As reported by the BBC, Pub dog must wear 'high-vis' vest after being banned from pub for eatting bar mats.
Hattie/Lacie, whatever your REAL name is, I think it's a brilliant idea that you wear a high-vis vest at all times! Knowing your proclivity for all things Italian these days, we'll have it designed by Poochi!
She SOOOOO gets around....
Was she in Amsterdam too?
That Lacie, um I mean Hatty sure looks like she's having fun!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Petey...
I gotta say, that Lacie...She is such a fun girl...
She is fast becoming my idol...
Abby xxxooo
Lacie..er I mean Hattie..I always thought she ate DOGS for dinner not bar mats?? !!!
Wiry wags, Eric x
That is a hilarious story. Her aire Ruby miles must be piling up....
Hi Petey!
Thanks for saying hi to me on my blog. I visited yours and I love it! It cracks my mom and dad up. You're lucky to have a cat brother. I once saw a nice stinky ferret at a pet shop but my mom wouldn't get it for me.
This giwlie knows how to live, enjoy life, and dwess fabolously..instead of bewating hew, we should emoolate hew zest fow life
smoochie kisses
Petey! You solved the mystery. Now you can be a detective like Joe and Butcho.
What a nifty fun vest! I bet it'd be prettier if it were pink though! :)
Eating bar mats? That's pretty funny. Well, at least no drunken barflies are likely to trip over the pubs.
p.s. It is so cool that you are so into tennis balls. We just have to meet nose to nose.
UM...what's a bar mat? Did I eat one? And what is this Hattie bit? Frankly, I like Asta's comment...I think you should all emoolate me!!!!!!!!
Oh, Petey...are you going to ask me out again so I can date a cairn terrier this time 'stead of a Westie?????????
Hi, Petey!
Ha! She knows how to have fun!
Kisses and hugs
OMD...we just found the link on ur bloggie...lacie is not the sharpest tool in the shed...and that Lakie looks...
He/she is a little bigger, but the grin and the scamperin' around is SO Lacie. She did say SHE wouldn't be caught dead in that unattractive vest....poor Hattie...why don't ya ask her out Petey??? Bet that would be an entertainin' date for sure!!!
Male snorts of laughter...
Scruffy and Babystan
Oh..bar mats...don't they call em coasters over there???
I only wear my Hi vis jacket when I change a flat tyre.
Simba x
man I cannot keep up with her. I apologize for leaving you out of the excitement of the big meet up, but Asta is a babe and it might look weird if I got all excited about someone meeting you, ya know?
Lacie have so much fun
~ Bae
Wow! Lucky girl!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
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