Thursday, December 18, 2008

A message from our Mommy

Hi Everyone!

In the past few weeks (and months), I've been honored to meet several of the two-legged representatives of our beloved furry companions. And I say "honored" because to a one, it has been a privilege. The warmth, generosity of spirit and hospitality and genuine care for one another has so far exceeded what I believed I'd experience when I decided to start this blog last summer. 

More than just daily routines and crazy adventures, we have each pulled back the curtain on our lives and made ourselves more open to learning and understanding more about each other, all over the world. And then to actually meet the people behind the blogs—well, it's just extraordinary. 

Through these blogs and our relationships with each other, I think we are getting much closer to a wish of my minister's...."May I be the person that my dog (cat) thinks I am."

Happy holidays to everyone, 2- and 4-leggeds alike. And thank you again for being such incredible people and pets. 

Jane, Petey and Mica


Clover said...

Hi Jane!
What a nice message! I love being part of this special community too.
Happy Holidays!
Love Clover xo (and Mom, Jess)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

This week, the pleasure was all ours. We were just sorry your visit was so short. Please come again soon!

Sen-Chan, Tom, Tama-Chan and #1(aka Virginia)

AB clan said...

I just can join the messages above.
It was a great pleasure to met Jane.
Happy hollidays to the two & four leggeds.

Uncle'sU ViVi & AB

Gus said...

Happy Holidays to you and your family. We feel exactly the same way!

gussie and muzzer

Daisy said...

What a sweet post you wrote! I think learning about other cats and dogs and bunnies and hamsters all over the world can help make it a smaller and friendlier world. Happy Holidays!

the many Bs said...

we love to hear from humans and we really liked what you said. we believe that our mom is the person we think she is, so don't burst our bubble, okay? hee hee!

but she says that DWB is a very special group of pups and peeps that she has not known ever before. we hope we can meet some of the pups and peeps too, maybe you - someday!


Abby said...

Hi, Jane...

What a wonderful message at this time of year, especially...

Abby & I feel the same...We love being a part of this community...

Hopefully, I am becoming more like the person Abby thinks I am, too...

I hope you have a Blessed & Joyous Holiday Season...

Pat, Abby's Mom

Duke said...

What a sweet message! We can't imagine our lives without you in it, Petey! Merry Christmas!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

It is so nice that you share your life with us!
It is pawesome to be part of DWB community!
Our best wishes for you all this holiday season and always!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


We here in GooberStan have only had the pleasure of meeting a couple of the peeps behind the blogs, but if the rest are anything like the ones we've already met, then WE'RE IN!

Eventually we're planning a roadtrip to NYC, so we'll see you then! (It HAS to be a roadtrip because my girl has been told that my presence has been requested by the Family Kroon, and I ain't flyin' in no cargo hold!)

Enjoy the howlidays!

Goob love & smooches,

Asta said...

Welcome Home!!!
Thank you fow those bootiful wishes and nice message.
It's a wondewful family of two and fouw leggeds that we have
love and smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a lovely message. Have a great Christmas and new year.

Simba x

Deefor said...

Happy Holidays to you and Petey too. My mom has to work a little harder on that one. Thanks for reminding her!


Anonymous said...

Same to you Jane and Petey,
We love to blog and surf. Party on...
XOX Sally and Rufus

Biggie-Z said...

What a lovely holiday message!! I would love to have you meet my Momma too. But she said she's sending me to camp and she's going somewhere and, well, I have to drag her to 23rd St. SOMEDAY.

Happy holidays Petey! Stay warm.

Eric said...

So beautifully put. We agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments, it's both a privilege and a joy. Oh by the way, we think you ARE the person Petey thinks you are!

B, Eric and Otis x x

Dewey Dewster said...

Why Petey...

I think yer mom is gettin' sentimental there.....must be the holidays that do it ta ya. But ya know Gram loves the camaraderie that she has found visitin' the different blogs and readin' the comments left on ours too.....we haven't had the pleasure of meetin' many of the actual leggeds yet but we are sure we will at some point in time. Until then we can still delight in the antics of the animals represented there.

May your holidays be Merry !!!!

Dewey Dewster here....

Joe Stains said...

We agree 100%, what a great post!!

Noah the Airedale said...

That is such a nice post and we couldn't agree more. We've met some of the pinkies from this great community and it has been an absolute privilege and pleasure. Hopefully we'll be meeting more very soon.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Agatha and Archie said...

Well we and PL2 love your message and feel the same way!!! We wish you a wonderfull holiday..Love Agatha and Archie and PL2

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


We both feel that way!

And I do think our hoomans are pretty special!

Khyra and her mom

Toffee said...

What a beautiful sentiment.

Happy holidays to you, my dear friends.

with love,
toffee, Riley, A. and Hugh

Amber-Mae said...

We too!!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Petey...that was bootiful!

And thank you for the kissie under the was hard reachin' ya through that goalie mask or whatever ya had on...Dewster wore one too...I wasn't gonna bite either of's a holiday....

Hope you have a FAB Christmas...we'll be thinkin' of you and sendin' our best wishes to ya, Sweet Dog!

Love and kissies...Laciegirl

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Petey and all at home,
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and joyous New Year!! Hapapy Howlidays..

i said...

Have a Merry Christmas, Petey!

The Musketeers said...

We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,

xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & Family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce

Southbaygirl said...

Petey and mom,

Merry Christmas!!!

Velcro and mom Penny