Don't chase any black cats under ladders into a mirror and break it when you run by, for example, or you will have all sorts of bad luck.
And with the Terrier Group judging tomorrow at Mangominster, I can't afford not to have Lady Luck tugging at the end of my leash.
So I got me two rabbits' feet, to be twice as lucky...
And found a lucky horseshoe necklace to wear...
And plopped myself down in the middle of a field of four-leaf clovers...I even added some extra Clovers for extra good luck!
I think I'm ready now...
What do you think?

Yep, I think I'm ready for Friday the 13th now!
Good luck everybloggie!
Am I first??? Wahooooooooo!!!!!
Oh my look quite the um superstitious dog in that getup??? Those four leafed clovers oughta do somethin' for ya, unless you have allergies...
So...WHAT DAY IS OUR DATE? I need to go and start packin' for womantic...!!!!!
Love ya lots...
You look very ready for friday the 13..
~ Bae
Hey Petey - you look ready for the day. I love your slippers - Lots of positive 'anti-Friday the 13th vibes'...Licks, Sally
you are so prepare for today! My mommy fund a lot of quatrefoil clovers so we are using them in day like today:-)If you would leave me your adress, I would you send one gladely:-)
Hugs and licks,
Hate to tell you this, Petey, but the horseshoe needs to be the other way up, or else the luck "runs out" of it... We country people know such things...
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
OOh Tom Chan told you what I was going to, so quick get too it. Loved the 4 leaf clovers haaa!! Good luck!
Wonder if you'll get a Valentine from a certain Jack Russell on Saturday?
Wiry wags, Eric x
I love your four-leaf clovers,man. Those are pretty sweet.
Personally, I don't think you need any luck, Petey. I see that even before you wore that getup you'd already scored a date with the fair Lacie Girl! Have fun, buddy.
Hey. Give some healing goob smooches to your mama, okay?
Goober love,
I'm thinking that I should have made Mango Minster a NO TERRIERS show. Nothing but trouble, I tell you.
Good luck and thanks again for your behind the scenes photos.
Hi, Petey...
Yep...You look ready...
The rabbits feet are great...
Abby xxxooo
Phew! Thanks for the information about horseshoes, Tom, Tama-Chan and Eric! With an upcoming date with -- gulp! -- Lacie, I certainly can't afford to have my luck run out. I immediately changed necklaces when I got your message!
Thanks a squillion!
Your pal,
Well, we think you are as ready as you will ever be! Good Luck. Or is it bad luck to say good luck?
Petey, you look ready, we wish you plenty of luck
ViVi & AB
Oh man, I deleted my above entry 'cause I mistyped a few words.
Here it is after spell check:
Ooops, I see that you have 13 comments in your box, I'll get rid of that number for you.
Well prepared, Petey, stay safe, muahhhh!
Hahahah - that is a pawesome picture! I love your 4-leaf clovers. :) I hope they bring you tons of extra luck!!
Love Clover xo
Petey, you are sure to have nothing but GOOD luck today!
you look pretty safe to us. we want to hang out with you today. we scared.
With are TOTALLY safe!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You look well prepared to us, Petey! We would have never guessed that you were the superstitious type though!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Petey
We're very nervous about the Terrier judging. The competition is going to be fierce.
Happy Velentine's matie
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hey Petey, you look SO ready! We're a little late in visiting everyone (cos Mum was watchin a scary film!) did it go? Any broken mirrors? Black cats? Umbrellas up inside?
We're not superstitious....we just didn't go out!
Hey it's Saturday here Happy Valentines Day!!
Slobbers xx
Hi, Petey!
You are sooooo well prepared!
Your post made me laugh a lot!
I hope everything went as you planned!
Kisses and hugs
you really that superstitious?? Maybe you need some lucky pennies and to throw some salt over your shoulder and ummmm wish on a star??
Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh Man...did I actually MISS IT???!!
I DID, dog gone it!!! A perfectly fine Friday the 13th and I totally missed it. Didn't realize it was a Friday the 13th until it had already passed into Saturday the 14th.
Here I was so grossed out by all the mushy Valentine's Day stuff the Ninjas have been planning, that I missed a perfectly fine Friday the 13th.
My coyote tendencies are failing, I fear! ...I've been around my spokesperson and all her little Ninjas too long...I'm losing my edge!
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