Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Extreme Dog Makeover

Okay, here is my "BEFORE" shot...scruffy, shaggy, smelling a bit like pee (what can I say? I really like to take a good sniff before I add my peemail addendum), with some stylish knots and tangles. Can barely see out from under my bushy brows...

And now..."AFTER"... can you even stand the handsomeness? Silky smooth, scented like lilacs, velvety ears, a golden sheen to my coat. And those big brown eyes? Pools of melted chocolate!

Look how sleek and streamlined I am now!

Of course, this is the day Mommy chose to take me to the groomers! It's been snowing all day. Not sticking so much on the ground but building up on the trees and railings. Like cake frosting!

Now, if we'd only get enough snow for me to roll in and get rid of that stinky lilac perfume!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh, do you look HANDSOME, Petey!!!! If your mom took you to the groomers', it must mean she's feeling better. Hurray!

Yes, we still have some snow on the ground. The postman didn't even bother to come down our lane yesterday! Chicken!!

Thanks so much for voting for Sen-Chan.

Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It's us again. We hate to be a pain but a bunch of our friends, including you and even Uncle U (!), have put their vote in the wrong place. The vote should be a comment on the latest post (the one that says VOTING IS OPEN), not on Sen-Chan's entry post.

Sorry to be a nuisance....


Sophie Brador said...

OMD Petey! What's happening in NY? It's starting to look like Montreal down there. How did you ever get so much snow? I haven't been by in a while, but I read on Stanley's blog that Petey's mom had surgery. You're a Petey, so I'm thinking that maybe it might be your mom. I hope she's doing well, whether she had surgery or not. And you look fabulous with your new do.


Eric said...

Petey. Wickedly handsome. More before than after. And your eyes look like Cadbury's. Did you steal some of Mommy's? Come on over and roll in my snow. I can spare it.

Wiry wags, Eric xx

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Silky smooth, scented like lilacs, velvety ears, a golden sheen to the coat. And pools of melted chocolate big brown eyes to sink your soul in! Petey, that is exactly what I dream of a girlfriend!
Petey, I envy your handsomeness!

Asta said...

I don't even wecognize you..I'm swooning..you look absolutely dashing..if I hadn't gone to See the snow in england, I'd be wight ovew to check you out. the giwls awe going to go mad.
cwoss youw paws fow some good sticky snow, so I can come home
smoochie kisses

the many Bs said...

hi Petey, you are one handsome dude! we love your transformation. it's too bad we can't smell you.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Too bad I don't want to make Ben, Steve, and Summii too jealous!

Woo are one hot looking khutie!


Hero said...

You look very handsome, Petey! I'm headed over to the groomers tomorrow so wish me luck!

Gus said...

Petey, you are tres handsomer.


Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Petey,blush blush you look sooo handsome!!! Love Your pal Agatha

Agatha and Archie said...

PETEY...look out..Agatha has done nothing but talk all day about how adorable you are...this could be BIG TROUBLE..love your pal ARch

Lorenza said...

OMD! You look sooooooo handsome!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


Personally, I didn't see anything wrong with how you looked in your before photos, but we all know how obssessive the hoomans are about grooming and smelling just they way they like.

You really do look like a totally different pup, yet I see that Petey Boy sparkle in the chocolate pool eyes! Oh yes, it's there!

Goober love,

Pee Ess
Healing goob smooches for your mama!

Daisy said...

Petey, you look extra-cute!

Koobuss said...

Hi Petey,

You look very handsome now, but don't go outside without a coat on! It's cold out there!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Abby said...

Hi, Petey...

Oh My...You look sooo handsome...

I told my Mom I think I have a crush on you, but she told me to behave myself...

Abby xxxooo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my, Petey...Lacie bats her eyes and tilts her head flirtatiously....

You clean up well!!!!!!!!!!

You and your mom don't even remember my being there and nursing her for her first 2 nights home??? Wow...I mean I KNOW you both finished off the blender several times over, but I had NO IDEA that I was so forgettable....

Hurt barks...


Joe Stains said...

I can see wanting to get rid of that sicky icky smell, but you have to admit you look good. I mean, I can tell Lacie noticed for sure...

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope you smell like a dog again now.

Simba and Jazzi

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey Petey! We just read the message you left on Marvin's blog....we are only 13 miles from Elgin! We live in Forres which is the next town over depending which way you go! We also used to live in Lossiemouth :o)
Nice to meet you!
Slobbers xx

Duke said...

What a handsome boy you are, Petey! It's a good thing you have on that stylin' coat or you'd be blending right in with the clean white snow!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oooh, we know Pluscarden! It's not far from us, maybe we'll manage a walk there soon and post some photos for you to see, haven't been there for ages :o) We'll let you know if we do of course!
Isn't it a small world?
Slobbers xx

i said...

You look very handsome, Petey!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Hiya Petey! wow, I can smell your lilac perfume from here in Scotland!

You look very handsome though.

lotsaluv Marvin xxxx

pee ess My Ma says to bark to your Ma, we do not live as far north as where she has visited in Scotland, if your Ma would like to email my Ma, my email address is on my profile on the dog blog!

Thank you for your comments.


Gennasus said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Petey! Fancy you knowing about little old Elgin.
We've been getting some of that snow but nothing like as much as you! Not best timing for your haircut!! Looking good though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Petey! You look great! Those are some nice looking tennis balls you've got there! Did you know I got a little brother? Yep, just after Christmas - his name is Zeke. I hope your mama's feeling better every day.

See ya!

Clover said...

Hi Petey - you look great! Sorry about the stinky lilac perfume - didn't they have pee-mail scent?!
Hope your mommy is doing well. We had a good chuckle about the sweet story in your previous post. "The funner days are over." Haha...
Love Clover xo

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Petey...

It looks like ya got a bunch of snow there and Asta was sure hopin' fer some...why ya look like a different doggie after yer makeover....bet the girls are just fawnin' all over ya now...be careful out in that snow....

Dewey Dewster here.....

NESSA the hovawart said...

Wooow,Petey, you loke so handsome..but be carefull now...don't catch a cold in that snow;-)
Hugs and kisses,

Deefor said...

That's a nice cut. You prolly won't drip so much now. A roll in snow and smelly sidewalk stuff should help get you smelling like a doggie again. (Horse poop works well) Hope your mom's all better.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I think I can smell the lilac from here! Lookin' good pal! Jx