I'm busy getting ready to catch the Concorde to Paris this evening with my date Lacie, and Toffee and Eric. We're going away for a festive weekend to celebrate Toffee's birthday last week and my birthday next week!
Anyhow, Asta's Mommi and Daddi went to Rhode Island today to collect Mommi's beautiful paintings from the gallery. Then they're going up to Boston for a quick visit with Agatha and Archie and with Toffee and Riley (no doubt to advise Toffee on what to pack for her romantic weekend!)
Fortunately, I was able to convince Asta to come over here and advise me on my wardrobe, as she always does such a nice job picking out things for Stanley.
We were so well-behaved, Mommy couldn't help snapping a couple of photos of us.

Here's a little preview of Eric and I trying out our new Parisian looks - you can just call us "L'Eric et Pierre Le Petit."

Stay tune for what should be an action-packed weekend in Paris.
Of course, we need to be back by Sunday for Mica's 18th Birthday celebration! Tell me, does this cat look old enough to vote?

On a very serious note, our prayers for Bogart's Dad continue every moment.
As you can imagine, this is an extremely stressful time for Bogart and his family. Please continue to shine your love and support to them—it truly is a comfort.
PeeEssWoo: Do woo need some earplugs so woo won't have to hear THE SHRIEKING?????????????
I just can't believe Mica is 18!!! Happy meowday (a little early) my NOMSSF!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Petey...
Can't wait to hear all about the Paris date...
I'm sure Asta will pick out a great outfit for you...
Abby xxxooo
How wonderful, Peter, Eric and your double date on the capital of Love, PARIS!
Don't forget foie gras, Bordeau wine and doing your business right on the side walk of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, hehe!
Oooh la la! You look very fashionable in your little beret.
I do not think Mica looks a day over Seven.
Pierre le Petit,
Have a fun day with Asta!!
Love Clover xo
Happy Birthday to Mica (a few days in advance)!!
I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to our trip to Paris! And, dare I say, you both look so debonaire in your Paris outfits!
oooh...better put on some Chewnel...
our thoughts and prayer are with dear Bogart's family...
Petey: I hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you happen to stop by Switzerland, please say hi to Faya and Dyos for me.
You and Asta are such good buddies...I hope you have a wonderful time going through your wardrobe and picking out the pawfect outfit.
Kisses to all of you, and happy barkday to Mica!
Hello there, thanks for stopping by. Hope you voted. =)
Bogart got to go see his Daddy. We thinks that will be good medicine for him. We are purring very hard for him.
Enjoy your trip to Paris. You and Asta look so cute together and she is a pawsome stylist. Tell Mica hi for us and that we will drop by with birthday wishes on the special day if we can. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Have fun in Paree but we agree that the most important thing is to be there to celebrate Mica's birthday. That is awesome!!!
Your Friends,
Tom and Tama-Chan
no way that cat is 18. you had better check his ID.
that's too bad that you and Asta are being good. you need to get into some mischief to preserve your reputation.
we are sending our poodle power to Bogart's daddy. the power of the paw is very strong.
How lovely Asta came and spent the day with you. Hope you have a grrreat weekend.
Molly and Taffy
Aw, Asta will choose you some cool duds dude. A beret in orange mais non? And maybe a string of onions and a bike. Now my pupcake was confused about bidets. Thought you drank out of them. I explained they are for dunking your croissants in. I'll bring the Gauloises to impress our foxie chicks. Did you tell Lacie that we might be eating Crepes...and they are served with lemon and sugar...don't want her to get confused with anything else...
I think we should look for a very birthday present for the lovely and special Mica in Paree. Mmm...what about something from Purrmees? Yes purrfect.
Can't wait my pal. Wiry wags, Eric xxx
This is going to be one fabulous weekend for you, Petey! We're so glad that Asta helped you pick out the perfect outfits!
Our paws remain crossed for Bogie's dad and mom and Bogie too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You must try a snail for me in Paris. They are a protein feast I've NEVER had the pleasure of chomping upon. MMmmm! Bugs!
Petey...what this BUY DIT thingie that we're supposed to drink outta when we get to Paree? Don't they have bowls? Hmm...Eric said it's for drinkin'...I'm rather confused. And what's that comment from Toffee mean as to why I can't fly on Virgin Aire?? I think I'm missin' something here.....Is there a weight limit on the Concorde?? I have my usual 26 suitcases...they're really not all that heavy.
This date is very sweet of you Petey...I'm looking forward to our weekend. (Lacie drops her eyes and gazes demurely at her paws....)
See you soon!!
Love and kisses,
Hey, you get to go on dates? To gay Paris?? Not fair! Jeez Petey, just how many girlfriends so you have? BOL!
Our Dad used to work in Paris, lucky him...and Munich.
Great you got to spend the day with your friend and we hope you enjoy your trip!
We think Mica has been drinking elixir....she so does not look old enough to vote....or drink! Hope she has a purrfect Birthday :D
Slobbers xx
Pee-ess...we think it's a great idea for both our Mums to eBay all their shoes and save up for a cow....we could call it beef-aid!
Hi, Petey!
Sure it was pawesome that Asta was there with you the whole day!
I know you are going to have a pawesome time in Paris!
Make sure to take lots of pictures to show us??
Mica is 18?? OMD!
Paws crossed for Bogart's Dad and Dannan's Girl!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Petey,
It's nice that you have a visitor for a while before your trip to Paris. That Concorde is really fast.
Looks like it's a big birthday weekend for you guys. Happy Birthday to Everybody!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Merci mon'tit..I "ad a fantasic time hoesjouwdoooey.
J'espewe that you will 'ave a bootiful weekend wif youw 'tit shoe..Mommi says she 'is une poopette,et Toffee 'as ze most pawfay silky Oweiles in ze oonivewse..
you gawsons should be in ze 'eaven
smoochie bisous
Hey, Petey Boy!
Thanks for taking my lovepup in for the day while her parents were out of town. She loves going to your house so she can get snuggle time in with your mama, and to play with you and Mica!
You and Eric look very suave in you Parisian getup. I'm sure the girlpups are gonna LOVE spending the weekend with you. Can't wait to see what happens!
Goober love,
Pee Ess
What day is your burpday Petey? My girl's burpday is next week too.
I can't wait to see what Asta picked out for you! Happy Birthday to Mica, 18 is pretty impressive!!
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