For seventeen years and 48 weeks, this little fellow has ruled our home.

Yes, that's a photo of the first photo of Mica that Mommy ever took, when he was just 6 weeks old and about as big as a minute. (This was in the pre-digital age...right around the Jurrasic age. If he'd been born a month earlier, this would probably be a cave painting)
And this is how Mica will most likely spend his birthday. Overdosing on catalogs and catnip.

However, earlier today, we celebrated with this lavish cake, decorated with carob-dipped mice!
(There was a nice tuna pate between the layers and it was iced in cream.)

Ever since he got his driver's license two years ago, Mica's been hankering for some wheels of his own. So I got him this customized Mica-Cooper (or the Mini-Pooper, as it has its own litterbox in the back!)

And from across the pond came this lovely royal decree from Eric and Otis!

"Mica! Wishing you a swishy tail purrrrrrfect birthday! Love and kissies, Eric & Otis"
Truly, it is a wonderful birthday for a cat worth his weight in solid-gold!
Happy 18th birthday, Mica! You sure were a cute little kitty! You may have a famous world-traveling brother, but we all know who's in charge. Have a great birthday!
Your pal,
Happy Birthday, Mica! I hope you have an extra-special day. Your new car is awesome. I have always wanted to be able to drive a car.
Happy Birthday, Mica! We love you!!!
Tom and Tama-Chan
Happy Birthday Mica!!!!!
WE love your car. Hope you have the bestest birthday ever and all your dreams come true. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
MicaHappy puwwfday!!!
I love you ! You awe twuly the king of catses..I love the baby pictoowe of you..I wish I would have known you thwoughout youw bootiful long life.
thank you fow always being so welcoming and sweet to me..I love youw new caw..may I have a wide pleez?smoochie kisses
For an old guy, that Mica's still got game.
Hi, Petey...
What a great Birthday Celebration for Mica...
Happy Birthday, Mica...
I hope you enjoyed your cake...
Abby xxxooo
happy meowday mica! you sure are one lucky cat to have Petey for a brother
Happy birthday Mica, fabulous cake, wonderfull car and many many friends!
ViVi & AB
Happy Birthday Mica...when are you picking me up in your Mica-Cooper???
lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy Birthday Mica!
I am sure you are having a great time celebrating your big day!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday Mica!! You don't look a day over 4!! Hope you had a great day.
Love Clover xo
Wow! We can't wait till we're 18 so we can have our own car too! You are one lucky kitty, Mica and check out that cake! It's gorgeous!
Happy birthday, Mica! We hope you live another 18 years!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy 18th purrrday, Mica!
18 is a wonderful age in hooman, you have the wonderful year ahead sweety, and your cute face just told me that, muahhh!
PS: Impressive purrrrday cake, car and all, love you.
Please read my comment on the previous post too.
w00f's, wow, 18, dats a lot of years...happy meow day hopes u had a special day wiff lots of kitty stuff...and u has many many more..
b safe,
Aw Mica.How sweet are you at 6 weeks? We would say nearly as sweet as you are at 17 years and 46 weeks.
Me n Otis knew Petey and Mom would give you the best day. Loads of love n cake and stuff but wow!! Your own Mica Cooper,that's cool! Clocked the personalised number plate pal.Very impressive. You will wear your seat belt and keep within the speed limits won't you ?? And absolutely NO RECKLESS WHEELIES,hahahaha!!!!
Here's to you, very special Mica, we wish you very many more fun filled birthdays. OOoodles of love and kissies. Eric and Otis (and B too) xxxx
Happy Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrday Mikha!
I hope the pawty was pawesome!
Mica...Happiest Purrday ever, sweet does it feel to be truly "of age" you date????!!!!!!!! You don't look a day over two...I may have to switch to the seafood supreme diet myself!! don't plan on kissin' and tellin' do ya?????? Just wonderin'...not that I'm worried bout it or anything....
Thanks for a totally FAB weekend...I had the BEST TIME!!! And thank your mom for allowin' me to use her plastic to buy those adorable dresses for Khyra and Asta, Kay???!!!!!
Love ya lots sweet boy!!!!!
Buon compleanno, Mica!
Tanti baci!
Hi Mica,
Hope you have a wonderful birthday!! We love your Mica-Cooper!
Happy birthday Mica. ;)
~ Bae
Happy birthday Mica. Wow that cake is a doosie.
Tell Mica Happy Purrrrday for me! I love the mica coop. I want a convertible one, so my feel the wind in my face and my ears!
Look like you guys had a great time in Gay Parie...??? why do they call it Gay ???
With Wagging Tail,
Happy Birthday Mica, from all 5 Abys here - yes even the ickle baby kittens wish you a Happy Birthday! :) Just 1 week old and already they are developing good social skills - well all but the Boy who likes to walk all over everyone! ;)
Isis, Ramses, BG, LG and Boy
Wow, I bet Mica knew George Washington and even Abe Lincoln! What a cool cat. You got him a great present, now he can go out and pick up some take out for you!
Hi Petey - We read on Asta's blog it was your brother's 18th birthday yesterday. And seeing the special designed Mica Cooper we guess he had a GREAT day!!
Headbutts & (((hugs))) to you both.
Karl & Ruis
Wow Mica, you got some great pressies there....LOVE the Mini-Pooper, BOL! Happy (belated, sorry) Birthday wishes, hope your day was pawsitively puuuurrrrfect!
Slobbers to you and Petey xx
Mica is a cat in a million. I can tell!
Happy Happy Birthday, kitty boy! Be careful in your Mica Cooper. Don't poo and drive at the same time, okay?
Goober love & birthday smooches,
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