Mommy is in tears. She met Sen-Chan earlier this month and he was the most elegant of Frenchmen—suave, sophisticated and devastatingly handsome. He was also a real sweetheart. Here is a photo that Mommy took of Sen-Chan when she first met him. He was an excellent brother to Tom and his new little sister Tama-Chan.
When we started blogging last June, The Poupounette boys were two of our first friends. At first, we bonded over the fact that we were both dogs and Abys (and boys at that) living happily together. Of course, we lived in an apartment in New York and Tom and Sen-Chan lived in the most idyllic French countryside you can imagine. Their blog quickly became one of our favorites—especially the beautiful photos of their adventures exploring outdoors. From our stuffy apartment, we could feel the warm sunshine on the meadow grasses and even sniff the lavender along with Sen-Chan.
We especially loved the way he held his tail perfectly upright with a question mark at the end - just like Mica!
He was a happy boy. As the saying goes, what matters is not the days of your life but the life in your days. Sen-Chan's days were very full of beauty, nature and love.
We should each be so fortunate. Sen-Chan, I hope you are introducing yourself to the much-loved Ikkyu right now. Sharing stories and memories, curling up together for a cozy nap.

Petey, Mica and Jane
Oh Petey, Mica and Jane! Thank you so much for that beautiful tribute to Sen-Chan.I am with my family at the moment (brother, sister-in-law and nephews) and they are simply amazed at seeing the outpouring of support and kindness from our blogging friends.
Jane, I am so glad you got to meet Sen-Chan!
#1 (aka Virginia)
Oh no Petey, we didn't know Sen-Chan but still are so sad to hear this news. He was so young. Our thoughts are with his family.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Tom and Tama Chen
I am so vewy sad to heaw fwom Petey that Sen Chen had to cwoss the bwidge..I have no wowds to make it bettew except I know how much he is loved and what a gweat life he had..and that someday we'll all get to be sad smoochie kisses to you and youw Mom
Mommi and I wewe so upset, we sent you the message we meant fow Tom and family..pleez excoose us..this is tewwible news
love and smoochie kisses
w00f's Petey, me iz sooo sorry on the loss of ur will go to their bloggy and pay my respects..RIP Sen-Chan..
a sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama..
How upset I am for you all and very sad too for Tom and his family. I know what good friends you are with them all and how upset you will be over this terrible unexpected news of Sen-Chan.
Sending you comforting hugs and kissies, Petey, Mica and Jane.
Eric, Otis and B xx
we are so sorry :(
even if we didn't know Sen-Chan, we still feel sad for the loss
it is so sweet of you petey to post a tribute
wet licks
Please give your mama some extra juicy goober smooches from us to help ease the pain in her heart, even a little. We are so sorry to hear about Sen-Chan's sudden departure for the Bridge. Your tribute makes it clear he was a much-loved boy, and will be missed terribly!
Thankfully, your mama got a chance to meet him! I'm sure that meant a lot to him.
Also, please give some sympathetic goob smooches to your Mica Boy for the loss of his buddy!
Run like the wind, sweet Sen-Chan!
Goober love,
Hi Petey-
Very sorry to hear about Sen-chan. We did want to thank you for visiting our blog. I think knowing about the bridge brings some comfort with the loss.
We didn't know Sen-Chan but our hearts are breaking for those of you who did and for his family!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
hi Petey, we are so sad about Sen-Chan. it's so unfair when our friends leave us, especially when they are so young. Sen-Chan was a beautiful kitty and we're glad that you got to meet him.
sad woofs.
We are so very sorry, it is so sad when animals go so young. We are sending you lots of hugs.
I was very saddened when I heard the news, too. Your mom is so lucky that she got to meet him in person.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. He was just a baby! But it sure looks like he had a great life and a loving family.
I waved to you, but you must have been snoozing..I hope you awen't supew sad today anymowe..I'm suwe Sen Chan is sniffing lavendew in heaven..Mommi is weawing leathew pants but they'we all stwetched out..can that be fixed?
stay wawm and kiss youw Mom and Mica fow me
smoochie kisses
Oh Petey,
I am so sorry to hear about poor Sen-Chan. Sixteen months is way to soon to have to say goodbye. How sad.
We extend our condolences to you and to your family on the loss of your sweet little friend.
Love and Koobuss Kisses
Sen Chan was a very special friend.
He got the best care and love lasting his short life.
ViVi & AB
Dear Peter and your mom,
I came to wish you a Happy New Year and joking with you like ususal then I learned the sad news about Sen-Chan.
I'm sorry that you lost a very dear good friend, hugs.
I go there to pay my respect.
Hi Petey,
I saw you on DWB and wanted to stop in and say hello. I am so sorry to hear about your friend Sen-Chan. It's so hard when we lose the ones we love. We will keep his family and yours in our thoughts.
Hi again Petey,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I didn't see your post about the tennis ball! Great minds think alike I guess. I don't peel my balls but I sure to like to chase them.
I'm finally back from rehab and blogging again. Happy new year.
Simba x
We too are utterly devastated by the sudden loss of Sen-Chan (my fur brother). He and my half-sister Isis were such a lovely couple and he was so looking forward to being godfather to her kittens... We shall miss him greatly and never forget him! After all Abys are so special...
That was a very touching tribute, Petey. I'm a big fan of the Poupounette and was shocked and sad to hear the news. My prayers go out to Sen-Chan's family.
...I am so very sorry to read about your blessed and lucky your mom was to have met Sen-Chan...I have no doubt that the countryside in pet heaven is equally beautiful and that your friend is holding his tail up high whilst frolicking in the lush grass.
much love.
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