderstood the alligator comment and we didn't read your explanation before we made our comment. Please accept our apologies. We didn't mean any harm. The Dawg Who Came Before at our house had snapping alligator teeths, too. hee hee
Thank you for sharing your vacation pictures with us.
The Furry Kids
Hi, Petey...
Sounds like you had a great trip...
The beach is the best...Did you roll in the sand & run away from the waves...That's sooo much fun...
Abby xxxooo
Hi, Petey!
I am so happy you had a great time!
Kisses and hugs
omdog, thanks for clarifying about Asta and the Alligator comment. Looks like a great place for a vacation. All except that water stuff, SCARY!
You and Asta look so sporty on those boogie boards! Looks like you had a fun time.
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