Ladies and gentlemen, please grab your popcorn and take your seats, the preview of the big beach movie of the summer is about to begin. Quiet please so you won't miss a single word of the dialogue...
The film opens on a beach during the Spring Tides. Yes, I know it's officially Fall, but the Spring Tides are especially high and wash out the marshes of a lot of dead grass. Which means a messy beach. But, what can you do?
Like all great silent film stars, Asta knows how to emote with her expressive face and dramatic gestures. You can hear Mommy giving Asta her cues off camera. And at the end, please note the action sequence with me and the hapless tennis ball...
ASTA CLOSE-UP- TAKE ONE...quiet on the set...5...4..3...2..1 and ACTION!
Phew! Who knew acting like you're having a fabulous time at the beach was such hard work? Even though the overcast weather and high tides meant we were running behind schedule, the union rules demand that we stopped production for lunch. So we headed over to the crafty (for you non-film stars, that's the crafts services table where the caterers lay out all the goodies!) Asta's Mommi was responsible for keeping us motivated and focused. She did a great job!
Refreshed after our lunch break, we came back for a second take at Asta's closeup scene and she nailed it perfectly! We're talking Oscar (Mayer! Yummy! Bologna!!!) caliber performance. My action scene was moved to another part of the film so I have a brief bit towards the end.
TAKE TWO - ASTA CLOSEUP...5...4..3..2..1 and....ACTION!
BRILLIANT! Simply BRILLIANT! We doggies are naturals in front of the camera. Guess those thousands of photos our owners have taken of us have paid off!
On our last day, we had a disaster on the set. We're talking "Heaven's Gate" kind of disaster. The film of Asta swimming was lost. Disappeared. No doubt it will show up at Christies or Sotheby's 25 years from now and auctioned off as "The Lost Footage" from Petey and Asta's beach movie.
Anyhow, here is a still that captures some of Asta's awesome swimming skills. She had swum 8 miles over to Savannah in this photo, even stopping at this shrimp boat to pick up some of the fresh daily catch for dinner that night!
Me? Well, I like to keep my feet on the ground. I prefer to take a nice run and then plop down in the shallow water. That's why my Mommy, errr, my Costume Designer sometimes insists I wear my Bay Watch lifeguard vest. Asta has nice long legs for jumping over the waves. Me? They hit me square in the face, messing up my beard. Can you see the shrimp boat out on the horizon? That's the same one in the photo that Asta's swimming past! That girl was like a little wiry motorboat!

Great job! Can't wait to see the actual movie after this! Wow Petey, you sure are an expert in digging there hehe...
By the way, I have an award for you.
Oh My Dog Petey
What faboolous wough cuts..youw ball wowk weally paid off...Ahhh the memowies seeing this bwings was magical...
we weally awe a good team..I'm especially pwoud of ouw silent emoting.
love and smoochie kisses
You have a true masterpiece in the making there!
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
This movie will be a huge moneymaker for you, Petey! You're doing a great job!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Fantastic, this will surely be up for an Academy Award Petey. You're a great producer/director/actor Petey and Asta makes a wonderful leading lady.
Petey: I think the Academy will need to create a special lifetime award for this production.
Did you have one of those cutesy chairs and a megaphone?
WHAT FANTASTIC MOVIES!!! Petey, you are a wonderful director!
Hi, Petey...
Awesome, simply awesome...I can't wait to see the movie...
I see an Oscar in your future...
I gave you an Award...
Please stop by my Blog when you get a minute & pick it up...
Abby xxxooo
fun fun videos! looking at them made us wanna go though our PC screen to join you guys =)
Maltese Paws
Petey, Petey!!! We missed ya!! Sounds like you all had a FAB time...and the movie...
IT BROUGHT ME TO TEARS...the drama...the silent pathos...the edge of your seat suspense...I think we went though a supersize box of Orville watchin' em over and over!!!
Stuffie Stan has been shakin' in his paws that you two would come back safely...did that gator (that ate him) by the restaurant have anything to say??? Did you notice if he at least chipped a toofer on Stuffie Stan's head??? Hope so! That cost Mumsie way too many bandaids!!
Glad ur back...let me know when the premier date is!!!
Love ya lots...
Pee Ess...Yes...I am tiny...pretty much a perfect square dog...but I'm mitey...ask my bros!
You are great movies stars!
No less for your Director.
Now we have to wait the complete movie...
All AB went sticked to the screen, really!!!
ViVi & AB
Petey, you and Asta are fantastic actors. It is so believable that you are having fun at the beach! It's almost as if you are not even acting!
Hi Petey!
That looks pawesome! It does seem like hard work, but I hope you had fun!!
Love Clover xo
The movie direction and production by Petey's for his debut movie in Hilton Head was nothing short of sensational. Clever sequences and moody camera angles kept us wanting more.
We the pawdience, were gripped, enthralled, nay overwhelmed, by the beauty and grace of the lead doggie Asta Urbanista and her natural acting style. You really believed it was happening.When released this movie is sure to win Petey a Golden Ball or too.
Filed By Eric for Square Dog News.
The movie direction and production by Petey's for his debut movie in Hilton Head was nothing short of sensational. Clever sequences and moody camera angles kept us wanting more.
We the pawdience, were gripped, enthralled, nay overwhelmed, by the beauty and grace of the lead doggie Asta Urbanista and her natural acting style. You really believed it was happening.When released this movie is sure to win Petey a Golden Ball or too.
Filed By Eric for Square Dog News.
What a pawsome movie..
~ Girl girl
That is such a great movies. I love the way you are at one with the sea.
Simba x
THanks for even sharing the cutting room floor footage with us. Good to know that even a pro like Asta doesn't always get it right on the first take.
I must say, though, that Asta is really carrying the film with her great acting skills.
Petey! Pawsome Pawsome!! You and Asta look great in front of the camera!! You guys are the STARS!
Brook is our favourite dancer of this season of DWTS. Our mom is amazed that she looks fabulous after having FOUR children!! We always like Julianne's partner as well. :)
Momo & Pinot
When do you guys get your gold stars in that sidewalk in Hollywood? I'd go visit and sniff em out for sure.
Bravo BRAVO! I tried to get mom to get me some popcorn before but she wouldn't. Asta is a natural and your action scenes were fabulous!
Petey Boy!
Start planning now who you will take to the Oscars with you, because you will definitely be expected on the red carpet! The nominations and offers for more movies will start flowing in soon, I'm certain.
I knew you were a talented director, but had NO IDEA just what a creative genius you are! You transported me to that beach with you. I felt like I was waiting there, all a-wiggle, at the crafty table. And jumping the waves, and chasing the surf!
Thank you for a magical experience. I am truly honored to be surrounded by such greatness!
Goob love,
Fabulous film, Petey. It does look rather chilly to be going in the sea though. I love your work with the tennis ball! J x
I liked your rough cuts, Petey. Thanks for sharing them! My unkie Ryan is an amateur movie maker too.
Movie critics A+A give this film TWO PAWS UP!!!!( we are a little behind as PL2 was away AND WE HAD NO ACCESS TO A POOTER)If this doesn't get an award we will KNOW it is rigged..Love and kisses A+A
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