But I digress.
You see, we terriers got our revenge. You may not yet have seen these horrifying photos of Madison Square Garden, home of the Westminster Dog Show. Apparently, it's caught in a stinky yellow maelstrom of pee!

And how did that happen, you may ask? Well, us terriers are a rather international crowd. Once the word got out, I simply placed a few hundred well-filled water bowls around Madison Square Garden and just waited for all my buddies to show up, have a good long drink, then start composing some lengthy pee-mails as to how they REALLY felt about the judging.

I think the results speak for themselves.
As a graceful participant, I'd also like to extend our congratulations to Stump, the 10-year old Sussex Spaniel who won Best of Show -- that's the first time his breed has won in the history of the show and you've just gotta like a floppy old fella named "Stump!"
Wahaha.. I guess revenge is sweet (or possibly salty in this case)!!
We told them!!!!
I congwatulate Stup too..such an affable fellow..and the oldest evew to win..His eaws would make pawfect dustews mommi says
smoochie kisses
Hahahahaha revenge....
Faya & Dyos
Hey, Petey!
What a great and subversive way to get the attention of EVERYONE who was at the dog show. I hope the judges' cars were all flooded with pee too. Brilliant idea, by the way!
You should be a union organizer, man!
Goob love,
Yeah a big stream of piddle is exactly what they deserve. Good job Petey!
Noah x
Oh! Very good!
Way to go Terriers!
ViVi & AB
haha - good one, Petey! We'll show them!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Well done Petey! Gosh, I bet my brother Floyd would have helped out in honor of Grandpa Angus. Mastiff pee!!!
Petey: That was a great relief, sorry we had to pee and run.
gussie and teka
HA We shoed them gotta fly the water is not wuite out of system yet....Love A+.........................................
very funny Petey!!
Revenge is best served pee shaped I guess.
Or pee flavoured.
I could go on........and probably will!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxx
That sure is a lot of potty! Hahahaha!
Congratulations to Stump.
Good for you!
Simba and Jazzi xx
That was khwite the showering of support!
Judge Khyra
MANGO Minster 2009
Hehehehe! Toooo funny Petey. Your little scam, not excluding you from the show. What's that all about? Can't be right. Any dog called Stump deserves to win (unless he's a black scarey lab)
Wiry wags, Eric
Hahaha, too funny! Can you send some of your buddies to Birmingham, 2nd week in March??
Slobbers xx
We're thinkin' that Stumpi or whatever his name is, is going to have a few splendid years left as procrator of as many mini Stumps as possible. Um..we may have the name wrong.
Hey...that snap Mango posted of the Terriers in the ring...you don't have a copy of that you could post so we could bigify it? We wanna see ALLLLLLLL the details.
I'm strongly suspecting that that flood of pee was mostly Scruffy. That dog has seven bladders.
So when is our date, Petey??
You're not gettin' cold feet are ya?
Love and kisses...Laciegirl
Congratulations to Stump!
I can pee help!
Kisses and hugs
holy cow, you are definitely in the running for the stain award with that effort. AMAZING work guys.
We saw the news on tv yesterday too... Yeah for terriers
~ Bae
I admire you, Petey, for taking matters into your own hands, er...never mind.
See ya!
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