Saturday, September 13, 2008

Scouting the location

Thought I'd share with you some of the locations that I scouted in January for Asta and my next film project. We are very excited to begin filming later next week. 

Isn't this a beautiful setting? You may remember this from the opening of "Prince, the German Shepherd, of Tides."

Here I am with my Granny and acting coach, coming back from a rehearsal session.

The prop department found this ginormous stick and stuck it in the surf. Try as I might, I couldn't fetch it.

Here I am in one of the moodier scenes. A dog, a vast ocean and a shrimp boat out on the horizon.
Practicing my trademark tennis ball peeling scene. I'm renowned for it. Note the extras in the background. 
I was busy at work when these two little terrors, err, terriers got on the set and began pestering me for an autograph.

I tried to shake this fella off, but he was particularly persistant...

So finally I relented....

This is Scruffy. He's a bit younger and smaller than I am, but he's my stand-in. He's also my body double for fight scenes because he still has his, well, you know whats.

Another day, we auditioned a troupe of singers/dancers.

They sounded good, but their water ballet choreography was a bit off!

We had an open call for extras one day. We were surprised at the number of unemployed egrets and wood storks that showed up. (It must have been the free craft services!)

Asta and I take off for principal filming on Thursday. We're excited to show you the final production sometime at the end of September. Please book your tickets on Aire Ruby now to attend the star-struck premiere in New York!


Daisy said...

Wow, Petey, this is going to be a big production! And I see you already have a big mob of fans hounding you!

Ruby Bleu said...

Petey when is the premiere??? I want to make sure AireRuby is in tip top terrier shape - W00t!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Asta said...

My wawdwobe is still is a stawexpected to look hew best when the pwoduction cwew is lagging ..hwmpffffff
I must say thelocation scouts did a wondewfuljob..I'm weady fow my closeup
smoochie kisses

Gus said...

Oh my Petey: This is marvelous...we have not been to a premiere before, and we are heading for Aire Ruby's 24 hour reservation service right now! Also, you may want to rethink the stunt double...he is not nearly as good looking as you are.

gussie n Teka

Juno said...

Hello Petey!! We MEANT to come by much much ealier... our mom finally helps us to stop by your blog today. Thanks for kind words about our human brudder!!! He's 1 month old today. :)

We love your blog. There are many bootiful pictures here. You live in our pawrents' favorite part of the world. We've never been to NYC but one day we'll will. It's nice to see our sissy Asta's photo here. :)

We'd love to link your blog to ours. Hope it's ok with you!

Momo & Pinot

Noah the Airedale said...

A, we've never been to one before. This is going to be great. Do you think we could get pawtographs???
We'll make sure our seats are booked on aire-ruby.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Lorenza said...

Hi, Petey!
You are doing a great job making sure everything is in order for the film!
I like the ballet!
I can't wait to see more!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

This is going to be a fabulous movie! You better get used to being stopped by anybody and everybody for your autograph, Petey! No way would we miss your premiere!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Abby said...

Hi, Petey...

I can't wait for the premiere...

I'm heading on over to book my seat on Aire Ruby...I wouldn't miss this for the world...

Abby xxxooo

Stanley said...


You guys are going to have a BLAST on location. I just wish I could be there with you, but I'm pretty sure I'd get in the way.

Thanks for being so good to Asta and giving her this opportunity to act with such a focused artist as yourself. I'm sure you'll get a chance to relax and watch the waves. Enjoy!

Goober love & smooches,

Koobuss said...

Sorry Petey. I apologize. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

That's quite a beautiful beach that you found. It's a perfect spot for a movie, or just about anything else, for that matter.


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh my. Could this surpass the first epic??? Hard to believe that is possible, but we are going to make sure to get seats on aire Ruby!!! Oh my, we can't wait!!!!

Eric said...

Hey, great job on location scouting, looks dog-a-blogging pawfect. I can tell this is going to be the most barked about movie of the year.But I'm worried for Asta that the makeup and wardrobe department seem to be on a bit of a go slow.Mom says she can come over and help if you need it.

I'm looking forward to the tennis ball peeling scene - it is anHow is the tennis ball peeling suitable for adult viewing I take it?

See you on Aire Ruby or are you in 1st Class?

Wiry wags, Eric

ooo- we have pooter problems, I'm at worker b's pooter...

Joe Stains said...

Those extras were a bit off for sure, are they hitting the sauce before rehearsals??? Looks like a good location if you can keep those pawtograph hounds away. get it, hounds?? oh wait, they were terriers. nevermind ;)

AB clan said...

Hi Petey, very exiting!
You will become the best Doggywood 's star.
Hope to be invited to "l' Avant-Première"