Remember a few weeks ago when Rosie-Posie and I went to Bermuda for a romantic weekend? And wise-ish Auntie Bailey tagged along as our chaperone? Oh! And Lacie and Butchy just happened to be vacationing on Bermuda that same weekend. Then we ran into Wimsey, outta the blue??? was no coincidence!
You see...Rosie and I went to Bermuda to elope! We got married that weekend!!!
Sure, Auntie Bailey was along...she was our wedding coordinator. And look at the wonderful job she did, even having roses for Rosie for the ceremony. You can see her in the front row with her beautiful hat.
Wimsey was the official and added an air of dignity to the occasion. (Yes, he and Auntie Bailey did disappear for quite a while on his moped!)
Butchy came along to serve as my Best Man. Even though I'm a British breed, I was born in the United States, so we needed to make sure all our paperwork was in order. That's why Butchy has his briefcase with him during the ceremony! He took his role very seriously.
And Lacie? Well, Lacie provided the entertainment... and in fine fashion! (Can you believe that Lacie kept our secret all these weeks? I'm so proud of her!)

We'd sworn to secrecy - I didn't even tell my bestest friend Eric Square Dog for fear he'd get nervous and stutter it out under pressure. Not even my friend and neighbor Asta sniffed it out of me!
...But that's not even the BIG NEWS!
...We've started a family!!! I'm just proud as punch of our new brood and Rosie Posie is a SENSATIONAL mother! Aren't the puppies just the spitting (and biting and chewing) image of their proud parents?

HAHAHAHAHA!!! C'mon, I mean, I love my Rosie-Posie to pieces but do you think we'd really get married on OUR FIRST DATE?!?! And have a mess of puppies a month later? HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Although Auntie Bailey REALLY did disappear for hours and hours with Wimsey. That part is absolutely true.
Happy April Fool's Day everybloggie! Hope we GOTCHA!
I am a fool!
I was reading and reading, shaking my head, thinking about all those things and then.... Haaaa!
Good one!
Kisses and hugs
You totally fooled us! What an exciting story that was though.
Petey you totally had me!! I was totally fooled!! Mum was even thinking of adopting one of your offspring!
sheesh! I'm too easy!!
Good one buddy ;)
Ben xxxx
Happy April Fool's Day, knowing you I was expecting a prank!!!!
You dont get to be this old and this wise till your get the long ears!!
Will pop over to see Joe Stains although wondered if that was the April Fool.
Cool pictures! Bailey has already explained to the world why she went missing with Wimsey - a hound always fools their nose before their heart you know.
From your favourite aunties xxxx
ps you always were the joker, remember that time when........Oh the stories we could tell .....
Really need to use Preview - a hound follows their nose although perhaps fool would do given the date!
OMG, you really had us going, Petey! We were buying the whole fabulous story!
April fool to you too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
oh petey!
you fooled us. we were glued to every bit and detail, thinking what a juicy bit of news this was. we just had to believe it. i mean, Lacie coming out of the cake was just so er... Lacielike.
you are officially the best story teller.. you had at us 'I'.
drooly kisses,
furry good Petey and Rosie!
I really was believing keeping the sekhret is what made Ladie Beast soooooooo ummmmmmmm ILL!
Khongrats on the furry fun post!
Hi, Petey...
You got me... :)
Abby xxxooo
Oh my God, Petey - you cheeky fellow!! You had me totally fooled!! I was reading and thinking, "Oh my God, Oh my God..." (especially when I got to the bit about the strange little puppy...) and then I realised that the joke was on me! Ha! Ha!
Well, I'm glad that you and Rosie are taking it slowly...!
Honey the Great Dane
You got me, Petey!!!!
I love secret, your post title attracted me, oh, why I'm so that naive?
Look what my brothers Ximui and Chubs rolled on the floor laughing at me.
But I did enjoy your eloping story very much, kind of romantic comedy movie that I love.
OOoh, that little minx even kept it from us!! Well, the eloping bit anyway....we'd have noticed a belly full of pups! She's laughing her butt off as we pick our jaws off the floor and Snoop cleans up after himself!
Mother was going to do an April Fool post but is as disorganised as ever....and it couldn't have beaten this anyway, you naughty boy :D
Slobbers, Snoop, Alfie & Gabbi xx
Petey you almost fooled me, the wedding I could believe, but not the puppies, no way she could have kept that one hidden. BOL!
Great April fool's Petey.
~lickies, Ludo
Hah ha! You got us, and to think, Mommy wanted a Ceaglairn Terragle!
-Kira and Scampi
Petey, ya got me! I bought it hook, line, and sinker, until I got to the part about the kids... But it was such a nice wedding - Rosie looked so beautiful, Aunt Bailey's hat was so tasteful, and I love that picture of sweet little Lacie!
See ya!
Petey...we believed it til the puppy part. Then I started counting on my toes and figuring out it just couldn't happen. But it was funny, and very well done. And muzzer says if you and rosie ever do have puppies, she wants the clairn Teagle.
Ha Ha Petey, you got us too, but you know, you had better be very careful today, there could be a payback in the works.
Play bows, the OP pack
You tricked my Mummy!
Big licks to you
You did! You did fool us!!
Yep, even I, Jake the Professor, bit into the April Fool treat.
Petey, you are the cleverest, terrierest of canines.
We bowwow in awe.
OMD...if that would have been true, Asta would have been pretty upset with you...hee hee hee!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Ha ha Petey!! I sniffed out that April fool right away - didn't believe a word of it but I didn't think you were going to tell at the end it was an April Fool!! You funny old fool!!!.
BUT if you don't have me for your best man when you eventually get married...well ..I think I might howl and cry.In a dogly way of course.
Wiry wags, Eric xxxxx
Good one! You totally got us!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hahahahaha great job ! I am a fool !
Kisses, Faya
Oh Petey, you got me good! Happy April Fools Day to you!
Tsk! I was just about to congratulate you and Rosey on your marriage and the pupper-ties.
Was Fooled of course.
Licks and Wags
Tuffy of Dog Woods
Oh! You got me! But Dexter said he wasn't fooled for a minute because he knows it takes 60 days to make puppies. Whatever. I didn't like the looks of the terri-eagle anyway.
hahahaha - I was pugged!!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
We were fooled.
Speechless, Petey... We are SPEECHLESS at the scale of this fooling!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Oh I was about to be so jealous.
hehe you truly got me good!!!
Love Travis
Well done Petey! Good story!
Oh Man...Petey...
You SO had Lacie goin'...she's passed out cold on the floor...I think she still wants to DATE you and the site of you with puppies and all that was more than she could bear...(get it...bear...bare...puppies....hahahahahaaaa)
Anyway...she knocked her noggin' on the floor when she fell so I hafta go get ice....
Mumsie's rollin' on the floor and I think she made a puddle...better go and mop that up...
Oh outdid ur self....
Hi Petey!
That was a pretty good one! You definitely got me!
:) Tibby
You totally had us for a minute!! omdog, then we realized NO WAY could Lacie keep that secret! lol. Thanks for the laugh Petey!!
SOmething told me, hehehehehehehe
Gweat pictoowes, and I believe youw son weally would be quite mawvelous.
smoochie kisses
Well what an excellent post. All very convincing, but then I started wondering, are dog weddings legal in Bermuda??
Cheers, H.
Yeah well we've just been over at Mack's blog so we were already in the April Fools Day spirit and guess what.....we knew you were fool'n about so haaaaa!
Doodles Petey! You had me completely baffled with that one. And it's not even April Fools day anymore.
Does this mean there will be no wedding cake?
GREAT April Fool's post!
Woofs and foolish slobbers!
We are sad its an April fool. Those puppies would have been so cute.
Simba and Jazzi xx
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