Andy Monkey and I cozied up to watch the quarterfinals this morning.

Ahhh, it brought back my auditions to be a Ball Boy. I was excellent at chasing down the ball, just not so good at giving it back.
...but if you check out my bestest pal Eric Square Dog's bloggie, you'll see that I still got hired!
Here I'm coaching Andy Monkey on a successful backhand follow-through...

Quiet, please Mommy. We're trying to watch the tennis. Could you go rustle up some strawberries and Devonshire cream please? Make yourself useful, old girl!
Enjoy the matches!
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
You can not be a ball dog because like Pip you want to be chased for the ball. The match went on late enough without chasing you for the ball.Sorry but its best to lie and watch it anyway.
We love watching the tennis too Petey! S&M are in summer camp this week so it means Mom and myself have lots of time to sit together and watch the tennis!! Pretty hot over there - amazing we're over a short hop across the water and the weather is so much cooler here!
Enjoy the rest of the games.
lots of woofs
Clive and the little man's mum!
We are glad you called your monkey after Andy.
Our Dad has a theory that Andy will be British if he wins but will be Scottish if he doesn't!!!
It's a Scottish thing!! Common among the male Scots.
We loved your video but agree with Bobby - you have to give the ball back to be a ball dog!
You looked very cute snuggled up there watching tennis - thats exactly what we were doing.
Martha & Bailey xxx
we're on the tennis watch as well petey - you look awfully comfy there. Saturday and Sunday mornings require strawberries and cream and flaky croissants - it's tradition!
I've been watching the tennis with my Dad - fun stuff! Glad you've got a buddy to watch the matches with!
*kissey face*
Yes, as wise Martha observes, the media's view of Andy Murray's nationality varies according to whether or not he's winning. We here in Aberdeen are a mixed household, me Scottish, Gail English. Gail says you can always tell a well-balanced Scotsman - a chip on both shoulders. Is that supposed to be funny or something??
Go Andy!
Cheers, H.
Hi Petey,
Good luck to your guy, Andy. Mom used to watch tennis ALL the time before her fav player, Andre Agassi, retired.
My mom's like Bijou's mom. She liked Andre too! But you certainly look cozy watching!
Oh! And I think you do very well with the ball fetching!
Hugs xo
I knew you would have some part of Wimbledon! Hope you got your strawberries. In my house, you might wear them.
gussie d
Ha,haa Petey. Great minds think alike. Good game eh? And Martha has it right that boy is British until Saturday..then we will see!!! Did Mom get you an Eton Mess Petey?
Wiry wags n kissies Eric xxx
Oh would be an incredible Wimble Don Ball Dog...I'm surprised you haven't thought of that earlier....
I was wondering if I could hire you to sorta smooth things over with the Jake and Harry Wheelies...
Any thoughts?????
Love and kisses...Laciegirlie
Pee ess...evidently the Heron Cam dude has retained an attorney...all I have is Scruffy and well he's surely have the gift of GAB...perhaps you could mediate.....
I am NOT Gilbert's MOTHER...
I can see you are enjoying the matches!
Kisses and hugs
Quiet, please Mommy. We're trying to watch the tennis. Could you go rustle up some strawberries and Devonshire cream please? Make yourself useful, old girl!
oh my! lol!!!
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