Right off the bat, we have to tell you some GREAT NEWS! Mica is doing just fine!!! His antibiotics seem to have done the trick. Mommy also discovered that if she mixed the liquid with a little bit of canned tuna, he'd gobble it right now. Much less traumatic for both of them. He's much happier and more active and even looks like he may have put on a little weight.

The vet wants us to get another bottle of antibiotics and keep him on it for a while longer. We knew he was feeling a lot better when he even played with this adorable toy that
Toffee's Mom sent to him. (I got some yummy bully sticks but ate'em right up!)

It's been awfully busy around here! Mom's bestest pal Buddy's Mom has been visiting us all the way from South Carolina so they've been tearing all around town since last Thursday. They went to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular, heard Christine Ebersole (big Broadway star) sing holiday songs at Birdland jazz club, went to a recital of the Nutcracker, saw the fabulous holiday windows on Fifth Avenue (if you're in New York during the holidays, the windows at Bergdorf Goodman are a must-see!). I got lots of walks with my wonderful dog walker who took me all over the place, so I didn't feel bad to be left at home at all!
And as you know from Asta's blog, my bestest pal Eric Square Dog's 2-leggeds came to New York for vacation!
Now, being a posh dog-about-town, Eric instructed his Mum on the fine art of English tailoring. And just feast your eyes on this exquisite ensemble....

It's a genuine English Harris Tweed coat, lined in the softest orange cashmere (Eric's signature touch!) with real leather knotted buttons on the belt. And the outfit is set off by a genuine deer-stalker cap!!!
I look like Sherlock Bones!

Here I am out for a trot about the park in my new bespoke jacket. Really felt Mom looked a bit shabby at the other end of the leash.

It truly is a perfect custom-fit. My bestest pal
Eric was an excellent fit model. I could even catch a whiff of his signature scent of chestnut tree leaves, Barks & Spencer liver treats and just a soupcon of Royal park deer poopies. I even got to spend some quality time with Flat Eric and tried to carry him into the other room for a private chat, but our leggeds wouldn't allow it.

Thank you ever so much, Square Mum (Square Daddy, too! You toss a fabulous tennis ball. Must be the proximity to Wimbledon)—we are gobsmacked by your incredible talents and generosity. I can't walk more than half a block without getting admiring comments and "ooohhs! and ahhhhhs!" I just love it!!!!
Now, if I could only do something about Mom's tacky togs! (In Mom's defense, she's had a cold since right after Thanksgiving that's turned into bronchitis and has been barking more than me! She's going to the people's vet tomorrow. Maybe Mica will be mixing his antibiotics in her tuna sandwich...)
We are glad Mica is on the mend. Hope your Mom feels better soon. You look extra dashing in your new togs. ~S,S & F
You are sure a handsome Sherlock Bones!
Sally Ann
Pawesome news about 'Mica'!!!
Woo look absowootely fetching in your smashing duds!
Hope your mom behaves at the human v-e-t! Grrrreat idea on the tuna'd meds!
Wooos! We are so glad Mica is feeling better! Man you look like one handsome laddie in that coat. Scampi is jealous, but I think woo look adorable!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hey bestest. You make a spiffy Sherlock! Gld you liked the Eric Eau. Hope you got the backnote of kittie logs too. Remember any orders for Saville bespokes for Mom Square and she'll cut you in +++$$$$$ commission!
Wiries, Eric xx
Oh my! You sure look dashing! I love a man with style! Is that an AireDale in the BG window? The one made of paper?
What a smart looking chappy you are! Well suited for you!
We're glad to hear that Mica is doing better. Brilliant plan: splked tuna fish.
Tell your moma we hope she's feeling better soon.
Love ya
Jake and Fergs xxoo
Hi, Petey!
I am so happy to know Mica is doing so well!
And you... you... look... soooo handsome!
Kisses and hugs
What a lovely post (and beautiful writing), Petey!
We are so happy that Mica is more comfortable. And yes...you are looking a 'cut above the rest'. Eish!...Sherlock Bones! BOL! We were in stitches of laughter here!
Do send your mum lots of hugs from us all.
Such great news, Mica! We are delighted! The little ones send tiny squeals of joy too!
You do look so very dapper in that ensemble, Petey!
Well go on then Petey, just rub it in about having a smart new coat....
Cheers! H.
Hi Petey
Great to hear that Mica is doing so well. You love so handsome in your jacket!
Hope your Mom is feeling much better soon.
love and woofs
Clive and Murray
How smart do you look Petey. You remind me of someone....ummm Sherpaws Holmes...yeah that's the bloke.
We're thrilled to hear Mica is better. Looks like the meds did the trick.
Hope your mum feels better soon.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Brilliant outfit! Eric is a most generous pup. So much excitement in NYC.
Good news on little Mica. Let's keep him around for a while.
We are glad to hear that Mica is on the mend and hope to hear soon that your Mom is also.
The girls are all a dither seeing you in your Sherlock Bones duds. Such a stylish figure.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Petey...your ensemble is stunning. We hope your mom gets to feeling better soon, so she and Mica can have a Merry Christmas with you and your admiring public.
Well we are glad she is better!! And you are looking very very spiffy!! That square Mom is something else!!! Very dashing and elemental my dear boy..Love A+A
Very smart coat Petey, very dashing!
Glad Mica is doing better. Get well soon Mum now!
~lickies, Ludo
Woohoo for Mica! We are soooo glad he's feeling better! You look very handsome in your new Sherlock Bones outfit!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Petey, we are thrilled to hear that Mica is doing well with the antibiotics!
We loved seeing you in your Sherlock Bones outfit - how very kind of Eric's mum.
Will you please please please ask your mom to email her address just so I can send a little card.
Thank you
Martha & Bailey xxx
So good to hear that Mica is doing better - meds are wonderful, aren't they? What a dashing new outfit Eric sent you - you look just fantastic, Petey. The real Sherlock must be very jealous.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
What gweat news about Mica!!!!Huwwah..now about youw Mom..poow auntie Jane, although mommi says hew voice was sowt of attwactive all husky and evewything, hehehe take good cawe of hew! Wewen't the squawes the BEST????? I'm totally in awe of Ewic's Mum's talents..she's amazing and youw outfit is cewtainly the most elegant I've seen awound this city..and the hat, well I will know who to call o when I need mystwies solved..Mommi asked if you needed a meew shaum pipe? I think she has one, hehehe
see you awound the neighbowhood , if the cwowds of youw admiwews allow
smoochie kisses
OMG, Petey! You look awesome in your new tweed coat and hat! All you need is the pipe!
We're so glad to hear that Mica is doing much, much better!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Petey...we hope ur mom has stopped all that barkin' from her BRONK EYE TIS...have ya tried that citronella bark collar??? Ya might get more sleep that way!
You look pawsitively amazing in that Sherlock Bones outfit...and lined in orange...oh, how Eric that is...
Mumsie just read what I typed and now I hafta apologize for sayin' your mom should get sprayed when she barks...um...I 'pologize...
Kisses, Petey and we're sooo glad Mica's feelin' better!!
Tho we are late in commenting, we were checking in on Mica. We are soooooo happy he got better!!
Mom says you guys in New York get to meet EVERBODY(just about) She says she needs to win the ottery so she can buy her big ranch then jet folks in or jet us out for visits! *rolls eyes at mom*
Uh, she is kinda a dreamer.....
Anyway, most handsome ensemble Petey!! Very Dashing. If you were not married you'd be a babe magnet I bet!!!
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