Now, I hope
Rosie and Mommy won't take offense, but there is a new woman in my life and frankly, I'm madly in love with her. In fact, I can't stop thinking about her and want to be with her 24 hours a day.
She's the loveliest lady at the Cafe Cluny ice cream stand. And I think she has a bit of a crush on me as well...

You see, she says that I'm her most favorite customer. I'm certainly the most vocal - I let out a howl of delight if we're even within half a block of her ice cream cart.
And she has the most delectable, non-chocolate (and thus not quite as bad for doggies) flavors. Imagine Coconut ice cream...or Banana Wafer....or even....PEANUT BUTTER!!!!
I used to just get a taste on a little sampling spoon, but now she gives me a sample on a GIANT spoon...

Can you see how over-the-moon happy this makes me??? My tail nearly wagged right off.

AROOOOO! What!? A bit more for the cameras? (Note to Mommy: bring the camera with us on EVERY walk from now on.)

She even holds the spoon patiently so I can get every last molecule of deliciousness off the spoon.

I can't even begin to describe how perfect this ice cream is -- it's handmade daily and absolutely scrumptious. Mommy even buys a cup now and then to share with me. (Although I have to wait until she's done with her portion - she won't share a spoon with me, spoilsport.)

Just look what a good job I did - you could put that spoon back on the shelf!

Thank you so much, sweet and lovely Cafe Cluny Ice Cream lady! You are my favorite 2-legged (although don't share that with those nice fellows at Focaccia Restaurant who hand-feed me fresh focaccia when we go by...). Better amend that - you're my favorite 2-legged of the female variety!!!
Now - file this next photo under "Exactly how stupid are humans?" This sign was recently posted at the playground nearby. Can you smell a lawsuit? Gee - things get hot in the sun, who knew?

Even an ice-cream obsessed Cairn terrier knows that!
You are a wiley dude. I bet she doesn't give big spoonfulls of ice cream like that to any people!
That sign! Ugh! Makes momma yearn for the days when she was a kid and they had cement under the jungle gym.
OOOOHHHH...Banana wafer? nummy. And we are sure Rosie won't be too jealous, after all, she is your true love, and you connect on levels other than ice cream. Right?
You know, Petey, you are giving our Girl more and more reasons for wanting to come to NY for her big celebration next spring. And you are giving us more and more reasons to defend why we should come along. Peanut butter ice cream? Nyummmmm!
Jake and Fergi
(you are soooo cute)
The ice cream lady is a good person to befriend!
I'scream, U'scream, we all 'scream for ICE'scream!!!! YAY!!! Ice'scream allaroun for the doglets! Petey's buying us a roun...I know he said so...I heard it in my heart!
Oh my...that ice cream looks totally fab, Petey...
Oh...the days where they had cement under the jungle gym...Mumsie 'members it well...she always fell off the jungle gym...actually, she fell of most everything...member when there was actualy DIRT under the swings and there would be hooge puddles and you could JUMP RIGHT IN THEM???
Hot 'nuff for ya Petey???
Barkin' at ya dog!!
OMG, we would be best friends with that ice cream lady too, Petey! What a lucky boy you are! Mom won't share her spoon with us either - we have to wait till the end too and that's exactly why we have our own purple shovel spoon!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Mmmmm Banana Wafer have one for me could you Petey. They sound scrumptious. Looking at that kind Cafe Cluny lady I would say she's a tad in woof with you too Petey.Play it for all it's worth and give her your special beamer. And be a good boy and take back a lick for Mica. I think he would like it.Little Eric would too.
Wiry loves and kissies Eric xxx
Pee S Watch out for Mr Postie in a few days bestest!OoooHaaaaahaaahaaaa!!!!
You lucky lucky lucky fellow! Your icecream lady looks so gorgeous on so many levels! Does she have a sister perhaps? One that fancies a trip to Scotland even? Just fantasizing......
Cheers, H.
Petey, you are sooo talking our language!!!
We just love ice cream and our mum is drooling!
We think you have that young lady wrapped right around your little cairn paw - probably us bassets don't stand a chance but oh boy can we dream............
your adoring aunties
Martha & Bailey xxxx
ps can we just point out that it is not etiquette to mention your aunties bloomers!!!!
Petey, ice cream looks so gooood....
Takes care
ViVi & AB
Oh yummyiness, now I want some ice cream. I am going to go bug my Mom, thanks Petey.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Oh Petey.....I mean, who wouldn't be in love with you? You lucky dawg getting spoon-fed ice-cream by a pretty Dad and Alfie are drooling for totally different reasons! And me (& my Mum) are swooning at your utter wonder she's wrapped round your paw (is it better now?)
See you under the blankie....don't stay up too late :o)
Rosie-Posie xxxx
PS....Gabbi LOVES the hard hat & vis vest and can't stop singing YMCA....she's nuts!
Not only is she pretty but she doles out ice cream!!!! -Hang onto that lady, Petey.
Play bows, the OP Pack
I can't blame you a BIT for crushing on that nice lady!! What nummy treats she gives you!!
Hi, Petey!
I can understand you love her!
About that sign... well... at least they warn you!
Kisses and hugs
I'd be in love too!
Those flavours sound yummy!
I khan't believe your mom won't share a spoon with woo!
As fur the sign....Mom says it is sad the herd khan't be khulled.
I totally agwee! That ice cweam is delish! and the lady is not only pwetty but awfully nice.
ummm, I seem to wemembew getting a lectoowe fwom you about the evils of eating ice this diffewent?
see you at the stand, hehehehe
smoochie kisses
Yummy ice-cream Petey!
You sure get treated well.
Take care
How nice that you get yummy ice cream. ;)
~ Bae
Peanut butter good is that! You should hang out at that ice-cream place more often.
Ice-cream. We gots some mango ice-cream once cause the male beans didn't like it so Mommy shared it with us. ~S,S,C & F
Fresh foccacia and ice cream!! How lucky can one pup be!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
PS - stoopid sign
OOOOhhhhhh lucky lucky you....WE would be there ALLDAY with her...Love A+A
OMD! What a yummy place. You sure know how to work the ladies.
Mum took a piccure of a sign when she was in some public toilets the other day. It told you step by step how to wash your hands. she did this face -.-
~lickies, Ludo
Mmm! Free ice cream! You're so lucky to know a nice lady like that.
Oh Petey, I can't believe I didn't get to meet that ice cream lady when I was in NY. And now that mom got me a brother, I don't know when I'll ever get back. I miss you!
Grom, Grom , Grom! Though the artisanal ice cream truck up here is good too! I pull Maria towards Grom every time we're nearby and she buys me my own cup of vanilla. You should really hold our for that.
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