Sorry for the delay! Just woke up a few minutes ago...just in time to go meet
Asta for some hair of the dog and to recap our enchanted evening. We both agreed that international sensation
Sophie Brador was channeling one of Hitchcocker's icy blondes in her sweeping gray chiffon.
Joe Stains couldn't take his eyes (or his lips) off of her. And it's true - a tuxedo does make a man look taller, doesn't it?
Meanwhile, yet another first date was setting sparks skidding across the room. The lovely Lucia was motto bella in her House of Asta for Fursace design. And blue was the perfect color to wear to match her Kerry Blue beau, the Buster.
Khyra looked like an arctic white-out in her custom-designed white gown as she spun across the floor. She explained that it's perfectly alright to accessorize with fur...when it's your own. Ben Rotti looked relieved to get an evening off of babysitting his new sister. Funny how he didn't mind staying up all night when it meant holding his Khyra close...

Rosie was delectable in her pale pink-gray beaded gown...we stole away to a quiet corner for our own dance among the stars...

Miss Snickers and
Gussie were WireFox Trotting up a storm - she in a silver-white gown and Gussie in an Elvis-worthy midnight blue tuxedo. He pulled it off with style!
TD and his lovely gal
Kat were black and white and red all over...all over the dance floor, that is. And
Faya demonstrated European elegance in her mermaid-inspired gown.
George wasn't the only one who was gorgeous this night!

Another new couple alert!
Jake proved that his brother Just Harry wasn't the only one with the smooth moves, as he escorted
Rosie's sister
Gabbi to a secluded corner to "admire the view." Jake didn't even notice the Empire State Building - all he could see was Gabbi in her icy-blue column dress.

Meanwhile, the bachelor boys,
Rocky, Snoop, and
King Simba himself were kicking back some champagne and kicking up their heels on top of the tables! I'm sure the single ladies took note...

Dyos may look quite the grown-up, he was tuckered out around 10:00 p.m. Hopefully, he and
Jazzi are sharing a cha-cha-cha in their dreams. Puppy love, anyone?

My bestest mate,
Eric Square Dog, snuck outside with his girlfriend
Toffee for some dancing under the stars and the city lights in the Rockefeller Center rooftop garden overlooking Fifth Avenue. "Fly me to the moooon....and let me play catch beneath the stars......"

As the evening wound down, fireworks erupted over the Manhattan skyline and
Rosie (now in rose petal pale pink chiffon) and I went to a private room for some fireworks of our own. Yet as the last firework echoed through the canyons of New York, we continued to hear some rumbling....

What an amazing night! Thank you everyone for attending and in such fantastic style. And who knows, maybe like the Spring daffodils, some bright new romances may now be budding....
Petey: You are the pawfect host and a stunning dancer. We were so happy to be invited to join you and the crew for this wonderful weekend.
gussie n teka
Wooo! What a BeaWootiful night. I am so glad I was a part of it! Thanks for inviting me Petey!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Wow what a night. thank you so much for putting this together so that I could see Alfie again, and of course you and Rosie. I had so much fun. I did not want to go home. I miss Alfie already.
...And Alfie misses his beautiful MD....he says to tell her....wot?..umm, no...i'm not saying that *blush* tell her yourself!
Petey....aah Sweetie-Petey, my heart's all a-flutter, my little tootsies head is spinning...and I can't seem to stop blushing....the fireworks were amazing, good job Aunt Bailey finally let me off that silly extending lead!
What a wonderful night, Gabbi had a lovely first date with Jake who was the perfect gentleman, Alfie twirling with his darling....even Snoop managed a sneaky snog but he's not the type to kiss and tell.
It was a perfect evening and you were as ever the perfect host (umm..and date!) Thank you my wee Cairn sweetheart :D
See you soon,
Smoochy luurve,
Your Rosie-Posie xxx
We had such a fabulous time, I couldn't take my eyes off of Sophie on for sure. She was so HOT. woah. ok anyway, thanks again for arranging this, I really needed to get away this weekend. Thank DOG the Doofus didn't crash the pawty.
Oh my!
I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get this smile off my face!
I'm even thinking I'll wear that beaWOOtiful dress to bed!
Woo soooo rokhk Petey!
PeeEssWoo: AND BEN.... *SIGH!*
Wow sounds like a great time was had by all.
The photographer was fantastic - that photo of the gentlemen dancing on the table really shows how dog crazy things were getting at the rainbow room. Too bad there is no video - the full moon and those hound dogs. OMD - just incredible!!
The next mowing's wecap is aways one of my favowites..thewe suwe was alot to talk about, so many new paiwings, so much love in the aiw..You hosted the pawfect ode to spwing..I don't think any doggie went home wifout a smile on theiw face, and memowies to lst a lifetime
Thank you Petey
smoochie kisses
Hey, is that Mango passed out on the couch? Too funny. Thank you for recognizing my sensationalism. I don't even have to work hard at it you know. Well, okay, I do a little today, but that's only because of a wee ear infection.
Thank you so much Petey for those beautiful pictures. It was such a great fun ! I love to dance !
Kisses, Faya
Ciao bello, dolce Petey!
There is no end to your talent, mio amico! Event planner, master of ceremonies, photographer, A-1 ball catcher ... whew! But your most important and special talent -- if you ask me - is your generosity. Santa vacca, what would we all do without our dear pal, Petey!?! Thank you again for the most amazing evening ever!
Tanti baci!
Wow!! Looks like everybody had a great time!
Thanks again for a great party! The photos are wonderful! They truely captured the tone of the evening. A mah-va-lous Spring Fling Petey!!
Hi Petey
What a night - you and Rosie were the couple of the evening without a doubt.
Rosie was a picture in pink and you were so handsome in your tuxedo.
There couldn't have been a dog there who didnt have a wonderful time.
Thanks again
Aunties Martha & Bailey xx
Hi Petey,
What a wonderful evening! I am sure after all the dancing, you'd want to put your paws up for a rest.. :)
Looks at us kicking up our heels like the puppies sleep. We saw showed them how to party.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Just a Pawsome time was had by all. Thank you so much for inviting me. Petey you are the host we all love most.
Thank you so much, Petey. It was a wonderful party. My tail will always wag happily when I think of it.
See ya!
Petey!! Congratulations on your double win, you really deserves it. You is a super cool dude!
I thinks I has finally recovered from all the excitement. Auntie Penny telled me off for getting in so late last night and disturbing her sleep. Thanks for a great pawty.
~lickies, Ludo
Whoops! Did I fart?
What a great time had by all!
Excuse you, Mango.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
"Ooooh what a niiiiight" tra la la la.Petey...whew I'm breathless. All that wooing and cooing with my pupcake.Tee,hee!!
Wickedly good Party my pal. A Blast from start to finish.No end to your talents!!Photos were so flattering to everydoggie. Missed quite a few sights while was outside seranading 'neath the stars.So thanks for the update.
Those Batchelor boys dancing on the table,too funny!! Wish I had witnessed that. Those pups out for the count. Jake what a mover, a real groover.Gussie in his Elvis blue Tux. U Hu Hu he looked cooool. Petey.Dog you're right, a tux does make a doggie look taller. Might start wearing one to the park. Frighten those labs off.
Rosie as usual looked canny. What sort of fireworks of your own did you two set off? Saw a few rockets whoosing cross the sky...woooooo...made my ears pop and eyes water...what a blast!!!
You're a star Petey. pawfect matchmaking too. Wiry wags pal.
Eric xxx
Hi Petey! Sounds like you all had a great night!!
My blog is gone now, but I will be back soon and I will let you know where to find me.
Love Clover xo
Hi Petey,
Thank you so much for inviting me buddy, I had the most pawesome time and didn't my girl look just BeaWOOOOtiful?? Khyra!! *sigh* I'm happily exhausted! You are certainly a wonderful host! I can't thank you enough, it was just the weekend I needed!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxxx
Brilliant work - Dancing with the Stars had better look out!
What a fabulous night you all had! You'll all take lots of wonderful memories with you!
Congratulations on your awesome blog win, Petey! We are so very happy for you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congrats on winning the DWB awesome blog award! You certainly deserve it! What an extravagant party you all had. It looks like it was a night that no one will ever forget!
Hi Petey,
Wow... you love dancing? We would love to learn dancing from you.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
It looks like ev-furry pup had a pawsome time :)
Big licks to you
Thanks, Petey. It was wonderful to be invited to come to the pawty and to have some time with my sweet Kat. We have been trying for a long time to get together. Everything was just wonderful.
Tail wags, Thunder
Pee Ess, Dakota and Phantom here now. We can't let Mom see this. TD still has a curfew and we don't think she knows the boy was out that night.
I had a great time dancing. Thanks for inviting me! Thunder is so handsome and we are always looking for an opportunity to strut our stuff.
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