You see, my Granny was born in the Priory Lodge of an abbey not far from where my darling girl lives. Her maiden name was MacDonald and she comes from the clan of MacDonald of Glencoe. Mommy's middle name comes from her great-grandmother who was a Grant.
I particularly like the Grant crest, so I have adapted it as my own...just making some minor modifications like substituting boulders with tennis balls. (Me and my gal both love peeling the skin off them. Sigh....)
Cairn terriers are one of the oldest terrier breeds, originating in the Scottish Highlands, and are recognized as one of Scotland's earliest working dogs. (We used to be called Short-Haired Skye Terriers, until we started entering dog shows then they changed it to Cairn.) White Cairns are West Highland Terriers and Scottish terriers also evolved from Cairns.

So we have quite the pedigree. Here is one of Mommy's favorite illustrations of a Cairn. I think he must have been a long-lost relative of mine as he seems to be the one doing the talking.

"Look Master, we have slain the drear plaid beastie!"
I decided to learn how to play "My Luve is like a red, red Rose" to serenade my sweetie on the bagpipe.
But when I took a deep breath and started to play, it made the most horrifying, yet oddly familiar sound. Where had I heard that shrieking wail before???
What do you think?

And as for the age-old question as to what's under me wee kilt, well, a gentleman never tells!
Nice kilt Petey!!
I say you should stick to something safer than the bagpipes..
Hope you win the fair maiden's heart!
Hi, Petey,
you look so nice in kilt...a real Scottish guy! I hope you will learn to play this pipes to serenade your girl:-)
Kisses and hugs,
Hey, Petey!
First off, we already KNOW what's under your wee kilt. Just go to Marvin's blog and it's the kilt thing is all spelled out for you in black & plaid.
Second, congratulations, my Scottish friend! I have absolutely no idea who your fair maiden is, but I hope she'll come out of hiding soon. She really has nothing to fear. You know that Lacie only wants you to be happy.
I rejoice with you, Petey! You're a dog among dogs, man!
Goober love & smooches,
That's very nice on you Petey. :)
~ Bae
Hi Petey
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's always good to meet with the Scottish diaspora. And what an exciting life you lead! That wee lassie looks a real cutie. Not sure about the kilt though...
I live in a 'mixed race' household (Scottish dog, English human). Mostly we get along fine.
What an exciting new adventure, Petey!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Petey, what's a story! You are so funny...
Kilt looks perfect to you.
Your Pals
ViVi & AB
Petey! I LOVE the Lacie bagpipes. I am going to borrow that for my bloggy. It is the perfect thing.
You are quite dashing in your kilt.
I love the kilt! Muzzer always wants to go to the Scottish Games. Dad says she is praying for a windy day!
So, are you calling Lacie an ol' bag? ...you might want to protect yourself with a gas mask in case she comes at you with some super strength Mango gas!!
well, MacPetey, my fine Scots lad, first of all and most important:
Barking as a Scots Dawg of no pawticular breed here are my hints for being a real Scotsman, and also this will definitely woo your disguised sweetheart's haggis, oooops, sorry I meant to type, heart!
1. Ye never wear anything under a kilt if you are a true Scotsman, (check the photo on my side bar, it will give you a clue, hubba hubba says Jeannie!)so you must go commando if you want to be accepted in the clan.
2. The bagpipes should only be played or listened to, after a wee dram has been taken, they sound very much more in tune!
3. I am still mad about the English King who stole the Scones......or was it the Stone of Scone, well whatever, he deprived us of a darn good Scone in any case by his theiving ways.
4. Dating outside of your breed is excellent, otherwise how would I have entered this world, having a Labrador for a mother/father, and some Collie for a father/mother (sorry not sure which way round it was....obviously I was not "there" at the time!)
and finally
5. We have no idea why Braveheart had a blue face........probably not wearing any undergarments......
Hey, we enjoyed your Scottish history, and if I am not careful, this comment of mine will be as long as your kilt, oooops sorry, post!
Wee timirous beastie licks and all that, your friend, Marvin xxxxx
Oh Petey, I hope you have found the love of your life!
We love your kilt, Petey! You gave us a great history lesson! Now stay away from that Lakie and have a very happy, happy barkday!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You can be pretty sure some parts of you will be doing The Highland Fling after Lacie reads this.
My advice would be to abandon the kilt tout de suite, get the suit of armoure on and head off to Bonnie Scotland. Like now.
He,he,heeeee!! Wiry wags, Eric.
OOH and your chosen Poochy in her Gucci's shades...smoking hot...
Hi, Petey...
You look great in your kilt...
Can't wait to find out who the lovely lass is...
Abby xxxooo
Who is she, Petey? We can't wait to find out! All we can say is she's one lucky lady!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You'll do anything for love. Just don't jump up in the kilt! We don't want another shot of the other bag and pipe. Hee heee
WOOHOO!!!!! You look so cute WHO IS SHE!!!!!!! Archie thinks she looks like a movie star with her glasses....ANd he wants you to bring him back a dram or too of the real stuff(he said you will know what he means) Love A+A
Hi, Petey!
Is this a love story in the making??
If you are happy I am happy too!
You look great with that kilt!
Kisses and hugs
No wonder sooooo many think the bagpipes are not pleasing sounds...
I almost felt like I needed to rub haggis in my eyes...
Ain't love grrrreat?
I can see why she is hiding her facce, what if Lacie gets jealous?! Good luck with your new lady friend, you look wonderful!
Arf Arf! You look good in a kilt Petey! Also there's nothing wrong with dating outside your breed ...
Licks and Wags
Tuffy of Dog Woods
Petey, you'rrre a funny laddie - the cutest little Scottish boy I everrrr did see.
Rosie has come clean after photos of you in your kilt made her swoon....aahhhh!
Come awa over tae oor wee bloggy, we've got a birthday surprise fer ye!
Slobbers xx
Oh Petey
We are back having a read at your funny blog - mainly cos the football is on the telly!!
You sure look handsome in your wee kilt.
We wish you luck in the romance department. We know you have chosen a really sweet lady dog.
By the way did your mum really know a basset who could water surf?
Martha & Bailey xx
PS Not even sure if we can swim!
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