Back in the States, spending some time with Mommy down at the beach. Been making some new friends.
This guy never tries to get the ball from me. And he always lets me get there first when Mommy throws the ball...

Then I met this six-foot long alligator and another ginormous crabbie! They didn't have much to say either.
This morning we got up and went for a run and swim at the beach - all before breakfast! Dogs can only be on the beach before 10:00 am and after 5:00 p.m. in the summertime. Which is fine with me, because it gets too hot during the day. I met a couple of twin girls, adorable and just 3 1/2 years old who were great at throwing the ball once they got the hang of it.

Later on this morning, Mommy has promised to take me for another bike ride in the new bike basket. I L-O-V-E it and if Mommy was only talented enough to be able to ride AND take a photo of us, we'd share it with you. You'll just have to wait.
Now, I've got to go back to my duties of guarding the back deck from squirrels and alligators and great blue herons!
Have fun!!! Let your imagination and creativity renew itself on those wonderful beaches and long bike rides!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Wow what adventures you have had and it is only lunchtime!!!
What a crazy shelled water gooberbeast! I have no idea how he would carry that ball if he did catch it.
My canine buddy Mr. Bojangles LOVES his bike basket rides too. He even wears goggles! I think that I would probably get motion sick and do pukies everywhere if I tried it.
Hi, Petey!
Those are very interesting creatures!
Too bad they don't play with you!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
Oooh! A ride in the bike basket!!! I'm jealous! (Mom says that a basket wouldn't fit on her bike, even if I could fit in the basket.... Something about how she's got this fancy-schmancy racing bike and a basket wouldn't fit.....*sigh*)
Have fun at the beach!
I bet she khould do a video!
That would be khool ;-)
Hi, Petey...
Oh I'm jealous...The beach is the best...
I can't say I like that ginormous ugle crab thing...It's kind of scary looking...
My Mom says see saw some of them at Cape Cod once...She didn't like them either...Yuck!!
Abby xxxooo
Wow, be careful of those big animal things, they might try to sneak up on you. Have fun on your bike ride, I hope you get to go for ice cream.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Have a great time on the beach. We hope you don't miss Rosie too much, but you gotta take care of your Mom too!
That thing be soo weird, I never get things like that on my beach.
~lickies, Ludo
We love Khyra's idea! A video of you in the bike basket would be just awesome, Petey!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Petey!!
Looks like you are having a great time at the beach! I love the beach. There are lots of strange looking characters there and lots of room to run and have fun.
Enjoy it while you can, my friend, because if your weather is like ours, it will probably rain tomorrow.
Love and Koobuss Kisses.
Dear Petey,
I hope you are having a good time at the beach and enjoying yourself. It looks very pretty.
Your friend,
Oh Petey, we've just gotta see a photo of you riding in the bike basket. Please ask your mum to try and take a photo but only if she promises not to topple over.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Wow! A real beach and strange creatures too. You have it made!
Bloodhound of Alaska
Watch out for that crab thing. It is HUGE! Oh, wait a minute, I forget, you are just a little guy. Maybe that crab isn't so big after all.
Petey - be very very careful, those creatures on the beach look seriously scary!
As for the bike basket, I'm SO jealous. In fact, to be truthful, I'm glad you didn't post a picture of that today, as I'm feeling a bit fed up at the moment, and it would remind me of how selfish Gail is, always going out for bike rides without me.
Cheers, from a not so cheerful Hamish.
Petey, you will have to ask someone to take a picture - we would just love to see you in the bike basket! We used to have our last dog, Harry, in a trailor behind the bikes - he would have been far too big for a basket!
We loved your sand monsters - you just be careful! You can never be too sure what monsters are over there - we have seen the movies.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
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