I keep going back to her walk-in closet because it smells like her in there. It makes Mommy sad.
On Friday, I had to stay in the bedroom while people came and set up food. There were lots of photos of Mommy and Granny around. There were even two large photos that Rosie's Mummy took of the place where Granny was born. Then there were a lot of people here and I smiled and greeted all of them, but they seemed sad and nobody wanted to play ball. I kept looking for Granny, because I heard her name a lot, but she wasn't there.
They all said that Granny had told them all about me and gave me nice pats. There was one lady with a walker with tennis balls at the end of two legs. I kept whimpering and talking, asking her to throw them to me. For some reason, the people thought this was pretty funny.
After awhile, everybody left except four of Mommy's very good friends that she's known even longer than Mica. They changed out of their fancy clothes and put on shorts and flip flops and took me to the beach, along with a ball and a bottle of Prosecco. They made lots of toasts and hugged each other a lot. Nobody was paying any attention to me, so I found some other people to throw the ball for me.

I still can't find Granny and sometimes Mommy is sad and her face gets all wet and salty so I give her lots of kisses. Remember, I'm the dog who doesn't give out kisses. And almost every day, around 5:30 or so, when we'd usually go to the dog run, we go for a walk on the beach. I don't mean to make other city dogs feel bad but the beach beats the dog run hands down.
I can run and run and run and then go plop down in the water. Sometimes there are other dogs down there to play with and their owners will have a Chuck-it and throw the ball for me too. It's just the best.

I also have a big deck on the back of the house and Mommy's blocked off the steps so I can't run into the yard and into the pond where we saw the big alligator. But that's okay. Today a cat came to visit me on the other side of the barricade and I had so much to say (I asked if he knew our old cat Maui, because she was from the Island, too) that Mommy made me go inside.
Mostly it's really good down here, with lots of things to smell and sniff and long walks along the golf course and no sidewalks. It would be perfect, if only my Granny was here with me. (I wouldn't even mind staying off of the couch.)
Oh Petey...I've been thinking about you lots the last few days. I like tennis balls, but usually on when I'm at the park. Last few days tho (actually the last week)I keep carrying around a tennis ball...I even have been napping with it. I think it's because I'm thinking of you and your Mom. Give your Mom a special lick from me and enjoy the beach!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Tank woo fur sharing all of this...
We've been wondering about woo too!
Please keep up the good khyss work!
PeeEssWoo: My mom says she'll think of your mom and Granny the next time she has some Prosecco!
Petey, we have all been thinking and praying for you and your Mom for the past week. I hope that things get better everyday, a little at a time. I am sure you miss your Granny. Give your Mommy loads of puppy kisses, it always makes them feel better
-Kira and Scampi
Woohoo Petey, you get to run on the beach too, just like me! Isn't it the best? (But I still wish you were on MY beach, hehe)
I am sad that you can't find your Granny but I just know she's there with you every step, keep looking, ok?
I have missed you so much my handsome wee love....
Uh-oh....now MY Mum has a salty face...gotta go!
See you soon Sweetie-Petey, love ya lots,
Your Rosie-Posie xxxx
oh Petey - sounds like you're taking good care of your mom - watch out for those gators - they like little doggies - and not in a good way
hey petey... i'm glad you are running on the beach it's very "therapeutic" <---the humomm sez this all the time...but we're also sAd you can't find your gran... that would make us frantic because our gran lives with us...
human's seem to think that when one of us goes over the rainbow bridge that we live in their hearts...so i guess it works both ways...which would mean that your gran's spirit is with you always.. stay close to your mom.. she needs all the slurps and whurls you can give her right now.. gentle hugs from the homomm to you both too.
theBUSTER, MS.Persephone & Ms. Blue too
pee esss-- we've been thinking about you lots -- take care of each other..
Oh, Petey, it is so good to hear from you again. We were wondering how things are for you and the family. Your post made our Mom very teary-eyed. Granny is still there, just in a different way than before. You will find her in ways you never imagined.
woos, the OP Pack
Petey: Your post made us all sad and weepy, but in a good way, because we know how much you loved your granny. Keep giving your mom lots of kisses.
Hi, Petey!
I know you miss your Granny.
Thanks for sharing your time there and please give your mom kisses and hugs from us, ok?
Take care
Lorenza and mom
Oh Petey, I'm so sorry your granny isn't with you any more. I'm glad you're giving your mom kisses and taking care of her.
Your pal,
Petey! I am so with you. I should live on a beach. I was born to live on a beach. I can't believe I live in a stupid city. It's just all wrong.
I think it is really super sweet that you have been taking care of your mom so well and giving her loads of kisses. When our mom's are sad, we have to take care of them. Actually, I think we take care of them even when they are happy. It just doesn't always look that way.
What a good boy you were to fly to SC with your mommy. We bet she really appreciates your company and all the help we're sure you must be giving her. It's good that you are giving her your angel kisses too. Extra kisses for your mommy from us,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
Awww Petey :( With Scooby being sick and Mummy unwell too I was not aware of your Granny. Please give your Mum extra big licks fur me.
Big licks to you
We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.
Simba and Jazzi xxxx
We've thought about you so much lately, Petey! Keep enjoying that beach and keep giving your mom those salty kisses!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We're glad your mummy had you Petey and her very good friends by her side. Good friends are worth so much.
Hi, Petey...
I've been thinking about you...Wondering how you & your Mom are doing...
I remember when I didn't see my Nanny anymore...I didn't understand either...And, my people were all sad...
My Mom says to tell you & your Mom that you are in our thoughts & prayers everyday...
Take good care of your Mom...You are her best medicine right now...
Much Love,
Abby xxxxxooooo
That beach place has some big sticks, huh? We always miss those close to us sometimes, but that's OK, they will be in our hearts forever.
We hope that you and your people are all doing well despite the salty-faced times. Keep up with those extra special kisses for you mom - I think they make her feel better.
We've been thinking of you~
It was good to see your post, Petey, and also sad. We are sure that your granny would have loved to be there with you and your Mom. But if you stand still, you can feel her in the breeze. We're sure of that.
The beach looks so wonderful. Enjoy your runs there, and continue to take good care of your Mom.
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
oh Petey, your post made us very sad.
I thinks you need to look for your grandma in your heart now instead of in a physical way. But it will be very very hard not to miss her lots. :(
I glad you is able to help your mommy by giving good kisses and enjoying the beach lots.
~lickies, Ludo
Petey, Thank goodness your mommy has you during this hard time. Unconditional love is a wonderful thing - that is why your mommy is sad about your granny because she loved her soooo much. She needs you to cuddle with and make her feel better.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie marie
oh Petey.. you make my face salty too! Don't worry baby, your Granny is indeed there with you.
Oh Petey, your Grandma will always be with you, inside your heart.
Petey we have been thinking about you and sending all kinds of vibes to you and your Mom. We know you miss your Granny but she is keeping an eye on you. So maybe stay off the couch for a while?
hi Petey, we're so sorry to hear about your Granny. we know she is in heaven, watching over you and your mom.
we're glad you were so good on the airplane and you are there to give support to your mom. it sounds like that beach is wonderful and we're happy that you are having some fun.
be good little kiddo. we are thinking of you.
Oh Petey,
We have been thinking of you so much. We're glad that you are with your Mom and looking after her so well, licking away her tears.
Enjoy those runs on the beach and you know, your Granny is looking down on you and your Mom.
Take good care of yourselves,
Clive, the little man and his mum
Hi Petey! It's so nice to hear an update from you. You and your Momma haven't left my thoughts.
You keep doing exactly what you're doing, Petey. There is something about the resilience of our pets, and how even when they know something has changed and they feel sadness... they have this never-ending optimism. You are just what the doctor ordered for your Momma right now! Give her a smooch for me, ok?
Oh Petey, we are salty now too. Granny is with you always in your heart Petey but I understand it's upsetting and confusing for you right now pal.Tis for your Mom too.It's so hard.We are wagging Mom has good friends but best of all she has you to look after her. Keep giving her your special kisses.And enjoy the beach and walks, they will help.
Wiry love and kissies, Eric xxxx
It must be so hawd being thewe at Gwannie's and hew not coming to give you scwitchies like she always did and heaw hew voice. But wemembew, she will always be thewe looking out fow you and youw mom and mica and if you just listen hawd enuff , you'll heaw an hew in the bweeze
we miss you hewe at the not so pawfect dog wun
smoochie kisses
Oh Petey, am so glad you're there for your human at such a difficult time for her. I know you can't seem to find your Granny but she is there, watching you all the time and smiling to see you have such a great time on the beach.
Give your human some slobbers from me...
Honey the Great Dane
It is so hard to understand why people we love and are part of our lives are there one minute and gone the next.
All their 'things' remain but it is hard to find them in these early days.
You will find her again - but you have to look beyond the 'things' and they will be there. xxx
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