For our wedding reception, we chartered a schooner to sail up and down the coast of Roseisle, the beautiful beach where
Rosie loves to play with
Gabbi, Snoop and Alfie.
We even had the mainsail specially designed with our crest from the wedding invitation. The Scottish and American flags were both flying—sorry we couldn't fly the flags of all of our international guests!

After the blender fiasco at the Abbey, we wanted to make sure
Lacie behaved herself at the reception. So
Hammish told her there was a lady onboard who was even more beautiful than
Lacie...more beautiful than
Rosie even!
Naturally, Lacie insisted on meeting her and demonstrating how she put the "Pit" in Pittsburgh. Hee hee, when she leaned over to growl at the figurehead, her antler headdress caught in the nets and she spent most of the cruise lashed to the bow! Ahhh, you could actually hear the lapping of the waves instead of her infernal blender (and the wind soon drowned out her shrieking!)
Disaster averted.

Of course, we should have been cautious when
Tanner told us he wanted to provide a band for the wedding reception.

Luckily, they took one look at the
Lacie figurehead and ran away!
Rosie changed into a gorgeous rosy red gown for the reception. She greeted our guests as they came aboard....
Mica, still cautious about all those dogs, decided to hang out in the rigging, where he had a lovely conversation with
Asta (they're old friends), who was perched on
Stanley's shoulders, and
Gabbi and

As favors for our guests, we presented everyone with a Scottish quaich — a two-handled cup—perfect for sharing a wee dram with a loved one.
Eric Square Dog didn't waste a minute trying his out with his lady love

Apparently, she's not much of a tibbler, and the Doghouse Pinot Grigio we were pouring went right to her cute freckled head!
(NOTE: Doghouse is a REAL winery in the United States and a percentage of their profits go towards Guide Dogs for the Blind. If you're going to indulge, do it for a worthy cause!)
As the sunset, Mango and Sophie Brador slipped away for a romantic moment on the bow...that is, until Mango shouted out "I'm the Relentlessly Huge King of the World!" and Sophie decided to go find out what Joe Stains was up to....

Meanwhile, the ladies were gathering on the Poop Deck. At least, they did after we got all the poop picked up in biodegradeable poop bags. The moment of the bouquet toss was near!
But what eligible young lassie would catch it? Honey the Great Dane seemed to have a bit of an advantage, but then the ship tacked and the bouquet blew another direction....

"Hey, where's
Gabbi? I want to make sure she gets a chance at catching the bouquet!" said
No fear, my dearest, little Gabbi was getting quite cozy with Jake on one of the foredecks.

After hitting a buoy,
Lacie managed to untangle herself and crawl on deck. "Ever since I got that dog-gone invitation, I've been in training to catch the bouquet and be the next bride!" snarled
Lacie, a bit of seaweed dangling from one of her antlers, "Get back, bitches—and I mean that in the canine sense of the word—this one is all mine!"
And with that she leaped like Michael Jordan into the air....
Once again, the boat came about and the bouquet bounced through her antlers...and into her best friend Asta's lap!

Hmmm, think
Asta may be adding some more jewelry to that ginormous diamond ring???
Oh Stanley.....
As the lights came on over the deck, we all gathered for dinner and dancing in the moonlight.

Before we cut the wedding cake,
Eric Square Dog took the microphone to deliver his Bestest Man toast to
Rosie and me. You'll have to ask Eric what he said - I was laughing one minute and crying the next and probably missed half of it!

Just so you don't think I forgot all about my national loyalties, we included a wedding tradition from the American South — a groom's cake! Since
Rosie and I went on our first date to Bermuda, I thought it was very sentimental that we remember that special weekend with the two of us on a moped!
Hmmm, don't those dog-safe carob-dipped strawberries look delicious?

As the boat pulled into it's berth, the skies lit up with a spectacular display of SILENT fireworks! Of course,
Archie fainted when he saw the first burst, but
Aggie revived him with her handy smelling salts in time for the grand finale.

Truly it was a spectacular day that we will cherish for all of our days! Thank you for being a part of it. And now if you'll excuse us, our honeymoon is about to begin!
What a day! It must have cost all your treat money and more.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi, Petey...
Oh...What a wonderful wedding it was...
Enjoy your Honeymoon...
Abby xxxooo
What a spectacular day. Rosie absolutely looks gorgeous in that red gown - and Petey so handsome.
We hope Piper didn't make a pig of himself over those carob covered strawberries. The rest of us tried to keep him from indulging too much.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
What a wonderful wedding! Lots of work behind the scenes to create all that wonderful excitment!
Take care
I was so happy that the beast got stuck on the front of the boat. At least I couldn't hear her shrieking.
Just as well my overtures to Miss Sophie did not work out as I think Joey is back in fighting form and I wouldn't want to tangle with the little dude.
Great photos and story! It was like I was there. Wait a minute, I WAS there, right?
Oh! A really wonderfull wedding!
ViVi & AB
Petey and Rosie...What a wonderful wedding. Muzzer has told Teka not to get any ideas, but she smuggled home a couple of those "Bride" magazines that Rosie was sharing with all the girls.
It was a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for including us
Woooo1 What a wonderful evening it was, I could have caught that bouquet if it was not for that little terrier....
Thanks again for inviting me and have a wonderful honeymoon, I will be off with my Snoop...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
What a pawfect ending to a pawfect day!!! Petey and Rosie, Rosie and Petey -- we hope you enjoy a bit of private time on your honeymoon.
Gabbi and I had some private time too, and felt our romance blossom. We fed each other some of those delicious carob-dipped strawberries and sipped a bit of the bubbly before we bid each other sweet adieus.
So thank you P and R. R and P for a loverly time. We wish you years of happiness together.
Oops, I almost forgot: Just Harry, in his uniquely eloquent way, says "Me too."
Oh I still can not get over that cake..It has to be the most beautifull I have ever seen.I also can not get over my brother...Geesh thank goodness I had those salts in my bag...A truly memorable day Petey......We wish you all the love and cookies and treats in the worlds...Love A+A
Fantastic reception! It was worth being banned from Turnberry to make the reception! Enjoy your honeymoon (*nudge*nudge*wink*wink)!
*kissey face*
What a fun and exciting day this was for both of you!! Congrats!!!
What a smashing time, a great wedding from start to finish. Even I looked good in my kilt, with my pipes.
All I can say is, Mango started it. But Joey is my boy.
What a fabulous wedding! Enjoy your honeymoon, Petey!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I still khan't stop dreaming about the KHAKE!
I do wish I khould get the blender sound to stop!
Enjoy that honeymoon WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE!
PeeEssWoo: Khan woo believe SOME FLAKY LAKEY is blamin' me fur her pawstion on the ship?
Silent fireworks! What a perfect way to round off a perfect party.
Hope Lacie has recovered from her disappointment in not catching the bouquet...
Cheers, H.
Thank you for sharing those beautiful photos. I hope you enjoy your honeymoon.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
What a truly magnificent wedding reception Petey. The memories will last us all a life time.Specially Lacie when she was the figurehead on the ship. And my Toffee, upsidey down in the loving cup!!!Er...Petey, Dog to Dog..think she was just sneaking a peaky under my kiltie???? She got a BIG SUPRISE!!! Any of that Doghouse Pinot left Petey? Pupcake might like another glass or twenty two.
Well here's to you Rosie and Petey. Congratulations to the newly weds.Wishing you always a Happy Ever After!
Your bestest man and friend, Eric xxxxxxxx
You and Wosie have again outdone youwselves. what a mawvelous and special weception. It might have been uncomfowtable, but Lacie di look gweat as a figoowehead on that ship. Honestly, I didn't twy to catch the buckett, but now that I have, hmmmmmmm
I loved the cake, Wosie's dwess, Ewic's speech, the gwoom's cake, and my discussion wif Mica..he's the loveliest cat I know. wise and sweet and handsome.
Thank you fow the wedding of a lifetime..I don't think I could evew match that
have a bwilliant honeymoon, fwee of all intwoosive fwiends and well wishews, just you and youw sweet , bootiful wosie. May you always be this happy
smoochie kisses
uh oh BAG PIPERS coming to our house!?! they are going to melt in those kilts here, omdog. I cannot believe that Lacie did not catch the bouquet, I mean seriously, I would have thought she would have had that rigged for sure. As for Sophie and Mango, he really is the relentlessly huge king...but I just don't think Sophie is into all the fanfare.
wow, what a wedding. I am so happy for you guys!
Truly a pawtastic wedding - happy honeymooning.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Honestly, Petey...aren't ya bein' just a tad harsh...??? I mean the Smoothie Sale during the ceremony went well with 99% of the proceeds going to Terrier Rescue...and we made a ton of $$$!
As for the reception, there wasn't much I could do lashed to the boat like that, now was there...??
I have no recollection of sayin' anything of the sort that you described in the catching of the bff Asta retrieved it....silly dog...of course I may have bumped it in her direction...
Now Petey...(Lacie's large brown eyes fill with tears...her lower lip quivers pathetically....) you're still gonna be my friend aren't you???????
Sniffly barks,
And all those donations to Carin/Beagle Rescue...
I can't help if the Peek A Kilt game brought in a lot of bizness...honestly you boyz made more $$ for rescue than you can look under those kilties and the ladies pulled those bills outta their wallies faster than Scruffy goin' after a crow...
Petey, Petey...ya have it all wrong (as usual)....
I am a total Phil Ant-Throw Pissed....
Totally pissed er um nobly generous....
Your obviously former friend...
And I hope no crabs get ur paws....
Hi, Petey!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures!
Have a happy honeymoon!
Kisses and hugs
I had the best time! :)
wow, that's some awesome train of events. Congratulations Petey and Rosie! What a beautiful memorable wedding it was!
licks and wags
TUffy and the Dog WOods Pack
Congrats to the new bride & groom. The whole affair looked lovely!
BabyRD and Hootie
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