The good news is, Rosie is perfectly fine and in good health. She was out playing with the rest of the gang this evening when our Mommies spoke. This just wasn't the right time for her to have a litter. We are confident that time will come.
Needless to say, the Dughallmor beagles, while relieved that Rosie is well, are shattered by this news—sad and disappointed. They are continuing to have computer problems but know that all of our dear friends are sending loving prayers and best wishes their way right now.
My darling Rosie Posie is a strong Scots lassie and will be just fine.
Oh Petey: you know how sad we are at this news, and we hope that you and Rosie can spend some quiet time together to comfort one another. When you speak to her, tell her we hope she feels better very soon.
gussie n teka
Nope...sometimes things just aren't meant to be...
We are sorry fur woo and your Rosie Posie...
I'm sure woo will cheer her as best woo khan...
Oh Petey, I am so sorry to hear this news. Please give Rosie our best. The right time will come and you two will make wonderful pawrents, even if that time is not now.
Deaw Petey
I'm so sowwy fow this news, but vewy vewy happy that Wosie is awight!
She is a bootiful , young lady and the two of you will have gowgeous babies someday.
Pleez give hew and hew family ouw love and soothing smoochie kisses .We awe sad fow theiw disappointment and loss.
I'm so glad that Wosie has you , a sweet , loving husband to make hew feel bettew.
Take some time togethew and west
someday auntie Asta
Ciao, dolce Petey,
Ohhhh ... I'm so sorry to hear about this, il mio amico. But I am glad to hear your darling Rosie is going to be fine, despite this sad news.
I am very sure it's just a matter of time before two meravigliosi cani like you and Rosie become meravigliosi pawrents!
Tanti baci!
Sorry Petey. Our love to you and Rosie.
BabyRD & Hootie
Oh Petey,
We feel so sad for Rosie and her family. A difficult time for them all. Hopefully, there will be a next time.
Take care
Hi Petey,
We are very saddened by this news. I know everydog was so looking forward to seeing the puppies. You and Rosie must be totally heartbroken.
With much sympathy,
Bijou & Banjo
I'm sorry to hear your news - kissey face to you and Rosie.
*kissey face*
Dear Petey, So,so sorry about dear Rosie, but we are very, very glad that she is healthy. I know how hard it must be for you both, but the right time will come, as you write so eloquently, and you'll make a pawsome dad, just as Rosie will be a super mama.
With hugs and a prayer for you both,
xo Sammie
Hi, Petey...
We am so sorry about this sad news...
We're glad Rosie is OK...And, we hope she feels better soon...
Our Love to Both of You...
Abby & her Mom xxxooo
We are sad for you and Rosie, but we are sure that having each other to love will be the best medicine. ~S,S,C & F
Oh Petey...we were so very sorry to hear the news...we were so looking forward to Rosie havin' her pups....
We can't even imagine how sad you and Rosie and her family are...please tell her she's in our thoughts, ok?
Love ya lots, Sweet Petey....
Please tell Rosie Posie we are sending her our love and kisses and you take good care of her..Love A+A
oh petey - I'm so sorry for you and rosie - I know how terribly sad both of you are and how disappointed the hoomans are - there will be another litter - take care petey and rosie!
Oh, Petey, we are so sad to hear this, please do tell Rosie and her Mom how very sorry we are. Sometimes things just aren't meant to be and we hope Rosie will recover well and be strong enough to try again.
Woos, the OP Pack
You are right Petey. Things happen... or not... for a reason.
We are thinking of Rosie and her family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Sorry to hear it, but glad Rosie is okay.
I'm sorry to hear that Rosie is not having the puppies, but I'm stinkin' glad she is okay! Please give her some soothing goob smooches from me and Stella, and an atomic booty scritch from my girl (I think you should have that maneuver memorized since my girl spent so much time giving them to you... no hard feelings, man.)
We love you both! Please know we're here for you.
Goob love,
Oh no, Petey - that is awful news! I am so sorry for you - although the important thing is you still have each other and there will be chances for more puppies in the future. I'm going straight over to the Dugallmore Beagles now to see Rosie!
Honey the Great Dane
ps. I actually came over to say I loved your comment on Clive's blog - about people thinking you're a grimy Westie in dire need of a bath!!
We were so sorry to read about this Petey.
Our thoughts are with the Dughallmor Beags and of course dear Rosie.
Sending her healing and loving kisses
Marvin and Jeannie xxxxx
Sometime these things happen and it is a great disappointment. We are glad Rosie is healthy and know you will be a big comfort to her. Our thoughts and prayers are with the "beagles".
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Petey
We are feeling sad for you and Rosie but you are both young and healthy.
This, as you said, just wasn't meant to be at this time.
Lots of hugs from
Aunties Martha & Bailey xxx
How sad --for you and for your bride and her family.
And we too, as part of the extended family, are disappointed.
But one never knows what life has in store - that's why it's so good to have each other!!!
Jake and Just harry
Hi, Petey -
We are sad for you and Rosie but glad that she is healthy. You are right some things are not meant to be.
You, Rosie and your families are in our thoughts. We hope Rosie will feel better soon.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Oh no! First we have the Dughallmor's living in Australia and now Rosie isn't pregnant! We feel so badly for Rosie and her family and you too, Petey!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh dear. Poor Rosie. I am sure you will be doing your best to comfort her Petey. Your American upbringing will no doubt help you express those feelings in a way that us Scots terriers sometimes find difficult!
Cheers, H.
Oh heck...that is really disappointing and upsetting news Petey. We sure hope Rosie is ok. We're so sorry this happened.
Thanks for letting us know.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Aw, sad news about Rosie. I am sending comforting hugs to you and to her and her family as well.
Oh Petey. My heart is crying for you and your sweet Rosie.I know how much her leggeds were looking forward to it and many of us too. Please give Rosie my extra special wiry love and yap that I'm thinking of her and her leggeds and that I'm so relieved to hear Rosie is doing fine.
Wiry loves and kissies, Eric xx
Petey, we just heard the news and came on over. This is terribly sad but we are just so happy that Rosie is ok. That is the most important part. We are sending her emotional healing vibes.
Hope Rosie is doing better now. How sad about not having the puppies.
Your friend,
Hey Petey, That's a shame about Rosie. But your bday visit should cheer her up.
I am happy to read that your dear wife is well. So sorry about the pregnancy. Her time will come.
Oh my gosh. We are all feeling SO bad and SO embarrassed! How neglectful can friends be? We just saw this post and finally have put two and two together. We are ashamed, that in the craziness of our holiday, we've not taken the time to be more on top of things. We had no idea that Rosie was no longer a mommy-to-be. We've written Rosie and apologized, and we hope she and her two leggededs accept our apology and very late condolences. But wanted to offer you our apologies, as well. We feel so bad. Here we were even included in the wedding and stupid fools that we were, we had missed this whole shift in events. Please please accept our apologies. We hope you don't think we are horrible friends. We are FEELING horribly!
Fergi and Jake and their humans
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